
My Hero Academia X Demon Slayer

This is a fanfic I wrote 2 Years ago on Wattpad, though I am not gonna update it so enjoy all this.

Dinoboyi234 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

The Meeting Part 2

In the Class 1A Dorms Common Area

Their was an awkward silence between the slayers and heroes as they stared at each other. The students were thinking "Who are these people. Are they from Gym Gamma. They look scary." And the demon slayers were thinking "We have to stay with these people. They look weird. Is that kid wearing a bird mask or is he half bird half human.

The silence was broken by Bakugo who said " Aizawa Sensei WHO THE HELL ARE THESE EXTRAS." The demon slayer and students looked shocked except for Aizawa. "BAKUGO DO YOU KNOW HOW RUDE IT IS TO CALL PEOPLE YOU DON'T KNOW EXTRAS," Iida said while waving his hand up and down in the direction of the demon slayers. "We're completely sorry for his rudeness please ignore him," Momo came quickly. "Don't worry we have seen weirder things," Misturi said. "Now let me introduce my class representatives," Aizawa said. "My name is Tenya Iida." "My name is Momo Yaoyorozu," they both greeted and bowed down. "Nice to meet you," they all bowed.

"They will be helping me look after you all," Aizawa said. "Ok now you all should start bonding or what ever because all of you are going to stay with them," he said while walking towards the students. They all nodded and Aizawa wore his yellow sleeping bag."Ok so we should start introducing the other," Iida said. "Sure," Iguro said.

*After all the intorductions*

"So you are swordmen and women and protect inoccent people. SO MANLY!" Kirishima said. "Yes we save them from demons and use breathing styles," Gyomei said. "He is so huge but his voice is sounds so kind," Ochako thought in her mind while staring at the giant man. "What are breathing styles, is it like breathing exercises?" Deku asked. "Maybe it is a style that allows swordsmen with abilities to be able to face demons with Nichirin Blades. There also there is Total Concentration Breathing which allows user's capabilities beyond a normal human of that time like extra strenght and stopping bleeding wounds," Gyomei said. "So just by breathing you can do all that how useful," Jiro said.

"Heeeem if a quirkless person can get those abilities than what about a if I was able to use this type of breathing with my quirk ~mummble mummble mummble mummble mummble mummble mummble mummble mummble~ Deku said while writing quickly in his book he. got

"Um yes but....," Tanjiro wanted to say something but got interrupted by Deku's mumbling. The demon slayers looked both scared and confused at the boy's weird behaviour. "Um Midoriya-Kun your scaring them. Ribbit," Asui snapped Deku out of wierd zone. "Oh Sorry," Deku said while bowing up and down. "Oh No Need To Apologise," they said in unison while getting up.

~Ring Ring Ring Ring~ "Ahhh what is that weird sound," Zenitsu freaked out. "That is just my alarm," Aizawa said. "Can We Eat It," Inosuke asked. "Inosuke not everything is for eating," Tanjiro said.

"Anyway it's time for you all to rest for your Provisional Lisence Exam," he continued. "Yes Sensei," they said in unison. "And you all have to sleep in the Common Area," Aizawa said. "They all nodded. "Right now go to your dorms Iida,Kaminari and Kirishima come with me to get the blankets and sleeping bags....wait where's Mineta?" He asked. "I wraped him in tape," Sero said while pointing to a cocoon of tape. "Huh just remove the tape from his nose and lock the door," he said. "Yes sir," Sero said. Soon they all went upstairs. And Aizawa,Iida,Kaminari and Kirishima to get the blankets and sleeping bags.

"Ahh Kamado my boy this is the weird way to meet again but they seem nice and honorable I like them," Rengoku said with his smile. "Yes Rengoku-San I will be happy to train under you," Tanjiro said giving a smile. Soon Aizawa and the rest brought the sleeping bags and blankets. Afther a while of talking the demon slayers went to sleep.