
My Hero Academia: World Fishing Quirk

Izuku Midoriya suddenly awakens a quirk, letting him fish items from other worlds. ------------------------------------------------------------- Warning: More Slice Of Life than Action. No Harem. Overpowered. Some character bashing. ------------------------------------------------------------- English isn't my first language, and I wouldn't even call my English any good, so don't expect anything grand. ------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own My Hero Academia. The only originals are the OCs and some elements included in the story.

LukasS · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakened Quirk

Musutafu, Japan

In a small apartment located in the middle of the city, you could currently see an excited green-haired eleven-year-old boy screaming through the house, calling after his mother loudly.

"MUM! MUM!" The small boy screamed, running to the kitchen where his mother was cooking for the both of them.

The small boy's mother is Inko Midoriya, and the boy's name is Izuku Midoriya.

Inko, the mother of the boy who was currently cooking, looked back at the door where her little boy was running in through and couldn't stop but smile at him with happiness.

It was the first time in ages that she saw her son being that happy, and it made her unable to stop the smile emerging on her lips.

She still blamed herself for her little boy not having a quirk.

In today's society, it is said that 80% of the world's population owns a quirk. 

Still, most of the quirkless are already older people, and kids without quirks are at most 0,01% in the current age, so of course, she gave herself the fault for not giving her son something he so dearly wanted and most people had.

Since he was still three years old, her son's dearest wish was to be a hero who rescued everyone from danger.

Of course, she knew that almost every kid in the current society wishes to be a hero, and realistically speaking, only a few can become heroes in the end, but she still hoped that she could enable it for her son.

Which mother wouldn't want her son's dream to be fulfilled?

Inko was a small woman with the same green hair as her son. 

Giving herself the blame for her son's situation in life, she gained some weight over the years with all the guilt she is pushing on herself.

Combined with the fact that the child's father left her after Izuku's quirkless status was announced, she didn't really see a reason to look 'good' for anyone, so she didn't care.

In the first place, she didn't think of herself as bad-looking only because she weighed a bit more than the so-called ideal woman.

Looking at her excited son, she wondered what had happened to him to make him so happy until his following words froze her smile. You could even see some tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

"MUM!!! I have a quirk!" Izuku said to his mother with the biggest smile he had ever shown.

At that moment, the guilt of Inko came back in full force, and she tried to push the tears back. She couldn't show his son that she didn't believe him.

She already made this error once when her son asked her if he could still be a hero without a quirk, and by god, she wouldn't do it a second time.

"Yeah? That's good news! So which quirk did you get?" Inko asked him, hoping he would bring something like super intelligence or something like that since he was a little genius in school and his test results were pretty good, but she knew the chance for him saying that was only small.

'Focus! You can talk it out with him when he finishes talking!' Inko thought to herself while smiling at Izuku.

Izuku, not seeing anything wrong with his mother's reaction, proudly exclaimed.

"Some minutes ago, a screen suddenly appeared in front of my eyes!" Izuku said proudly to his mother.

"Screen?" Inko asked, a bit dumbfounded. 'What happened? Screen? Did he imagine it? But I know Izuku isn't that damaged. Hopefully, it's not some prank by someone with a weird quirk. It would be too cruel!' Inko thought to herself angrily. Who would be so cruel to a child?

"Yes, a screen! Can't you see it? It's right in front of me?" Izuku asked a bit weirdly since he could see the screen right in front of him at this moment, and his mother seemingly couldn't see it. 'Am I the only one that sees it?' Izuku thought to himself.

Now Inko looked worriedly at her son and asked with worry in her voice, "What is displayed on the screen?"

"There was first that weird text saying something like a lost bet to one of our ancestors? Never mind that after that text vanished, some weird information was transferred to my brain explaining everything my new quirk can do!" Izuku said happily, bringing Inko to a stop.

"Ancestor? Information to your brain?" Inko asked stupidly, not hindering her worry from showing. 'Is my son crazy? No! I will help him through this phase!' She thought to herself with determination.

"Yes! It's called the World Fishing Quirk! Every two weeks, I will get a random location where I can fish for items from other worlds! There are also baits that I can buy with money to gain better things!" Izuku said happily, explaining his quirk to his mother.

His mother cringed at the call of money, thinking some scammer had created a bad joke out of her child with his quirk.

Seeing his mother looking at him weirdly, Izuku suddenly interpreted the look on her face and understood what was happening. 'Of course, saying something like that would bring doubt to my mother. No wonder she is looking at me like that.' Izuku thought to himself slyly.

He didn't blame his mother since he knew how ridiculous his story sounded.

'Wait, I can show her that one extra function!'

"I know you don't believe in it, and I can also understand why, so I will show you the second feature of the quirk. Inventory!" Izuku said while walking to the small chair in the kitchen's corner.

Touching it under Inko's doubting eyes, the chair that was standing there a moment ago suddenly vanished into thin air, shocking her immensely.

"Real?!" Inko exclaimed loudly with a shocked look on her face.

'My Son actually has a quirk?!?!!' Inko thought ecstatically to herself, suddenly running to Izuku, standing at the corner of the room, and taking him into her arms.

The only thing you could still see was the flailing arms of Izuku, wanting to escape his current situation.

She knew how quirkless people were treated in the current era, and they were, in some cases, even discriminated against, so of course, she was happy for her son to gain a quirk.

Even if the way he gained a quirk was somehow doubtful, she was still happy for him. Even if it really was some lost bet from an ancestor, she didn't care for the reason and didn't bother to think about how one of her ancestors could still be alive.

Letting go of her son and turning off the stove where the food was currently cooking, she took Izuku at his hands to the couch in the other room.

Sitting them both down on the couch, she looked at Izuku happily and said.

"Alright. Tell me what your quirk can do and what we have to do for you to fulfill your dream!" Inko asked her son happily.

I don't know why I upload two stories simultaneously when I don't even have time for one. Never mind. I already wrote some chapters for both Fanfictions, which will be released over time. Any suggestions from Items Izuku could fish from other worlds are good to see, and maybe I will build them into the story.

LukasScreators' thoughts