
My Hero QUEST! ☆

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  • 2 Chs
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What is My Hero QUEST! ☆

Leia o romance My Hero QUEST! ☆ escrito pelo autor Naimatou_Traore publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Project: _AI

[Book I of EdensVerse, prequel to Until The Sun Burns Out] [Also because I felt like I owed Dea a backstory] In Edens, there are entities called Gods who survive off of the Energies produced by humans under the right circumstances. The humans call this energy "Emotions". The Council which runs Edens has recommissioned a volatile but crucial Program to combat the unrest over energy shortages between the Denizens of Edens: the Sector:_AI Project. The problem is that no Denizen wants to run the Program in fear of what happened the last time it was run and on pain of execution if it was run wrong. In turn, the Council has summoned 3 beings to run this reformed Sector: Deaco, a [Forgotten] God Of [?????] Lilith, a Denizen that threatened the power balance in Edens so much that she was put into a human body Basil, the feared "Puppeteer of The Void" Meanwhile on Earth, the unknowing candidates of the Project aren't having the best life either. Gray, a General of the Variance Legion, has spent his years looking for a missing friend who he swears is not dead, despite all evidence that says otherwise Lukas, who had been kidnapped for years and has just recently broken free, is seeking revenge as a Hunter in the Variance Legion Dev is seeking to prove his worth to his friends and family to win the War for them and become a full-fledged [Void.ent] and rule the Void, the enemy domain of Edens Even though these people have gone through so much, Fate will never take prisoners...

Bored_Creativity · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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