
My Hero Academia: The Combustion Hero

A boy finds himself in the world of My Hero Academia, armed with the ability 'Devils Footprints' he decides to become a hero.

Peke_Peke · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs


Opening the door in front of me, I arrive inside my classroom, its been a day since I got my quirk registered and I have been pretty restless to gain mastery of my quirk, but haven't had the time to do so.

I walk through the door and towards my seat, but as I'm about to sit down Im stopped by Bakugo.

"I heard you manifested your quirk, me and some other kids are going to show each other our quirks at recess, wanna come?" He asks me, 'How'd you know that? Ah my mom probably told everyone'.

I contemplate tolerating him and I decide to humor him, maybe even become his friend so I can beat the arrogance out of him, "Sure I guess" I shrug.

He nods before walking off, 'His not as bad as his future self yet, since his quirk is just starting to manifest' I think to myself while sitting down.

'Maybe I can save everyone the pain of knowing the arrogant Bakugo and maybe save Midoriya the trauma.'


Its been a 8 years since that day and me and Bakugo actually got along well, our quirks work kinda similar, just mine from my feet and his from his hands, well also his are explosion but mine is fire.

We are currently 12 so we are starting Junior High soon, I also got to know Midoriya, Bakugo got taken down a peg cus of me so he doesn't beat him but he still does mock him, but instead of demotivating him it gets him pumped up.

I have no clue how I'm going to get Midoriya One for All, he still has the dream of becoming a hero but I have changed to much, he might no encounter All Might in future since he would probably be hanging out with us.

And if he doesn't encounter All Might the sludge villain doesn't get released, Im gonna have to figure out how to fix this.

And yes I don't want One for All, I wont be able to use its full power since I'm not quirkless so at most I would get a ridiculous increase in power which I probably wont need.

We also did manage to get Midoriya to start exercising and going to my Dojo, I also managed to convince Bakugo so we all went together.

All in all we have become good friends, I hadn't planned on making friends with these 2 since they would be alot of trouble but it kinda just happened, I am also now near the age I died so its easier to associate with them.

I am pulled from my thought by Bakugo screaming, "C'mon Deku get a goddamn move on! You aint gonna become a hero if you cant go any faster!!!"

I look towards the tired Midoriya or Deku since I also call him that, we are on the beach Deku cleared in the anime, we come here all the time just to move stuff around as exercise.

And right now Deku is pulling a fridge around... that were sitting on, "Come on guys, please get off!".

"Nah, get to stepping" I laugh with Bakugo,


I am currently in my backyard above my pool flying around, Bakugo is chasing me while Deku is by the lawn doing some exercises, we do this all the time at my house.

Me and Bakugo fly around and sometimes fight each other mid air to get a better hold of aerial combat, while Midoriya works out or fights my mom to get better at hand to hand.

We would do this at the ocean since its was bigger but we can get caught which wouldn't be ideal since we aren't allowed to use our quirks in public.

"Get back here you sack of shit!" He screams before trying to hit me with a explosion powered punch, "Jeez dude, tryna kill me? Wont work though" I mock before dodging more of his attacks.

Bakugo didn't attack me with explosions cus he knew I was immune to fire and the force they do have is pretty useless.

After an hour or so we stop since Bakugo cant produce enough sweat to keep going and I was getting tired, my powers seem to be a watered down version of Shinra which isn't good, I just hope its because I'm young

'Junior high starts next month then in 3 years we can start UA' I think to myself with a grin on my face


"My name is Izuku Midoriya, I like martial arts, heroes and hanging out with Shinra-san and Katsuki-san, I sadly don't have a quirk but I hope to become a hero!" Deku says with a bow.

He gets a few snickers in response but me and Bakugo just glare at them causing them to shut up.

Next I stand up, "My name is Shinra Tawata, I like martial arts, reading and I hope to become a hero, My quirk lets me generate fire from the soles of my feet, letting me fly and add force to my attacks," I say before sitting back down.

"Im Katsuki Bakugo, I like the things I like and hate the things I hate, Im gonna become the best hero so don't get in my way you cannon fodder" Bakugo announces in a very Bakugo-like way.


A/N: Sup Peke_Peke here, hope you enjoyed the chapter, cannon is gonna start in 2 or 3 chaps so wait for that I guess.

Peke_Peke Out!