

I, an author, find myself in an anime world that I recently finished. A world where 80% of the population have a quirk while the remaining 20% are quirkless. Of course, I am a quirkless teenager in this new world but at least I can become a certain green behemoth whenever I am angry. "HULK SMASH!" I will smash any villain and obstacles with just my fists and unyielding rage.

Boredauthor7777 · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs



"Rarghhh!" I roar as I rush toward the old man Junpei who suddenly uses his quirk making me widen my eyes as the next second my face get punched by many jabs and a left hook that make my vision goes awry as I grit my teeth channelling the gamma radiation through my right arm as I block a kick that is directed to my left hip.

I spin my body with the momentum of my other hip as my other hand already become big and green as my coach uses his fist to crash against mine.

My forehead now is the same colour as both my fists as I headbutt my coach sending him backwards as I try to sweep his leg off but he jumps over it as he delivers an axe kick toward my head.

"Oh boy. This is going to hurt." I thought in my head as my left hand catch the incoming attack which make me bite my lip as I get forcefully moved downward almost reaching my forehead.

I swing my other arm to hit his hip but a knee block it.

"Hargh!" I flip him over my body sending him in the air as he landed on the group with his leg making me know what he is going to do.

"Oh boy. He is going to slingshot himself." I pull my right arm back as I channel all the gamma radiation into it making it get bigger than my other arm.

"SMASH!" I shouted and swing my arm forward as the old man comes with a superman punch.


My attack send the old man Junpei backwards as this time I have after him as he landed on another rope but this time he gets shot toward me with a speed that is faster than before as he slides backwards with me leap over him.

The old man meanwhile manages to stop sliding using his arms as he jumps quickly near me delivering a roundhouse kick that I block with my right arm but his other leg has bound my other arm as he knew my face.

"Get you darn old man," I said as I already expect this to happen while gritting my teeth as I use my brute strength to put his body below me with me copying his movement before kneeling his face not noticing my back head get hit by his leg that locks my arm as I know this battle ended in a draw.

"Fuck. A draw. I am getting sluggish or senile to let you draw against me." Old Man Junpei said as we let go of each other as he do-overs a fast kick toward me with me deliver Yakuza kick on his stomach as my head snap to the right with me has saliva released from my mouth with the old man spit his saliva on the floor.

"Ruthless as always. Good brat. Be ruthless against your opp ent especially villain. A single slip may cost you to be under six ground in-depth the ground." Old Man Junpei said as we get out from the arena.

"Taku! Oga! You 2 clean the mess on the arena right now!" Old Man Junpei shouted toward 2 grown-up men which I am very familiar with.

Takumi Inui or as many people call him Taku has a quirk that let him become a humanoid horse that gives him great leg power that makes his kick painful as hell.

Oga Shinra meanwhile is a former delinquent who manages to become a boxer to afford himself and his sister. His quirk is tungsten arms that make his punches hurt and can his grip force is so strong to the point he can bend someone arm easily.

"Okay. This time you are going to lift this thing 50 times with each arm." The old man said as he was still in his buff form throw a dumbell toward me as I catch it, with my power is still activated.

"Do it using your normal human form. And if your arm gets torn, use your quirk to heal it back." The old man said as I obeyed him.

And it did not take long for my right wrist to have my veins popping out with me no longer able to feel my entire right arm as I will for my healing factor to be activated to treat it.

"Do it for 30 minutes." The old man said toward me as I continue to do it.

Half an hour later I have both my arms that are limping as my whole body is a mess with sweat is in my entire body.

"Okay. Do the same thing but this time with your legs." Old Man Junpei said as he then slurps miso ramen that has been delivered to our place from the restaurant that I previously mention serves delicious food.

After busting my legs the old man had me on the treadmill and set it to the speed of 15 with my body is strap with sandbags.

This is painful since I need to run on this maintaining my speed while at the same time having to use my healing power to make the sore and aching goes away.

First time I do this I had my face planted on the floor. The second time is my back head clashes on the floor with the third time I hurt my back.

All of this makes me think how grateful and useful my healing power is to make those injuries disappear.

This just makes me more worried since many people visited this place and they may or may does not witness me use it to heal myself.

Call me paranoid but whenever there are crowds of people who I think are villains who look like normal people is in the gymnasium I will go to the worker's tongue to use my healing ability.

After running on the treadmill I then had to do push-ups 150 times which make me almost falter and catch up my breath with the old man who is on my back will keep rushing me to do sit up next.

And I do it despite my body keeping screaming for me to use my healing power but I decide not to since I need my human form to be at least good and powerful than Deku.

I mean I have now six abs and I can say my body right now is chiselled with lean muscles that make my mother brag about this toward other neighbours about how my body rivals the current model.

Lastly, I then jump rope for about 20 minutes as the old man call it a day for me and others.

I then helped the workers to sweep the floor and throw the rubbish toward the big trash in behind the gymnasium.

Well, you can say I am a worker here as swelling, cleaning toilets and throwing away garbage is my jobs here.

That is a good way for me to earn my own money as my parent are glad and praise me to do this at this kind of age.

Well with the money gained I mostly used it to buy some gaming equipment since Rei and I decide to become a streamer to gain our own money.

I mostly accompany him since Rei is a gamer unlike me who only play games because Rei asks me to. And he was also a great teammate when played this world version of PUBG that is also called PUBG with all the skins are based on Heroes with the weapons too.

There are grenades based on All Might that created a dreaming tornado that takes 55 per cent of any player HP. But to purchase this grenade, you had to pay a lot of Yen to get it.

Not to mention there are flamethrowers whose firepower is a little OP as that can drain any enemies HP at a faster rate than a normal flamethrower which is based on the Flaming Hero himself Endeavour.

There are all have a sprayer that is based on Midnight's quirk that will make the opponent feel dizzy for 3 seconds.

And there is even a damn megaphone that produces sound waves that push anything on its way. This weapon is based on President Mic.

This world PUBG el which makes me enjoy playing it to the point I played it through all night which makes my mother who finds out about this scold me.

At least she did not snatch away my gaming PC since my grade did not fall with me always completing my homework. I am also a disciplined student but at the same a ticking bomb that if I am being provoked or being messed up by some idiotic bullies, they will have a green fist hit him for the entire week or some missing books or utensils like pencil, ruler and eraser.

What? Is my method cruel? Pfft. They are lucky that I did not turn Hulk to beat the crap out of them to the point their parent did not recognise them.

And there is Izuku who I can say make me feel a little pity since he has been bullied by Bakugou and other goons since he is quirkless.

I mean what the heck dude? At least try to fight back or make a report about this bullying incident.

Bakugou is still the same arrogant prick with him constantly asking me to fight against him which I always ignore.

The moment we had battle joint training and I managed to be his opponent, I will bash his head to the wall many times to let out the pent up frustration and anger that I kept after years of listening to his lame insult toward me.

My stomach makes a sound as I take that to go back home but not before I go toward the delicious family restaurant to buy 3 Omelette Rice and 2 Hamburger Steak.

Of course, they are all mine since at home only my father and I are available. My mother meanwhile had to go back other her hometown to take care of my grandma who is sick.

My father already told me he will eat at the family restaurant that I previously visited since he has his dinner to buy for himself.

"Only 2 years more and then I will show this world who is the strongest." I thought in my head as I continue my walk to my home.

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