
My Hero Academia : Lust Hero

Reborn into the world of My Hero Academia and being adopted by Midnight, Yugen pledges to avert tragedy from befalling both his cherished ones and beloved characters. Empowered by a unique lust system, rewarding him with superpowers, items, bloodlines, and so on... for each intimate relationship with a woman, Yugen becomes the lust hero who harnesses the force of lust to save the world. Yugen : "The power of lust is unstoppable!" ---- Patreon : (add the point between N and C) patreoncom/saikikusu or just search: saikikusu in patreon search bar

SaikiKusu · Anime e quadrinhos
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45 Chs

Chapter 22 : Time to Hunt!

The Kanimouchi quarter, bathed in moonlight, exuded an air of exclusivity, exclusive that even the air has its own VIP pass! 

only the rich, and influential people can live here. And you!, Yes you, dear reader, you can glimpse at this place solely through the power of words, for your humble eyes aren't worthy of witnessing such splendor, that's how much poor you are. And fear not, for I, the supremely Handsome author, Unfortunately Share the same fate as you, Mortals! I can only imagine the scent of money wafting through the air as I sip my budget-friendly instant noodles in my humble room while cursing this unfair world.

As the clock banged midnight, Yugen, before he left the house, had cautiously bookmarked this moment on his second empty bookmark, then he took off his kagol, since he doesn't want to waste time and effort trying to sneak out of this highly guarded place, he choose to walk out openly.

leaving the house, he silently navigated the pristine streets. The highly guarded walls of the quarter shielded its inhabitants from all the outside world noise, from passing by noisy cars, drunk people who turns into singers at night, bastards delinquents who play music loudly bellow your window while drinking beer and smoking weeds so they can get high as much as possible, etc...

Yugen strolled towards the quarter's exit. A lone guard dressed in a black custom, a familiar face who recognized the young resident, stood at attention. The guard, his uniform crisply, raised an eyebrow as Yugen approached.

"Late night snack?" the guard inquired, his tone carrying a mix of familiarity and duty.

Yugen showed a casual smile. "Yeah, just craving something from that ramen place down the street. You know how it is."

The guard, nodding knowingly, motioned to the imposing wall behind him. "Alright, Enjoy your meal. Open the gate!" he ordered his comrades stationed at the high wall door.

With a synchronized clinking of locks and gears, the massive door creaked open. Yugen stepped out into the night beyond the privileged quarter, the door closing behind him with a muffled thud. As he ventured into the city beyond the walls, the guard watched him momentarily before returning to his post,


Half an hour from the Kanimouchi quarter exists a district called Sakura-ku, which is a residential area with parks and schools. Yugen chose this place in the hope that he would encounter some kind of villains or criminals and fight them.

Sakura-ku is where his school exists: Saitama Shiritsu Okubo Junior High School. Although Yugen can afford to study in a private school, he chose a public school because he felt there was no need to add more burden to his sister. Also, it didn't matter where he studied since Japan is going to be in chaos after a few years.

All the stores, except some restaurants and grocery stores, were closed. The streets were empty, and the public lamps and the moonlight above were the only sources of light here.

Yugen had walked this road countless times, but this is his first time taking it at night. He felt a little bit nervous yet excited at the same time.

casually entering a certain dark alley, he puts on his kagol covering his face, then he looked up at the building next to him, he decided instead of heedlessly walking street by street, it's better to stand in a high place and send clones of his eyes to survey the area for him.

as for how he will climb this building? Yugen already came up with an alternative flying method when he was training his quirk in the past, he calls it, 'Hug and Soar'!

'although I have never used it to reach places this high before, but with my proficiency I don't need to worry about falling. even if I fall and got injured or even died, I'll bookmark this moment right now so i can return it and try again!'

it can be said that since he acquired the infinity bookmarking power, Yugen felt a strong boost in his confidence, previously, if he didn't have this power, he will calculate and take all kinds of measures before taking an action, but now, as if he is playing a game, following the simple principal of just do it, if he fail he will repeat until he succeed.

Yugen muttered : "Save"

his surrounding starts morphing into a dreamy like white world, the three vertical rectangles crystal bookmarks appeared, the first one, with a dark pink color and the name 'Midnight's Embrace' on it, the second one, which he saved before he left the house, is dark blue, titled 'Before Leaving', the third one was transparent but after yugen saved the current moment, it turned into a dark green color, yugen named it casually, 'Ascending the heavens!'.

after finishing his preparation, A determined look crossed his face, Yugen activated his quirk, and suddenly, the air around him starts shimmering with purplish energy particles.

In an instant, twenty identical clones of his hands materialized, surrounding Yugen from all sides. The cloned hands moved with a synchronized precision, forming a web-like structure that encased his body. Each clone reached out, fingers extending to gently but firmly grip Yugen's body.

As the clones secured their hold, Yugen entered a state of deep concentration. His quirk allowed him not only to teleport body parts but also to manipulate them as if they were extensions of his own will. just like how Setsuna Tokage can remotely manipulate and levitate her splitted body parts.

With vivid mental imagery, he envisioned himself lifting his body.

The cloned hands responded to the unspoken command, lifting Yugen off the ground. ascending slowly towards the top of the residential building. The clones adjusted their positions seamlessly, ensuring a stable ascent.

Yugen's body floated effortlessly, guided by the telekinetic control he exerted over the cloned hands. he didn't dare to look down or else his fear of heights will disturb his control and cause him to fall. As he neared the rooftop, Yugen smiled in relief and satisfaction.

Finally, he touched down on the building's rooftop, the cloned hands dissipated in purplish particles as the quirk's effect ceased. Yugen stood triumphant, this is his first time flying this high, he was worried and afraid that he will fall, but after overcoming this fear, he felt a boost in his confidence that he can do it easily next time and faster.

This method can't be considered flying, but more like floating. After all, it's still slow and requires uninterrupted concentration.

Yugen stood atop the residential building, surrounded by the shimmering sea of stars that were the road's public lights. The cold night air caressed his skin.

"Time to hunt!"

----Saikukusu is Here ----

Dear readers, for those hungry for more, the next chapter is now available for FREE on my Patreon page. as token of appreciation, I'm offering an exclusive opportunity for the first ten patreons to become the esteemed "Pioneers" of this adventure. 

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As an author and a fellow reader, I understand the frustrations of encountering paywalls on other platforms. This is why the novel will always remain freely accessible to everyone. The Patreon initiative is merely a way for those who can afford to support my work and receive a few extra perks in return.

Beneath the words you leisurely consume in a mere minute or two lies an ocean of effort, sacrifice, and passion. As an author, I wrestle with my own lethargy, conquer the daunting procrastination monster, and willingly sacrifice precious hours of rest and binge-reading time to craft each chapter. What might seem like a fleeting moment for you is, for me, an intricate dance of thoughts and emotions. Your support, both financial and emotional, means the world to me. So, if you find yourself with the means to assist this humble storyteller, I implore you to consider becoming a patron. Your support is not just an investment in my craft, but a vote of confidence that fuels the flames of creativity. Thank you for being a part of it.