
My Hybrid System, Long forgotten.

In olden times, there was an orphan named Alec. Growing up without the knowledge of who his parents were, Alec was forced to live with his uncle who mistreated him and barely gave him a proper meal.  However, in an effort to get food he committed an unintentional crime whose penalty was death. When Alec was caught, he ran into the woods and was chased down by the local police officers, along with his uncle's sister, Elva. While running in the woods, he unconsciously stumbled over a tree root causing him to fall back down the hill. "No!!" He screamed as he rolled down the hill.  "Arrr!!" Alec winced in pain when he subsequently stopped rolling.  As he observed the damages he bought from the fall, he heard far away chatterings of the police officers after him. "Shit! They are nearby," Alec muttered in panic as he right away stood on his feet to continue running. However, just as he took one step farther from the place he stood, he fell inside a deep dark hole.  "No!!!!!!" Alec screamed as he went down the deep dark hole. The last thing he saw was a mild red light before passing out. "Where am I? " he asked, "What happened?" Just then a screen appeared before his eyes. [System processing…] [System activated] [You have successfully activated your Long forgotten hybrid system] "What?" This was where his ride began.  Now the fate of mankind lies in his hands as he keeps on completing quests and tasks to get stronger. The question is, will he be able to cease and defeat Lucifer? ******* Support the author with your votes. ********* Note to new readers, The first few chapters may appear similar to MVS if you have a look at it carefully but as the book goes it will take turns to become a story of its own. If you are not relaxed reading it, I will advise that you do not even begin but if you wanna stick with me till the story's transformation then I will be glad to have you as one of my readers. ********** Author's note, There might be a few grammatical errors in the first few chapters but I promise that as you read, you will get to revel the story.

Ultimatefive · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Not a suitable tutor.

"What the hell is she doing here?" Alec thought as beads of cold sweat started to form on his forehead.

Alec sat up with his eyes glued to every step Kim made. If one could see Alec's look right now, it looked as though Kim was a deadly criminal under close surveillance.

Kim walked straight to the bed and sat right beside Alec which startled him a bit.

"W-What can I do for you mis…"

"I couldn't sleep knowing that a stranger is under the same roof as me, so I came to know who you are, where you came from, and how you came here," Kim said, interrupting Alec.

Alec swallowed nervously realizing how close they two were. He had never gotten this close to any female except Silvia, his childhood friend. So Alec was a bit flushed with the sudden nearness.

Looking at the cloth Kim wore, his face went crimson red. The nightwear she wore was a bit transparent and loose, with a wide neck that revealed a reasonable piece of her boobs.

"You can look all you want because you're never gonna access them. Now answer me," Kim uttered seeing where his gaze was.

Alec reddened more when he heard her brazen words.

"How can she be so brazen with words?" Alec couldn't help but mutter to himself in embarrassment.

"Emmm," Alec said as if clearing his throat before he continued,

"I used to live in a village named Azalea," Alec said as he began narrating his life back in his village and also explained what happened before he found himself there. He told Kim everything but skipped the black book part, as well as the system he got after seeing himself in the new world.

Kim's once stiff and expressionless face softened on hearing Alec's explanation.

"If he is telling the truth then I'd make a lot of sense on why he is ignorant of many things here," Kim thought.

"You're quite lucky to have escaped such a cruel death. But where the heck do they still burn people for fighting? Sounds like some old age crap," Kim said at the end of Alec's explanation. "You don't mind telling me a little about your childhood, right?"

After saying that, Kim switched position from sitting to now lying on her front. The reason for this was to feel more comfortable hearing the story.

Unbeknownst to Kim that her swift change in position made Alec uncomfortable as he got to have a better view of her already exposed cleavage.

"Stop embarrassing yourself, Alec," Alec subconsciously scolded himself before focusing on answering her question.

However, as the story went on Kim unknowingly dozed off on Alec's bed.

"Oh, shit! Why did she sleep off here? What will I do now? I definitely can't wake her. It's not gonna be good if she gets to find out that I fucking dared to lay a hand on her while she was asleep," Alec thought as he gritted his teeth in frustration.

Having no choice but to let her stay, he left the bed for her and headed to the couch to have his sleep.

A few moments later, sleep kicked in. It was expected after all the stress he went through today.


Kim was the first to wake up after about a good eight hours of sleep.

Call it instinct or whatever Kim was able to figure out that she wasn't in her room with shut eyes.

The air around the room was totally different from hers.

Shooting her eyes open, she saw a blonde-haired boy laying on the sofa adjacent to the bed she lay on. Seeing that, it dawned on her that she didn't go back to her room after their chit-chat last night.

So quietly without making any sound, she exited the room, while cursing at herself for being careless.

She first check the hallway to see if any of her parents were there cause it would look awkward seeing her coming out of their guest's room in the early hours of the morning.

Luckily both of her parents were still in their room, so she sneakily ran up to her room.

On the other hand, Alec shot his eyes open immediately after he heard the closing sound of the door. Not like the door was banged hard just that his sense of hearing was at an advanced level.

The first thing that popped out of his sight was the message from the system.

[Daily quest: 'Sleep for seven hours' has successfully been completed]

[+20 Xp reward received]

[25/200 Xp]

Alec was a bit confused when he saw that message. The system didn't offer him any quest to reward him that Xp. Nevertheless, it wasn't bad as he needed them to get stronger.

"I pray it will continue like this each time I wake up," Alec thought.

Rising from his couch, he did some stretching before proceeding to step out of the room.

However, he halted on his track when he heard sounds outside. Though the sound wasn't that loud, he still was able to hear it.

He walked to the window to check where the noise was coming from and there, he saw Kim training with her dagger.

In front of the small training ground was a wood-carved, human figure.

As he watched Kim, he noticed that she only aims at the head of the wooden figure.

Also, daggers seemed to auto-supply from her hands each time she threw out one.

"Maybe this was how she got the daggers she used against those demons," Alec thought as he keenly looked at her auto-supplying daggers.

"She is very skilled in the usage of daggers," Alec muttered. "I guess it won't be bad if I get to learn how to use one just like her."

There are still many things he has yet to learn in this new world. Their way of life appeared to be quite different from how the people of his village lived.

Unfortunately for Alec, Kim quickly turned her head and caught him staring.

"Fuck! She caught me stealing glances," Alec gritted his teeth in regret as he quickly hid behind the curtains.

Seeing that, Kim irked a smile before saying.

"Hey! No need to hide! I have already seen you. Quickly get down here!"

"Oh gosh, she really saw me," Alec cried inwardly before taking walks downstairs.


After Kim had successfully entered her room without being caught, she let out a deep breath of relief before proceeding to prepare for her morning training.

Kim graduated from middle school two weeks ago and was given a two weeks summer break before resuming to enter the military academy.

As a matter of fact, the two weeks break given to her was gonna be over by tomorrow so she got only today to be free before being sent off to the military school.

A few minutes later, Kim was done dressing up in her training attire. The attire was a yellow handless sleeve and black spotless shorts. With her attire, she had the resemblance of a girl tennis ball player.

Quickly grabbing her water container, she headed to the training ground.

On her way downstairs, she came across her dad.

"Good morning dad," Kim greeted with a smile.

"Morning Kim, I guess you're already on your way to the training grounds?" Karg asked.

"Yes, dad. I'm already late, see ya," Kim said, walking past her father to continue downstairs.

"Wait, Kim, you don't mind teaching Alec a few fighting stances, do you?" Karg asked, halting her pace.

On hearing Alec's name, a sudden blush crept on Kim's face which she immediately shook off before turning to answer her father.

"Come on dad, you know I'm not a good tutor. Why don't you find him a suitable tutor if you wanna get him trained," Kim answered back. "I will get going now." Saying that she continued her walk downstairs.

"And don't you go sneaking in and out of other people's room," Karg taunted with an incredibly low voice.

Though the words came out as a whisper, Kim very much heard them.

"Shit! He knew." Kim gritted her teeth in embarrassment, as she continued her walk downstairs, bothered not to turn to look at her father's face.

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