
My Hero Academia: Benimaru Shinmon

Benimaru Shinmon in the world of superheroes and villains. What will he accomplish? Read and find out. Support me on: pa.treon.com/DodgyWriter Discord - https://discord.gg/szr9ySJbAW Not my picture, inform me if you want it taken down.

DodgyWriter · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs


After partying for a solid two days, Asakusa finally regained a shred of normalcy. I'm tell you they just use anything as an excuse to party hard.

The trip to school was a pain in the ass, I ended up getting swarmed by people. Seriously, I couldn't even ride the train in peace without everyone in the carriage surrounding me, worst thing was that it was rainy so even more people than usual were taking public transport. After a bit of 'light' persuasion I managed to get them off my case for the rest of the journey.

At least the closer I got to UA the less people there was, the publics been warned about treading on UA grounds ever since the villain attack so there's hardly been anyone not related to the school near it.

Upon entering the gates, I seen Kirishima and Ashido with their umbrella's walking up the hill, it wasn't long before they noticed me and waited for me to catch up.

"Hey Shinmon, how was your break?" He asked.

"Wild" I replied, I had to be carried into the house more the once over the break. The party was that big any non-local probably thought there was a festival going on.

"I bet it was, that was some crowd waiting for you. Seems like your more popular than you let on" he said

"Talking about popularity. Did you guys get swarmed by everyone on the way here?" Ashido piped in.

I nodded, where as Kirishima stated "Yea it was crazy, feels weird having all these people wanting to speak to you"

The two of them talked about their experience over the break before unlike her normal personality, Ashido said in a sombre tone, "Did you hear about what happened to Ida's brother"

Kirishima quickly became quieter as he replied "I seen it on the news, Hero Killer Stain got him good. No one's sure if Ingenium will make a full recovery. I hope Ida's holding up alright"

That happened as well, one of the only times I watched TV over the break and I caught the news headlines. Ida's brother Ingenium was critically injured fighting a Villain and no one knows if he'll make a full recovery.

Apparently he's been stabilised though, so he'll pull through at least. I wonder if Ida will be in today, I'd be surprised if he was.

When we arrived at the class everyone was chatting about their trips to school. Everyone, even the students that never made the finals were being noticed on the streets. That just goes to show how many people pay attention to the games.

The period be goes off and everyone takes their seats, Ida made it in just before class started which was unlike him.

Aizawa walks in bang on time as usual and begins to speak to the class.

"Alright everyone, we've got a big last today on hero informatics" he informed.

The class stiffened up at the teachers words, especially those on the lower end of the IQ scale. Great what an exciting way to star the day off, I just hope it's not a test.

"You need codenames... it's time to pick your hero identities" he said which made the class jump in joy before everyone was shut up by a terrifying quirk enhanced stare from Aizawa.

With the students attention back on him he continued "This is related to the Pro hero draft picks I mentioned last time we were in class together. Usually students don't have to worry about the draft yet, not until their second or third year actually, but your class if different. In fact by extending offers to first years like you, pros are essentially investing in your potential. Any offers can be rescinded if their interest in your dies down before graduation"

So basically the internships are just a way for the hero agencies to test out some of the upcoming talent. They can even try and rope the students in with offers for when they graduate, or they could do the opposite and tell the interns that they're just not cut for the job.

"Anyway here's the total for those of you who got offers"

On the holographic screen that appeared at the front of the class, was list of student names next to a number which showed the amount of internship offers they got. The top three were the same as the sports festival, Me, Bakugo and Todoroki, but not in that order. I was still the one with the most offers but Todoroki came in at second with a total close to mine. Bakugo's was a decent bit lower but still miles ahead the rest of the class.

The results became a talking point for the class, many students brooding over how the never got any offers, while others were happy with what they got.

One of those students was Midoriya who was sat just in front of me, even though he made it to the finals and even passed the first round he still ended up with zero offers. Although you can't really blame agencies for not wanting someone with such an uncontrolled destructive quirk in their ranks. In their eyes it'd probably cause more harm than good.

The boy in question practically withering away in his seat at the news but the teachers next words brought him back from the brink.

"Despite these results, you'll all be interning with Pros. Even those of you who didn't get any offers. These internships are the reason you'll be needing hero names, these names will likely be temporary, but take them seriously or-" Aizawa was interrupted by the classroom door sliding open.

"You'll have hell to pay later. What you pick today could be your name for life, you better be careful or you'll be stuck with something utterly indecent" added Midnight in her usual coquettish voice.

While the boys of the class took in the view, Aizawa said "She's got a point, anyway Midnight's going to have final approval of your names"

With that the brainstorming begun, whiteboards were passed around the class as the aspiring young heroes struggled to come up with names. I thought back to the name unanimously decided by the people of Asakusa to be my hero name. All this was done while I was... recovering from the excess amounts of fluids I drank during festivities, and as per usual it was all arranged by Konro, which wasn't that hard to figure out. After setting feisty the twins on Konro, I got to hear the name they came up with.

To be honest it was actually alright, and considering there was no way in hell I'd be able to come up with something better I just rolled with it.

After penning my name down, I was left waiting until Midnight began speaking to the class once more.

"Now students, who among you is ready to share?" making most of the pupils freeze up at the thought of vocalizing their names.

Before anyone had the time speak, Aoyama was already in front of the class holding showing of his name.

His name was so horribly back, I think my ears have been permanently scarred from hearing it. Even after Midnights modifications, it was still bad, even if 'Can't Stop Twinkling' summarises the boy, its still sounds crap.

Ashido name 'Alien Queen' sounded fine to me but Midnight never shared that sentiment, turning slightly pale and mentioning some monster from a popular movie.

No one else was standing up after the first two, so i decided to get the ball rolling again and tell them mine.

Standing in front of everyone I turned my whiteboard around showing my name to the class.

"My names Kagutsuchi" I said while looking at Midnight for her approval.

"Great name, it really encapsulates the essence of your quirk. How'd you manage to come up with something so riveting" She asked while everyone else listened in.

"My neighbours came up with it" my response made Midnight and my classmates facepalm.

Midnight muttered "I should've known you couldn't come up with this yourself, not after the pledge at the sports festival"

Ignoring Midnights annoyed mumbles I sat back down in my seat and waited for everyone else to finish coming up with names.

After Bakugo's two failed attempts at coming up with names and Deku choosing Deku, Mr Aizawa woke up to give us sheets with all the offers we got. Unlike the rest of the class, me, Todoroki and Bakugo ended up with massive stacks that would take ages to go through, so after skimming through a few pages I stuck the paper in my back to ready later.


Once the lunch bell rang, there was the usual scramble for the cafeteria. Sadly I never made it there in time to skip the que so I was stuck waiting with Todoroki.

Surprisingly he tried to start a conversation "So... do you like the cafeteria food?"

Even though it felt strange to see him force a conversation that he was clearly not comfortable having, I replied "It's great, but what's up with you. You've never been the type for small talk like this"

"Your right" the heterochromatic boy said as the conversation abruptly ended.

Well it's not like I'm the most chatty either but Todoroki definitely needs to work on holding a conversation, especially if he started it in the first place.

After a good few second of awkward standing around, Todoroki said "The problem I've had with using my left half, I'm finally starting fix it"

"Oh, so going to start practicing with your fire now then" I asked

"Yes, I'm going to strive to use my quirk to it's full potential from now on. So I hope I can have a rematch with you once I've improved." he pledged with a neutral face.

"Knock yourself out, might want to hold that fire of yours back in where the time comes though" I replied making him think back to how he lost during the sports festival.

After getting our food, Todoroki followed me to a mixed table filled with pupils from class 1-A and B. Taking my usual seat next to Yui, the folk from the other class ended up congratulating both me and Todoroki for our places in the festival.

"You guy's really don't hold back any punches do you. I thought I was going to get hit with some of those attacks, and I was in the stands!" Kendo said enthusiastically.

"I'll admit class 1-A has us beat this time, but don't get too comfortable we'll all be training to catch up" Kirishima's long lost brother Tetsutetsu proclaimed while bashing his now metal knuckles together. Man even their body language is the same.

"Has anyone already decided on a agency to internship with" asked Sen Kaibara, he's a black haired boy with a quirk that allows him to rotate any part of his body at high speeds. I never got to see much of in during the sports festival but his classmates say it makes him a tough opponent in hand to hand combat.

While everyone began discussing their options, Yui tugged on me sleeve and said "Congratulations on winning first place"

"You never done so bad yourself, so get any offers or is the school setting you up with one?"

"I got a few" Yui uttered as she pulled her phone out to show me which one's she has narrowed it down to. Most of her offers were from hero agencies that specialised in rescue but she was leaning towards interning with Mt Lady to get some combat experience.

There's still another two days till we have to submit the forms, so there's no need to rush into a decision.

Before lunch ended Yui looked at me with her big wide eyes and asked softly "Can I have your number?" while holding her phone out.

"Alright" I replies while borrowing her phone to key my number in. As this was happening Yui's classmates looked at her with wide eyes, seemingly astonished at what they were witnessing. In their eyes Yui was extremely reserved, yet here she was initiating a conversation and even asking for a boys number, some of them even had to do a double take to make sure they weren't seeing things.

Like that lunch finished and we all made our ways back to class, ready to tackle the afternoon.


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