
My Hero Academia: Altered World

Midoriya Izuku knows that one cannot simply become a hero through dreams alone. He's quirkless, but that doesn't mean he's incapable. It simply means that he has to try that much harder, that his starting line has been set further back than the rest of his peers. He just needed to work harder than the others. ........ A My Hero Academia Fanfic which took place in a parallel timeline. Izuku worked hard to be hero even without a Quirk. He trained his body and learned a bunch of Martial Arts. Bakugo is a bit friendly? Midoriya is more confident? Midoriya would still be receiving One for All, because why not? If you read the Manga then you should know that only Quirkless can use the Quirk without its drawbacks.

TrapsAreNotGay · Anime e quadrinhos
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43 Chs

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

"All of you! Leave! Let me handle this!" Hound Dog ordered to the students.

"We can fight too sensei!" Ojiro exclaimed, "You won't be able to handle this many villains alone!"

"He's right." Camie nodded.

Hound Dog growled, "Yes you can fight, but we are teachers and pros for a reason! It's our duty to protect you all!"

"Sorry sensei, I will fight." Ojiro stated before kicking a villain who sneak up on him.

"Same." Camie tilted to the side to dodge a jab aimed at her, she then grabbed the arm and body throw the villain who dared to punch her.

"You kids... Leave now! Rargh!" Hound Dog roared and pounced at a nearby villain, punching him on the face strong enough to knock him out.

He then charged at the next one and kick him, he grabbed a female villain and slammed her on another villain. He let out a loud growl and kneed the next villain closest to him.

On the other side, Ojiro performed a sweeping hip and slammed a villain to the ground. He followed by jumping to another one and wrapped the villain with his tail and put him on a chokehold.

He frowned when he saw several villains rushing towards him. He let go of the villain he was holding and threw him to the other villains.

Just as he was about to jumped to another one, a villain managed to sneak up on him and impaled his tail with a sharp clawd.

"Argh!" Ojiro screamed in pain. But he managed to kick thr villain on the head.

He was, however, grabbed by another villain and another one kneed him on the chest, causing him to cough blood.

He managed to pushed them away, albeit barely, as another villain rushed towards him with a knife. Ojiro managed to react quickly, but he was a second slower and he was still stabbed on his right shoulder.

"Ojiro!" Camie screamed in worry as she punched her way through to her classmate, but the sheer number of villains were overwhelming her.

One villain with flaming hands grabbed her forearms, and burned her. She screamed in pain, but gritted her teeth and headbutted the villain before kicking him on his junk.

However, a villain sneaked up on her and slammed a wooden plank on the back of her head. Camie stumbled as she felt her vision darkened, but nevertheless she remained conscious.

Another one kicked her on the stomach, causing her to release her breakfast, with some water.

Hound Dog released a mad growl wheb he saw his students, as he took off his muzzle, opening his wide and large mouth as he charged his way through the villains.

Biting, slashing, punching, kicking, he was like a desperate wild wolf. After biting another villain, he grabbed Camie, before jumping towards Ojiro and grabbed him as well.

He climbed the mountain and placed them at the top. Ojiro was panting heavily, he looked at his tail which was bleeding like a river.

Ojiro took off his top and ripped it off, giving it to Camie, "Can you tie it to my wound and shoulder."

"Can't. My arms hurts just moving them, I also feel a bit dizzy." said Camie, "My skin was burned off...I hope Katsuki doesn't mind me having scars." She whispered the last part.

"Don't move there." Hound Dog ordered, he glared at them, before jumping back to the villains and began attacking them.

Despite looking like a mad dog, Ojiro can see that Hound Dog's movements were refined, even better than Ojiro himself. 'So this is a pro huh...It's still way out of my league.'

It didn't take long before Hound Dog finished knocking out the villains. However, it was that moment that Hound Dog's instincts kicked in as he jumped to the side, dodging an attack that came underground.

Then, out came the hole was a tall, and muscular humanoid lizard with green skin, a Nomu. He was followed by a man who look like a mole.

"He dodged huh?" The mole muttered, as he jumped to the shoulder of the lizard-Nomu, "Alright boys, out now."

Then, around a dozen of villains with different shapes and sizes leaped out of the hole. Some of them were holding a weapon, glaring at Hound Dog.

"You are Hound Dog am I right?" Asked the mole-villain, "I'm Excadrill, and this little fella is Nomu, and we are given orders to end you."

Excadrill then jumped down from the Nomu as it rushed towards Hound Dog and threw a punch. Hound Dog moved to the side and tried to counterattack, only for him to jumped back as a villain stomped his foot and created an earth spikes from the ground.

Without giving the hero a time to rest, another villain attacked, this time it was female who sent a wind blade at him.

Hound Dog reacted quickly and managed to dodge, but this time the Nomu appeared behind him and grabbed his head, smashing his face to the ground.

The Nomu did not stop there, he repeatedly did it until Hound Dog began to bleed.

"Sensei!" Ojiro and Camie exclaimed.

Escadrill looked towards them, "Oh yeah, I forgot about you two." he motioned at hus minions, "Kill em."

The villains complied and rushed towards them, but since the two are at the peak of a mountain, it was a bit hard to reach them.

Camie clicked her tongue before looking around and saw a large rock, "Ojiro, push this down to them!"

Ojiro glanced at where Camie was looking and saw the rock, "It might be hard, but I can do that."

He ran towards the rock, it was a bit large and heavy for him so he just went and pushed it, dropping it down below where the villains are climbing up.

The villains quickly panicked and dispersed, however, a wind blade from the female villain managed to split the rock in two.

But it still continued rolling and hit three villains, taking them below the mountain.

Camie smirked, ignoring the burning pain on her forearm, "Hah! You villains don't stand a chance! We have the high ground!"

Ojiro blinked, 'Did she just say what I think she said?' He shook his head, 'But, even if a little, we can lessen the burden for Hound Dog-sensei, we need to end this early, I'm losing a lot of blood.'

Camie was about to say more when she noticed something and her eyes immediately widened. She patted Ojiro and said, "I have a plan, follow me."

Before Ojiro could say anything, Camie climbed down from top and began to run, Ojiro stared at her for a moment before following her.

"I saw Present Mic-sensei over here!" Shouted Camie with a smile, "With another pro, then we should be safe!"

Ojiro's eyes widened before smiling, however, he felt that something was wrong but didn't comment on it.

Excadrill, of course heard her and frowned, 'That's weird. Warp should have teleported the teachers in separate zones....fuck, did he make a mistake! Not good!'

He pointed at his minions and shouted, "What are you doing!? Follow them! Kill them before they can get help! If another Pro helpes them we'll be in trouble!"

The villains immediately followed the two students.

It was at that moment that Hound Dog grabbed the Nomu's arm and lifts it up, before smashing it to the ground.

"RAAARGHHH!" He released a mad roar as he punched the Nomu.

Nomu tried to stop it by catching it, but Hound Dog was too strong his punched broke the Nomu's arms and went straight to its face.

He then growled at Excadrill who flinched at the look on Hound Dog's eyes. The Hound Hero raised his head and sniffed the air, only to frown.

'I can't smell Mic anywhere....shit, those kids, did they use themselves as a bait!?' Angered, Hound Dog threw a punch on the Nomu's chest. 'Those problem children!'

Hound Dog walked towards Excadrill, who showed an expression of fear, and just as he was about to attack, the Nomu stood up and put him on a chokehold.


Away from them, Camie and Ojiro were running away from the group of angry and blood loving villains. They were breathing heavily from exhaustion.

The female villain was sending a wind blade from time to time, which the two barely even dodged.

"Are you sure you saw Mic-sensei?" Ojiro questioned, "What if you're mistaken? We're so dead!"

Camie remained silent, '....What if one of them has super hearing? My plan would be ruined!' she grinned, "Of course! Just follow me!"

Now, Ojiro knows that there's definitely something going on, but Camie don't want to say it.

"Over there!"

Ojiro looked at where Camie pointed and his eyes widened, as everything seem to click on his mind as he smiled, 'So that's how it is. Hope none of them dies.'

After running for awhile, they saw a hanging bridge made of wooden planks, which was quite long. And knew that if they tried to cross it and the villains caught up to them before they can reach the other side, then there's a chance that the villains would cut off the rope and make them fall.

It was thirty meters high, and there's a water below, so they might survive the fall, but still.

They stopped before they crossed the bridge and turned towards the villains who was already grinning and walking towards them slowly, as if trying to intimidate them.

When the villains was just about a few meters away from them, the space seem flicker and reality bends, and right before the villains eyes, their position changed.

They were now standing in the middle of the hanging bridge!

"Go Ojiro!" Camie shouted.

"Right! Argh!" Ojiro grabbed the wood that supported the bridge and uprooted it, much to the shock and fear of the villains, before letting it go.

The bridge swung down, but before that happens, the female villain managed to send a wind blade aimed at Ojiro.

The martial artist stood frozen on his spot.

"Ojiro!" Camie tackled him to the ground, avoiding attack. Looking up, Camie sighed in relief finally feeling safe as she stood up, with Ojiro just staring at her on a daze.

Noticing this, Camie raised an eyebrow, before a sly smirk made its way to her face as she patted his cheek, "I know that look fam, but you better give up, I'm taken."

Ojiro snapped out of his daze snorted in amusement, letting out a wry smile. He stood up and decided to ask, "So, how did you put those guys under your illusion?"

Camie smiled, "You speak as if you aren't under one."

He chocked, "W-Wha—!?"

Camie scratched the back of her head, wincing in pain when her hair touched her burns, "Haha yeah, you see I've been running in front of you right? I've been releasing my Quirk and the smoke was left behind, which all of you has been inhaling."

"...You are one scary girl." He managed to say before he passed out.


"Grk!?" Hound Dog grabbed the Nomu's arms and tried to pry it away from him, but it was proved difficult even for him.

Excadrill chuckled and said, "Oh, did I mention that Nomu is a bio-engineered being. It's strength is even greater than several people combined. Not only that, its Quirk is Super Regeneration, even if you blow off its limbs it'll just regenerate. Too bad this is only a Lower Tier one though, so it's quite weak."

'Weak...!? This!?' Hound Dog growled.

The mole villain then grinned maliciously, "Oh, did you know a Middle Tier Nomu, which is even stronger than this one, is here? And there are three of them. Each of them are facing the Three of the Four Stars."

Hound Dog's eyes widened in horror before it was replaced by boiling anger, 'All Might's students or not, they're still kids! Our students! Therefore....It's our duty to protect them from harm!'

"LET. GO. OF. ME!" He roared as he jumped up high and slammed the Nomu to the ground with his body.

He then elbowed the Nomu, repeatedly until its grip loosen. With a growl, Hound Dog grabbed the Nomu and smashed its face to the ground, causing a web-like cracks.

Knowing that Nomu has regeneration, Hound Dog stomped its head, again and again until its upper half was buried to the ground.

He then glared at Excadrill who flinched in fear, "Now...you're next."

"Hiiiie!" Excadrill shriek in fear and tried to dig down, only to be caught by Hound Dog, "Hiiie! Don't hurt me! I'll tell you everything I know!"

Hound Dog paused, before saying, "Go on."