

Jessica Amelia, seorang wanita cantik yang telah di selingkuhi oleh suaminya yang bernama David sanjaya. Perselingkuhan suaminya mulai di ketahui oleh Jessica, saat dia baru saja melahirkan anak pertamanya yang bernama Alexandria Elleanor Sanjaya. Mereka memutuskan bercerai di usia pernikahanya yang menuju usia ke sepuluh tahun. Setelah Jessica menceraikan suaminya, dia mencoba untuk bekerja lagi di salah satu kantor milik keponakanya David. Tidak lama kemudian keponakan david diam-diam telah mencintai Jessica, setelah dia sering bertemu bersama dengan jessica di kantor miliknya. David yang mulai melihat kedekatan mereka selama ini, menjadi membuatnya mulai merasa cemburu. David lalu mencoba untuk mengejar cintanya Jessica kembali, setelah dia tahu bahwa tidak ada wanita yang lebih tulus mencintainya, kecuali Jessica.

Enny_Lestarii · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


The beautiful marriage that I once dreamed of has now turned into a ruin for my life. Now my husband was back in love with his former lover, Stella.

I thought that after I threatened Stella not to bother my husband, she would realize that Cristian was no longer hers, but mine. Stella had succeeded in ruining my relationship with my husband.

Now my husband had turned into a very violent man and no longer cared about me. Even though Cristian had betrayed the loyalty that I had practiced all this time, I was still trying to maintain the state of my household that I had built for almost 10 years.

Tonight is my 10th wedding anniversary with Cristian. I hope that Cristian still remembers our 10th wedding anniversary.

After I put my children to bed in their room, I waited for my husband on the sofa in the living room.

It's already 11:00 pm but my husband still hasn't come home from work. I began to feel suspicious that he was with Stella, his mistress.

Tringggg..... I tried to call my husband.

But Cristian wouldn't answer my call. My mind immediately went to Stella, his mistress. I thought my husband must be alone with Stella. I tried to call my mother-in-law to see if she could make my husband change.

Tringgggggg.... the phone rang.

"Hello, mom?" I said to my mother-in-law.

"Hello, why Jeniffer? What's wrong with calling at night?" My mother-in-law said to me.

"Mom, I actually want to tell you that Cristian has been having an affair with another woman." I said as I was telling my mother-in-law.

"How is Cristian not looking for another woman, Jeniffer? Just look at the state you're in now. Cristian must not be interested in you anymore. One of the things you have to do is to be able to give Cristian a son so that your husband can be comfortable in your house." My mother-in-law said to me.

I thought that after I told her about my husband's infidelity, my mother-in-law would help me to make Cristian change. But it turned out that my mother-in-law insulted me for not being what I used to be. How could I be pregnant again when I had just given birth to my baby?

At 1:00 p.m. my husband came home. I couldn't contain my emotions any longer when I saw my husband come home last night.

"Cristian, you must have come home from Stella's house, your mistress, right?" I said with annoyance.

"What's wrong with you Jeniffer, I just got home from work and you're angry with me and accusing me of something I didn't do." Said my husband who was reasoning.

"Then why did you come home last night, no one else came home from work last night Cristian. I feel sorry for our children who never get special attention from their daddy." Cristian said to me.

"Enough Jeniffer, I'm tired, I want to rest. You can talk about your own shortcomings. You just can't make me feel at home in this house." My husband said and went to his room.

Cristian always tries to make excuses to protect himself. His treatment of me has really changed now. How much longer do I have to put up with this kind of household.

Suddenly my husband came out of the room with his pillow and blanket.

"Cristian, where are you going to sleep?" I said as I saw Cristian carrying a pillow out of my room.

"I'll sleep in the next room, I don't want to see your face anymore which always makes me feel emotional." Cristian immediately closed the door to the room.

Cristian's behavior hurt me even more, especially after hearing him say that he no longer wanted to share a room with me.

The next day Cristian went to work without wanting to eat my cooking. My husband went to work without saying goodbye to me. Finally, I decided to go to Stella's house to make sure that my husband was not at home today.

At 12:00 noon I went to Stella's house with my two children. After I arrived in front of her house my feelings for my husband were instantly shattered.

I saw my husband's luxury car parked at Stella's house that afternoon. I tried to strengthen my heart and ventured into Stella's house. With a broken heart and full of emotions, I went straight into her house. After I arrived at Stella's house, I didn't see my husband in the living room. I immediately rushed to Stella's room upstairs.

I went straight to Stella's room upstairs. After I arrived at the door of her room, I started to hear sighing sounds inside the room. I hoped they weren't having sex during this time. But suddenly I started hearing my husband Cristian's sighs.

Deghhhh... I immediately wanted to break down the door to see what they were doing. When I opened the door, I saw my husband's body on top of Stella's body without any clothes on. Instantly my world was shattered by seeing Cristian and Stella making love in front of my eyes and those of my two children.

Brukkkkkkkkkkkkk... The sound of the door opening.

"Cristian... What are you doing with Stella? Why did you have the heart to destroy my love. What did I do to you that you would cheat on me with this woman with no self-respect. !!!!." I said while crying and holding my daughter Mellyza.

''Jeniffer????. How did I know you were here!!!'' Cristian said, surprised by my presence in Stella's house.

''Why is Daddy with another woman mommy?'' My daughter Michelle said.

While holding my daughter Mellyza, I immediately grabbed the hair of Stella who was lying on her bed. Emotions could no longer be held back when I saw the husband I had loved and respected making love to another woman.

''It's better if we divorce Cristian, you continue your relationship with Stella. Let me take Michelle and Mellyza with me.

''Jeniffer, listen to my explanation. You can't take our children away. We're getting a divorce but the children have to come with me.'' Cristian said while pulling my left hand.

''Since when did you care about our children. All this time you've only been concerned with yourself and this woman with no self-respect. '' I said as I immediately ran and got into the car to take my two children away from home.

My heart and feelings were already broken and I no longer wanted to live with a traitorous man like Cristian. When I got home I immediately brought some clothes for me and also clothes for my children.

Tonight I'm going to my best friend Jessica's house. Her house is not far from mine. I might stay at her house for a while, until I can rent a house to live in with my children later.
