
Storm (2)

As time passed.

Dave did not know how long he was guarding Amber.

He remembered that Amber needed to change her clothes.

He randomly check the cabinet and sees a pair of pajamas He gets it and skillfully changes the Amber clothes.

He felt nervous once he undid her tops seeing her perfect bloosom. Also her skin is so delicate like forcelain that gives him a reason to be more careful.

His adams apple bolted up and down.

What are you thinking! He said to his self.

Even though her fever subsides.

He can feel that she is still trembling.

He adjusted her arm so that it is easy to put the new top but it slips to his shoulder.

He doesn't know what Amber is thinking and she also raised another arm in his shoulder She added more pressure to in and pushed self to Dave making it look like she wants a hug.

Maybe because she feels cold.

Without hesitation he offers his body and moves forward.

Feeling defeated he slowly pushed self to Amber and He hugged her tightly.

He tries his hardest to avoid the arousal in his body and mind. This situation is insane! He thought.

He started to count one to one hundred and repeated it two times before he managed to feel relaxed.

The room feels totally silent and for him it is like hell.

He adjusted their posture so that they can relax a bit.

His arm is now the pillow for Amber head and He can smell the jasmine flavored of her hair just a bit of smell, the burn in his body slowly getting back. He closed his eyes and He gritted his teeth to fight the pain in his body.

The ambience is warm Amber is slowly moving, she scratches her head to his chest and hugs him firmly.

He patted her back and slowly caressed her hair

he repeated it lovingly and with care.

After sometime He can sense that Amber is asleep. All of a sudden he fell asleep also.

Amber slowly opened her eyes and to her surprise she can feel that she is hugging a man? A musculin type.

Stunned she slowly straightened her back. She closed her eyes once again and when she opened her eyes she was still in that position.

She bit her lower lips, she can feel the pain that is when she clarifies the situation she is not dreaming about.

"What the hell? who is he?

She inhaled, and slowly tried to recall what happened yesterday.

When Dave gave him lunch yesterday she put it on the table.

She lay down on the bed trying to be calm as possible.

She can feel that she is cold She hugged her quilt tightly and fell asleep.

She can feel that the boat is slowly sailing.

Without so much thought she continued to lay down she can feel the dryness in her throat until she can hear the boat stop that was when she started to panic once again.

She pushes the quilt and drags her weak body to the bathroom.

It's dark outside and the light is off.

She wants to freshen up.

As she entered the bathroom. She heard Dave calling her name outside the cabin.

Not to bother to answer Dave calling her she proceeds to the bathroom when she is trying to open the faucet She feels dizzy and all of her surroundings are spinning.

She gripped hard on the sink to avoid her from falling, Still she fell to the ground. She can feel the cold in the bathroom She hugs herself.

She heard the opening of the door and switching the light. Foot steps also approach her.

She closed her eyes.

Even though she can hear Dave calling her she is weak and doesn't have time to respond or open her eyes.

She felt that she was lifted and put on bed.

And heard foot step going away from her. She tightly holds the quilt. She knows she is trembling.

After sometime she lifted once again and she can taste a bitter pill drop on her mouth.

Not prepared for that she coughed and spit it out. She frowned and felt that her clothes were wet because of her spitting.

All of a sudden she felt warm skin on her lips she opened her mouth and with warm water she felt that the bitter pill slowly dived into her mouth.

The skin is warm and soft, trying to think what's going on little by little it parted to her lips.

As that thought Amber slowly bit her lower lips. Really hard.