
Chapter 0

Once upon a time...

in a land far far away....

Our young hero Izuku Midoriya was walking through the forest in the pond region of UA island. Just 5 years old at the time, he wanted to explore the forests just before his bed time. The trees here grow to be a 100 feet tall, and the sounds of nature could be heard. He suddenly heard sword clashing and stopped dead in his tracks.

Curiosity took over him and he walked to the sounds. He poked his tiny head through the bushes and saw two grown men clashing with swords in a clearing in the woods. One wore a black mask and dark black cape while the other was musceler and looked very strong. His sword was huge compared to his opponents sword. Then he laughed.

"HAHAHAHA!" He laughed, "All for One, your rain fo terror will end here! Why? BECAUSE I AM HERE!"

Young Midoriya's eyes lit up, Oh my gosh! He thought to him self, It's All Might! The legendary swords man of the island! he's not a myth!

All for One was on the losing side of this battle. He needed to find an opening some how. He then noticed All Might wasn't protecting his sides. He slashed his sword towards it, missing, but causing All Might to fall to the ground. This wasn't anything All Might couldn't handle. If he just stayed focus, he could easily get back on his feet and finish the-

"ALL MIGHT NO!" cried a little boy in the bushes.

"Huh?!" All Might cried in confusion as he turned to the cry. All for One took the opportunity and plunged his sword into All Might's chest. All Might cried out in pain. then suddenly, All Might evaporated, leaving nothing but his sword behind.

"HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!" All for One cackled. His sword turned into a staff. Black smoke came from the staff surrounding All For One. HE then dissapeard.

Midoriya watched all the petrified. He ran out of the bushes to where there battle took place.

"All Might?!" Midoriya asked in confusion, "Where did you go?! Are you ok?! Who was that-WOAH!"

In the middle of the clearing was All Mights sword. Thought it did look different than before. It was now the size of a beginners sword, and it was in a hilt!

"WOW!! ALL MIGHTS SWORD!" Midoriya cried completely forgetting the fact that his hero was technically dead cause of him. He tried to pick up the sword but it was too heavy for his five year old arms. So instead he dragged it home (Cause finders keepers).

Inko Midoriya aka Izuku's mother was petrified to see her son come home with a sword.

"HEY MOM!" He said smiling from ear to ear, "LOOK WHAT I GOT?!"

Inko almost had a heart attack that night.

Izuku forgot all about that fateful day in the woods. All he had to prove it actually had happened was the sword in his room. But even with the sword, he could hardly believe the day had happened. For the sword would not open no matter how hard he tried. HE and his mom came up with the conclusion that it was fake and continued on with there lives.

Until one fatful day when Izuku was 15 years old.

"Midoriya, MIDORIYA!"

Midoriya woke up in a white room if you could call it one. the walls stretched out for ever and the cieling wasnt visible. He was confused as ever considering this was supposed to be his bedroom. he was even wearing his plaid green pajamas!


Midoriya turned to see a skeleton man in a yellow suit and tie staring at him.


"Relax Midoriya! I'm ALL MIGH-" The Skeleton man couldn't finish his sentence before blood started shooting out of his mouth


"OF COARSE THIS ISN'T REAL!!" All Might said cleaning the blood off of his mouth, "ITS A DREAM MIDORIYA!"

"A dream? Then can i wake up now?!"


"My destiny?"

"YOUR DESTINY!" As All Might said this, he returned to his muscle form.

"WOAH!" Midoriya cried in amazement

"so NOW im All Might ARENT I?" All might sighed and continued, "Listen kid, remeber ten years ago when you saw my battle with All for One?"

"So that his name?" Midoriya asked, "Is he like a second cousin of yours? I just have to ask considering the fact that your names are so similar plus your physique, fighting skills, and other variables that could be pointed out in-"

"Oh my god.." All Might said to him self as Midoriya went muddred to him self, "I can SEE this kids speech bubbles..!"

All Might turned back to Midoriya, " So yeah anyways, Do you still have my sword?"

"Of coarse i Do! But it doesn't open!"

"It doesn't let you open it cause you haven't accepted your DESTINY YET!"




"The evil sourcer has taken over the Fortress of Peace and is REAKING HAVOC!"

"But i thought he was already vanquished long ago!"

"Who in there right mind told you that?!"

"The new king at the Fortress of Peace that happened to be established after you got deafea-"

Midoriya cut himself short after he realized that All for One was the new king.

"So how do i defeat him?" Midoriya asked.

"You must walk across plains of fire.. swim across seas of ice, run through dessert storms, and then finally.. Finally.. you will fulfill your destiny

"But i'm 15 YEARS OLD!"


"Oh.." Midoriya said, his tone lowed, "So how to i metaphorically do all that?"

"BY GOING ON A QUEST OF COARSE!" All Might said with his arms wide.

"But im 15 YEARS OLD!" Midoriya cried. All might then poofed back to his skeleton form.

"Well don't forget who got us all in this mess in the first place! Now instead of complaing, I'D GET PACKED!"

Suddenly Midoriya woke up in his own bed. The sunlight shined onto the sword by his dresser. the sapphire blue pendant in the middle giving off a faint blue light. Midoriya stared at the sword debating weather the dream was actually real or not.

"A QUEST?!" His mom cried in the kitchen. He came down that morning and told her he was going ona quest in hopes of her saying yes...His plan completely backfired.



"A chest?" His mom said calming down, "Well i dont know about that! You could get hurt and what will i do with out you?"

"Come on mom it'll be fine!" Midoriya said with a sincere smile, "Ill make sure the be carefull! plus i'll be back in about a week or two!"

"Are you sure..?"

Midoriya nodded, "I promise!"

His mother looked down for a second, and nodded. Midoriya's eyes lit up. He scarfed up the rest of his breakfast and got prepared for his quest. He was ready to leave around 12 pm. He put on a white shirt with a green closed vest over it. He found his old pair of work gloves in the back of his closet, and blue jeans. His old satchel had a whole in is so he spent an hour sewing it back together. His mother was asking him his he got everything hi needed.

"You've got your notebooks Izuku? Make sure you have the nature ones!"

"Iv'e got them mom."

"Did you grab the lunches iv'e got you?"

"Yes you watched me get it."

"Do you have the pouch of yen? And you handkerchief? You ALWAYS need a handkerchief!"

"Yes, yes, i've got it-"

"And Izuku-"

"What is it mom??"

"..Be careful!"

Midoriya smiled, "Of coarse mom!"

He opened the front door-


"Huh?! What is it?"

"You forgot these!" His mom lifted up a pair of red sneakers. The expensive ones!

"WOAH!!" Midoriya cried in amazement, "I thought those cost 50,000 yen!"

"I wanted to surprise you with them on your birthday, but this seemed more important-!"

Midoriya put them on and was instantly in love. The fit comfortably!

This time he actually made it our the door.

"Make sure to send letter whenever you see a letter board Izuku! I love you!"

"I love you too mom!" Midoriya cried! "Bye!"

As he waved he turned back to see his mother one last time. Then the thought of what he was doing sunk in. Everything he was doing as of now was going off a dream he had! He was questioning if he was even making the right decisions at this point. he thought about his life up to now. nothing has really happened to him. that's why he was so excited when his mom told him he could go on the quest (well, she said yes to finding a chest but lets forget about that).

He purposly layerd his satchel over his sword so his mom wouldn't see. there no WAY she'll let him walk out with it. the sapphire pendant continueed to glow it's blue light as Midoriya continued on. Was the sword actually magic? or was it just the sunlight?

Midoriya pushed all those worries behind him. His quest has just begun!

So by the words of his idol he will go beyond! PLUS ULTRA!!