I continued walking home, the memory of the incident earlier kept on replaying in my mind like a broken record.
"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME!!!!" "you're dead to me" "you're the reason why I lost my best and only friend"
I was too furious to
focus on anything happening around me.
I was too furious to
realise that I was crossing a road.
I was too furious to
hear the cars.
I was too furious to
see the car driving towards me.
I was finally brought back into reality when I heard a loud noise, I turned to my left and saw a car about to hit me. This was it. This was how I'm going to die. I am finally going to leave this world. I am finally going to be with my mother and grandmother again. I was finally going to be...
I stood there waiting for the collision of the car to hit me when all of a sudden I was yanked back onto the sidewalk and the car drove past me, losing my chance to die and be free. "JIWON WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?!?!?!?!" I then opened my eyes and then saw Mingyu, "M-Mingyu? What are you doing here? And where are we?" I said confused as I looked around my surroundings. "WHAT AM I DOING HERE? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! I CAME LOOKING FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T COME BACK HOME YET AND SCHOOL ENDED FIVE HOURS AGO!!!!" Mingyu screamed at me, I then looked around and saw that we were in the city and not even close to our house.
"I-I-I d-don't know..." I replied unsure of how to react "all I remember is leaving school and walking home... But that was 4 hours ago..." I was honestly confused about how I got here. "*sigh* Jiwon, what am I going to do with you... come one Jiwon, let's go home," he said as he took me to his car and we drove home.
The ride was silent, not that I'm complaining though, it just felt weird because every time Mingyu and I went on drives we always had at least 5 conversations. But now, he was silent, he looked so serious, his eyes were 100% focused on the road, not paying any attention to anything else... I looked out the windows and watched everything pass by us, I almost fell asleep when Mingyu suddenly asked me "Jiwon, did anything happen to you at school today?" I body shot right up when he said that, I then looked at him and saw that he was still looking at the road but his face had softened.
I didn't want him to worry so I lied. "N-no hyung n-nothing had happened." I don't know why but I always felt bad whenever I lied to him, so I looked back at the windows and stared at everything passing by us. I could hear him sigh and focused back to the road "Jiwon, you know that you can tell me anything right?" Mingyu then told me, I could sense a bit of sadness in his voice as he said that. "I know hyung, I know..." I replied just wanting to go to my room and sleep.
We finally arrived home and as soon as Mingyu parked the car I unbuckled my seatbelt, opened the door and went inside. I took off my shoes and went straight to my bedroom, I opened my door and threw myself onto my soft bed. I just laid there, thinking about all of the things that are happening to me. 'let's see... My grandmother died, my eomma died and my appa is in a coma because of a car accident, I caught the love of my life having sex with my only friend and I almost died today... My life is going great -_-'.
But the one thing that kept on bothering me was the fact that I didn't tell Mingyu the truth.' should I have told Mingyu the truth? I mean, he was the only person that cares about me now and all he's doing is taking care of me... Should I have told him? *sigh* I probably should have... I must have hurt him-' i suddenly heard a knock on my door. "Jiwon are you in there?" it was Mingyu. "can I come in?" "uh, yeah, come in," I said as I sat up from my bed. He opened the door, walked up next to me and sat next to me on my bed.
Mingyu put his hand on my right shoulder and said "Jiwon, I know that you were lying back in the car, please tell me what happened" I looked at him in shock, 'how did he know? Can he read my mind or something?' Mingyu said nothing but chuckled, "I can't read your mind Jiwon, but I could tell that you were lying." "B-but how?" I asked still shocked "whenever you lie you start to stutter, you try to avoid looking at me and you start to get extra quiet" "oh..." I still couldn't believe it, was he that observant? I already knew that Mingyu was observant but THAT observant??? Wow... "so please Jiwon, please tell me what happened" I gave up, I finally told him what happened "so I used to have this girlfriend, and her name was Lee Jieun. Once I caught her having sex with my best friend and then I left her. Today after school when I went to go and get my stuff from my locker, she came up to me and tried to get me to fuck her in the janitor's room. She started whispering disgusting, sexual stuff in my ear about what she wanted me to do to her. That was when I lost it. I shoved her away from me, I picked up my stuff and left the building. That was all I remembered before you pulled me away from the car" that was it, I finally told him.
I was waiting for an answer from Mingyu but when I looked at him all I saw was just a shocked face. As if he couldn't believe what he had just heard. "um, Mingyu, are you alrig-?" I was suddenly interrupted when Mingyu pulled me into a hug, he stroked my head and whispered into my ear "I'm so sorry Jiwon, I had no idea that that is what had happened" his voice was comforting, his body was warm and it felt like I was hugging my grandmother. He then whispered into my ear again "stay strong my dear child. As for your life is going to get better" I froze and my eyes widened.
Those where the exact same words that I heard grandma tell me the day at her funeral. 'how did he know that... Wait, no Jiwon it probably was just a coincidence' "stay strong Jiwon. If you ever need me, I'll be there. I'm your darkest times, I'll be there. In your brightest times, I'll be there. When you think that there is no hope, I'll be there to guide you through the darkness" he whispered as he continued to stroke my head. I could feel the tears run down my face as he told me this and next thing I knew, I was crying. "shhhh, it's alright Jiwon, I'm here for you, tell me why you're crying" Mingyu told me as he stroked my back to in a comforting way, it felt as if I was in the hands of an angel. I began crying even more, "tell me what's bothering you," he told me, that was all I needed to hear before everything had poured out "I-I-I can't take it! I want to die and be free from this hell hole known as life! I want to be back with my eomma and appa! I want my grandmother to be with me! I want my old and happy life back!" I poured out my heart and everything that I have kept to myself all this time and finally come out. Mingyu continued to stroke my back until I stopped.
Once I finally stopped crying, Mingyu let go of me and stood up "come on Jiwon, time to go and get ready for bed..." "OK hyung" I stood up and went to my bathroom to go and take a shower. Once I finished I went and put on my pyjamas. I left my bathroom and looked around my room to see that Mingyu wasn't there anymore. 'he probably left while I was getting ready' I went into my bed, turned off the lights and went to sleep.