

Jessica Amelia, seorang wanita cantik yang telah di selingkuhi oleh suaminya yang bernama David sanjaya. Perselingkuhan suaminya mulai di ketahui oleh Jessica, saat dia baru saja melahirkan anak pertamanya yang bernama Alexandria Elleanor Sanjaya. Mereka memutuskan bercerai di usia pernikahanya yang menuju usia ke sepuluh tahun. Setelah Jessica menceraikan suaminya, dia mencoba untuk bekerja lagi di salah satu kantor milik keponakanya David. Tidak lama kemudian keponakan david diam-diam telah mencintai Jessica, setelah dia sering bertemu bersama dengan jessica di kantor miliknya. David yang mulai melihat kedekatan mereka selama ini, menjadi membuatnya mulai merasa cemburu. David lalu mencoba untuk mengejar cintanya Jessica kembali, setelah dia tahu bahwa tidak ada wanita yang lebih tulus mencintainya, kecuali Jessica.

Enny_Lestarii · Fantasy
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18 Chs


After I saw Cristian having sex with Stella, I immediately decided to ask Cristian for a divorce. I couldn't bear to stay married to him.

That night I tried to call Jessica.

Jessica was disappointed with what Cristian had done to me.

Tringg... Voice on the phone

"Jessica, where are you, can I sleep at your house tonight. It turns out that everything you said about my husband was true. Cristian has been having an affair with Stella. I said to Jessica.

"I am very sad to hear this news Jeniffer. I never thought that Cristian would betray you. Cristian used to love you so much." Jessica said, trying to help me.

It was with a feeling of sadness that I had to leave my house with my two children...

"Mom, where are we going tonight? Michelle said, looking at me.

"We're going to Aunt Jessica's house, honey. I said to my daughter Michele while shedding tears.

After arriving at Jessica's house, it wasn't long before Cristian arrived with Stella. Cristian came to take my two children and took them away.

Knock... knock... knock... The sound of Jessica's door.

Jessica was surprised to see Cristian in front of her house.

''Where are Jeniffer and her children? Cristian asked as he entered the house.

"Jeniffer and her children are not at home. Jessica said, trying to lie to my husband.

At first Cristian believed Jessica's words and wanted to leave the house. But when he heard my baby, Mellyza, crying, Cristian turned around and snatched my two children from my hands.

''You think you can hide from me Jeniffer. You stupid woman!!!,'' Cristian said as he pushed me to the floor and I fell.

''No Cristian .... Please give me back my two children right now. I said pleadingly to Cristian.

''Mommmyyyyyy.'' Michelle's crying child called out to me.

But Cristian didn't listen to me. My heart broke seeing Cristian take my two children by force. Jeniffer who saw my situation could only try to calm me down.

"Jeniffer, you have to be strong for the sake of your two children. I never thought that Cristian would do such an evil thing to you." Jessica said while hugging me.

"Thank you Jess, you are always there for me. I said while crying.

In the evening Cristian took my children to my mother-in-law's house. They wanted to leave my two children because they didn't want the headache of hearing my children cry.

"Mom, I want to leave the kids with you. Please don't let Jeniffer come back to this house. Tomorrow I want to file the divorce papers with Jeniffer. " Cristian said as he gave my two children to my mother-in-law.

"Are you sure you want to divorce your wife?" asked my incredulous mother-in-law.

"Yes. After I saw Cristian having sex with Stella, I immediately decided to ask Cristian for a divorce. I couldn't bear to keep the house.

Yes mom, because my domestic relationship with him can no longer be saved. After I officially divorce Jeniffer, I will marry Stella immediately.

My mother-in-law can only comply with Cristian's wishes. Ever since Cristian was a little boy, everything his mother wanted him to do had always been done for him.

In the morning Cristian came to see me again at Jessica's house. Cristian came with a piece of divorce paper for me. My heart and mentality were completely broken by Cristian. The person who once loved me so romantically has now turned into a person who is very mean to me.

"Jeniffer, please sign the divorce papers immediately. I will soon marry Stella, the woman I have always loved." Cristian said while hugging Stella in front of me.

"Hey, fat girl, hurry up and sign the divorce papers." Stella said while insulting me.

I wanted to tear out Stella's evil mouth, but I didn't want to go to the police just because of her. I immediately signed the divorce papers in front of Stella's eyes.

"Honey, let's leave this fat woman immediately." Stella said, taking Cristian's hand.

In the evening I tried to persuade my mother-in-law to allow me to see my two children. But my mother-in-law would not allow me to see my two daughters. I really wanted to hug them, but my mother-in-law wanted to kick me out of her house.

"Mom, please let me hug my children for a while. Don't separate me from my children ma'am, please." I said as I begged my mother-in-law to let me see my children.

"No Jeniffer, I don't want to let my grandchildren live in poverty like you. You should be grateful that your children are being taken care of by Cristian. Cristian is the only one who can pay for all your children's needs. You, on the other hand, are an unemployed woman who can't do anything. Which hospital would accept a doctor like you again. Now leave my house." My mother-in-law said as she closed the door.

But in the middle of the trip I accidentally met again with my former lover named James William.

"Jeniffer.. where are you going?. Why are you raining. Come here, get in my car so I can take you home.

Since it was raining heavily outside, I decided to get into James' car.

"Jeniffer, why are you out in the rain? Where's your son. Are you okay?" Said James who was curious.

"I'm divorced from my husband Cristian. I was just kicked out of my mother-in-law's house. They don't allow me to come to see my two children anymore. Now I don't know what to do to get my children back in my hands." I said with tears in my eyes.

" I''m honestly very saddened by this news Jeniffer. After I've hurt you in the past I hope that no other man will ever hurt you again." James said while staring intently at me.

I don't know why James suddenly reappeared in my life when I needed someone to listen to me. Even though I had promised not to meet him again let alone get back close to him.

The next day Jessica suddenly knocked on my room.

"Jeniffer, are you awake yet? There is someone who wants to see you." Jeniffer said in front of my door.

I immediately opened my bedroom door and saw who was trying to meet me this early.

"Hi Jeniffer, how are you? Are you doing well today?. I came here to tell you that I have some good news for you." James said while looking at me.

What's the good news? I said, feeling curious.

"Earlier I met with Dr. Richard who is now the managing director at Jhon Hopkins Hospital, where you used to work. Then he told me, he said he wanted you to return to work at the hospital." James said to me.

"Are you serious James, do they still want to accept and trust me again." I said incredulously.

"Yes Jeniffer I am serious. Tomorrow I will take you to meet with doctor Richard" James said to me.

I felt very happy to hear this happy news. I will prove to Cristian and my mother-in-law that I can be as successful as they are. I will even make him a poor man so that he can feel what it is like to live without having much wealth.
