
Storm (3)

As that thought Amber slowly bit her lower lips. Really hard. Not trying to move.

Because if she moved she can alarm the person she is hugging right now.

After she drink the medicine, she fall asleep.

She feel her arm raised all of a sudden. Out of reflexed she raised her other arm and put it on the shoulder, She felt cold the warm sensation to the shoulder give her strenght and want to hug that person.

She felt the person stiffness but slowly draw closer to her. She give her what she want that is the warm hugs.

It give her assurance and comfort. Some other time she felt the patted ln her back and slowly stroking of her hair. Slowly she fell asleep.

She closed her eyes tightly, So that is what happened yesterday.

She can't digest what happened and she is the one to initiate the hug, all of the sudden her head hurts thinking about it.

This man that I am hugging is the man who helped me take medicine, he guards me over night and the warmth he gave me is the reason I'm feeling okay now.

So he is not a bad guy right? she question herself.

But the situation is insane, How can I hug him like that?

"Where is your pride Amber" she said to herself.

She moved slowly and parted to Dave's body, she faced the other side of the bed trying to decieved him that she is still asleep.

When she moved that was the time she understand the situation, she is not wearing any tops and they hug tightly?

He take advantage of me?

But she is the one to inetiate the hug right?

She has no right to object.

All she could do and hope know that Dave get out of the room. So she can changes her clothes.


She can fell that her bottom is intack. nothing happened.

She sighed in relief.

But she felt regetful when she parted to Dave body. I fell it before, the warm of security and protection. Its like it was repeated. That is weird, why am I feeling that way.? Its some kind of feeling that happened long time ago. But I can tell when was that?

She try to recall it but no to avail.

She try her hardest to lie that she is still asleep.



Murmured by Amber in the middle of the night.

She is trembling.

It was very audible but he heard it loud and clearly It also gave him heartache and he felt stiff all of a sudden.

He can feel that his heart is pricked by the needle and slowly he felt suffocated by it.

Honestly he can parted for this hug ages ago but he is also selfish he hug her tightly.

No one knows how he miss her so much. Given this opportunity he did not think twice that is why he hug her firmly. That was one of the best night of his life. Sleeping peacefully with his love of my life.

How he wishes that situation will last forever.

"Amber did you know that this is my dream"

"The only happiness he wants".

Thingking that line, slowly her eyes envelope with a great sadness.

But the destiny is playful, He slapped by the truth that Amber heart is belong to Anthony.

Even so he did not part with the hug, until he also fell asleep.

Amber slowly moved and parted to his body when he finally woke up.

He touch Amber forehead, and when he fell its in normal temperature he sighed deeply.

He got up to the bed and adjusted Amber from the bed.

He stood there for some time before turning his back and dashing to the door. And carefully closed it.

When the door closed Amber pretending to be sleep opened her eyes. She got up from bed.

She still felt the warm touch on her forehead. She also touched it.

Some part of her heart said that "he is not a bad guy"

some "be careful".

She slightly shook her head. "stop it and calmed down".

Eh.. Taking a back she see herself top less. She felt irritated pick up the top on the side table and dash to the bathroom door.

She washed her face and check her bottom, assured that nothing happened she sighed in relief.

She felt very hungry.

She calmed herself and collected the courage to get out of the cabin.