

I, an author, find myself in an anime world that I recently finished. A world where 80% of the population have a quirk while the remaining 20% are quirkless. Of course, I am a quirkless teenager in this new world but at least I can become a certain green behemoth whenever I am angry. "HULK SMASH!" I will smash any villain and obstacles with just my fists and unyielding rage.

Boredauthor7777 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs



I am now in a ring with my opponent is a bald man whose quirks just make his head hard as steel.

He rushed to me throwing a right hook that I avoided by using the advantage of having a smaller body just lowering my body a little bit to be near his stomach that is quite open as I deliver a jab toward his stomach many times with him try to backhand me but I move backwards.

"Chance!" My eyes glint seeing his stance slightly faltered due to the hits I deliver many times as I clench my fist while taking a deep breath.

My right fist hit his cheek as I sees some of his teeth fly out from his mouth as he fell on the ground.

I did not use my power at all, I mean the Hulk one as I try to fight fairly in this mock training that my coach, the short old man who is eyeing me like an eagle preying on its prey.

Looking at my opponent I see he glares at me with me able to sense his killing intent that he directed toward me as he has that dangerous expression on his eyes.

He is now feeling angry as he loses his composure against the 13-year old me. I remember his age is around 20 almost 30 with him being a UFC fighter who is not that popular with his ranking being low.

"Here it comes when he broke one of the rules of this mocking fight." He crouches down with him placed his hand on the ground with him propel himself like a bulldozer toward me as I see he already activated his quirk making me sigh.

"Do not use your quirk brat! You HEAR ME!" The little short old man shouted at me making me roll my eyes as I decide to face his attack.

Pfftt. What a suicidal strategy. Like the thinking of Deku.

It is the way of an idiotic person but at the same the thinking of a person who wants to survive in any kind of situation.

I am later one of course as I jump over his body as both my leg undetgoed partial transformation that let me to perform super jump as they return back to my human legs.

What? He already breaks the rule so I might as well punish him for breaking the rule.

The moment I landed I deliver a roundhouse lick on his left knee that makes him falter as he did his body trying to backhand me again but I duck which make me snort realising how stupid this guy is.

"Special technique. Frog Upper Cut!" I shouted like many shounen anime main characters with my voice that is full of enthusiasm that makes them proud if they hear that.

And as the name goes I leap like a frog and deliver an uppercut on his chin that makes his head snap forcefully upward with I managed to grab his hair and pull myself toward him.

Both my knee hit his face as he gets down on the floor hard with my knee still on his face.

Oh gosh, his nose is bleeding which make my pant has blood on them.

Crap, this is going to be a troublesome one since I had to confront my overly worried mother when she sees there is blood on my pant.

"Winner, Dan Ichigo." The referees who have a body as John Cena said as his appearance is a bit unique as both of his arms are bigger than his head.

Sometimes quirks are weird. I had to remind myself of that.

"Hmm. No discipline and cannot hold back his feelings on this damn mock training. No wonder his ranking is still low." My coach said as he throw my water bottle toward me as I catches it as my opponent stand up and glares at me.

"When I see you at the outside you a--" My coach tiny figure become big as he slaps that guy cheek that sends him to crash against a wall that you can see already has cracks on it.

"Accept your loss to this Behemoth. You are lucky he did not use his quirk of you will be crippled for your entire life or worse dead. And yet you still jas the balls to threaten him. What a fool." My coach mutter as he become short again with my opponent coach bow to him apologizing for what just happened.

"Tch. Next time I am going to call someone stronger and disciplined than this guy." My coach grumbled as he signal for the other trainee to pick up my unconscious opponent and throw him outside.

Yes. They did that so many times to the point I get used to it.

"What is your record Behemoth? 10-0 against those UFC fighters, low tier. Maybe I should invite mid-tier ones for you. You look like you are about to sleep during the fightback there." My coach commented as he gets into the ring as urged me to come inside the ring.

"Okay. Go green. Time to see how stronger you become."

My coach, Junpei Takemoto, whose appearance is like Makarov from Fairy Tail said to me. Surprisingly his quirk is Super Body where his body become bigger enhancing all his physical stats but the side effect is he becomes short after he uses it. And his height is the result of him constantly using his quirk though it stops when he is 50 years old.

He is a retired pro hero with He said he can be the number 1 hero during his generation but just decide to be the No 10 Hero and reject the idea for his ranking to enter the top 5.

And he once quotes his only rival as a certain female heroine who is the mentor of the current no 1 Hero and a short old man who like to eat taiyaki.

So after his retirement, he decided to open a gymnasium that train various martial arts.

And unlike most people who had to search for a place to train martial arts, this old man found me when I run around wearing some sandbag weights strap on my body.

Of course, I already do Saitama's exercise as I may cheat using one of Hulk's power which is his factor that let me heal any torn muscle and ligament since I am reckless enough to use the kg sandbag which is quote bizarre for 8 year old me.

My father who is a doctor scolded me for this since my little body cannot bear the weight but when I see how all the injuries I suffer when my healing factor kicks in, he is awed and he gets even more surprised when I slice my palm only for it to be healed back.

Though my mother almost fainted twice, no I think thrice when she witness my healing factor.

My parent want me to update my quirk information but I rejected the idea since a certain faceless man will be after my head of worse my family when he heard what my supposed quirk capability especially the healing part.

"Focus you little behemoth. Today we are going to spar until you pass out." Old Man Junpei said to me making me sigh knowing I may need to call my father or mother to pick me up.

At least this place is near a family restaurant that serves many delicious foods for me to indulge in.

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