
My Hero Academia: Harem for All Might

The Almighty is a great personality who has taken on the role of a symbol of peace. He became a bright sun for ordinary people, deciding to show all the evil in the world that heroes are not to be trifled with. A great personality with an equally great story, isn't it? Well, what will happen if a strong-willed, very curious and cunning person with his Napoleonic plans gets into his body? What will change if someone doesn’t want to pass on their power to their heir, continuing to act as a hero alone, so that eventually they can also begin to conquer the beauties of local Japan? Oh, this Almighty will definitely become the greatest figure for the whole world, making everyone on the planet believe in his power and perversity. patreon.com/Morgen69

Morgen12345 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


- "This is... great news! "One For All" simply never ceases to amaze with its majesty! I remember you said that with each new heir this quirk becomes stronger and stronger. It's scary to imagine what abilities your successor will have in the future!"

Principal Nezu spoke in an excited tone. His small black eyes lit up with acute, dangerous curiosity. The animal sincerely, with all the learned zeal, wanted to see the full potential of the inherited quirk of the All Might, experiencing an inspiring shiver through its furry body. Quirks are a little-studied issue, and such rare and amazing ones as "One For All" generally require such painstaking research that even the great minds of the planet must try hard in order to find out at least something useful.

Obviously, Toshinori easily noticed the change in Principal Nezu's mood. This made him even tense up while sitting on the sofa. Scenes from various films immediately appeared in my head with crazy scientists working on flasks with a nuclear mixture and laughing with a roaring laugh. After all, geniuses are all madmen, so you can expect anything from them except adequate and safe solutions when scientific interest awakens in them.

- "Successor, huh? This is why you invited me to your place for a cup of tea, isn't it?" - Yagi asked, clasping his hands in concentration. Of course, this is not the only topic for their conversation, but the man had a premonition that it was the heir who was involved here.

- "Exactly. I have found a suitable heir for you. He is very similar to you and has a heightened sense of justice. Combined with his diligence and unique quirk, the boy has great potential to become the best professional hero. Besides, it was recommended by Sir Nighteye himself," said Nezu, deigning to finally calm down and regain the image of an elegant Director, only now without his signature tea.

The nickname uttered by the animal resonated like a ringing blow in Toshinori's mind, making him feel severe discomfort.

Sir Nighteye is a former fellow fan of All Might who has the quirk of predicting the future. After the final battle five years ago against All For One, the Symbol of Peace was no longer in good shape, which made Nighteyes terribly upset. He predicted that within six years the Almighty would die in battle. Not wanting such a fate for his idol, the man tried to dissuade him from continuing his career as a hero, but he did not listen to Nighteye and as a result they quarreled, ceasing to communicate with each other.

All this information came to Toshinori from vague memories. These memory fragments gave him a headache, so Yagi had to clench his teeth until he cracked. All this so as not to show his deplorable state in front of Director Nezu, whom All Might doesn't really trust anymore.

And yet he has taken on the role of the Symbol of Peace, which means that Toshinori is obliged to make sure that even an animal with great intelligence begins to rely on him. We must not lose our humanity, because this is what has always captivated us in the personality of the Almighty's past.

If Director Yuei found a successor for him, then now Yagi must meet him and teach him something. It's clear that he won't broadcast "One For All," but giving instructions to a teenager is not a problem, making himself look like a noble person.

- "Okay, Nezu. Call him here, I really want to see the one who was able to knock off the strict soul of my former partner Nighteye."

Toshinori said relaxedly, rising from the sofa and loudly slapping his hands on his muscular neck. The usual brilliant smile shone on his face, from which even the Director of the Academy felt inspired, not noticing at all that he had actually been given an order. This is exactly how the charisma of the Symbol of Peace works. Destructive weapon against everyone!

- "Okay, Almighty! You will definitely love Mirio Togata! He is currently in his second year, but already has a certain fame even outside of UA!" - Nezu said with a businesslike smile in a high-pitched voice, walking with his little legs to the main table of the entire office, where there were papers, office supplies, a monitor and a couple of other important devices.

"Mirio? Something familiar, but... relying on memory from a past life is useless. There's too much I don't remember from the anime," Toshinori thought.

Using a special microphone, the Director called Mirio into his office. A minute later, a very tall guy with sunny blond hair that was combed up like a tidal wave burst into the office. On the long cheekbones of the face were watercolor blue eyes in the shape of small sapphires. A muscular body and scars on his arms indicated that the guy was constantly training and pushing his physical condition to the limit. He was wearing a white shirt and a red tie with school trousers. Regular Academy uniform. Overall, a neat look that begs for praise.

- "Director, hello! Did you call? - Mirio immediately showed politeness in a brave loud voice, and then immediately moved on to

business. Punctual fellow.

- "Yes. "I decided to introduce you to someone," Nezu said good-naturedly, shooting his beady black eyes towards All Might, who was behind the guy. Toshinori, as soon as he stood up, immediately leaned tightly against the wall in the corner opposite from the director's desk. It was for this reason that Togata did not even notice him as soon as he entered the room.

- "A? What? Ooo! Woah! A symbol of peace! A-are you here? Like, what? I? I don't understand, damn it!" - Mirio was naturally taken aback, speechless, when he realized that he was not alone in this office with Director Nezu. His idol was very close, just two meters away, and he didn't even notice it! A great mistake, according to the fair-haired boy!

- "Ha-ha-ha-ha!" - a deafening, but at the same time soft and kind laughter rang out in the room. Toshinori genuinely laughed at Mirio's nonchalant reaction. He walked up to the boy and put his hand on his shoulder, saying with a friendly smile:

- "Nice to meet you, kid. I'm just a two-meter long cabinet that can only crush you with its weight, but otherwise I'm harmless, so don't worry."

Toshinori began to defuse the situation. By the way, he did quite well, because Mirio quickly collected his thoughts, exhaled the air from his lungs and bowed low to the man in front of him with all respect.

Of course, at such moments, Yagi felt uplifted. People worship him and adore him, how can you not be happy at all?

- "Almighty, thank you for everything! You have been defending our country for so many years and risking your life! I, Mirio Togata, want to be just like you! Save people and fight villains with a big smile on your face! I am glad to meet you! Sir Nighteye told me a lot about your adventures with him! Please visit him in your free time, I see that he misses you!"

Mirio gave a shrill speech in a loud voice, still bowing respectfully and not raising his head. The guy's manners were simply excellent, and his spirit commands special respect, but his harshness and straightforwardness can be repulsive. Director Nezu just shook his head at this picture with a slight smile on his lips, but Toshinori was somehow uncomfortable.

Visit Nighteyes? It is pointless. The current All Might is no longer his friend. What should they dialogue about if Yaga's knowledge is now more limited than ever? Besides, the quirk that allows you to look into the future is too dangerous. How often does Nighteye see things he doesn't need to know? There is a very high risk of revealing yourself to that person who knows the real Symbol of Peace better than himself!

- "Your pleasant words warm my soul, Mirio. But... understand, the situation with Sir Nighteye is far from being as simple as it seems to you at first glance. This is all the business of two long-time friends and an outsider shouldn't interfere where he shouldn't," All Might answered in a serious tone that did not require any objections, then moving away from the teenager and relaxing with his back against the wall.

And yet Togata was not stupid, perfectly capturing All Might's already heavy mood. He raised his head with a sigh and mentally scolded himself for his haste. It was necessary to start from afar, but as usual he decided to use a battering ram, but he only ran into a strong and steel door that nothing could easily break through! What an impulsive fool!

- "Almighty, will you give him a couple of constructive lessons? After all, in a year you will take on the role of a teacher, so it will be useful for you to practice teaching on Mirio first," Director Nezu made an allegedly simple proposal. The key word is "allegedly", because the animal definitely wants to make Togata the future heir of "One For All".

But screw him!

- "No problem. Now, of course, I can't, but in two weeks... completely. Agreed?".

There was a calm response from Toshinori, who gave out a peaceful smile. Moreover, the last question from him was purely rhetorical, because it was he who decided here, and not anyone else. However, since I have volunteered to show the qualities of a conscientious person, then it is time to fulfill my duties.

Mirio at this time generally felt unreal dizziness. The guy looked first at the Director, then at the Almighty, quickly turning his head back and forth and with great difficulty catching all the perspectives that opened up to him. And yet he was terribly happy! After all, training with the Symbol of Peace himself is such an honor for him!