
Chapter 4

I woke up the next morning and went to my bathroom, I got ready for school and then left my bathroom. I opened the door to my room and almost fell to the floor. I wasn't in my room anymore. I was in a place that looked like there were only clouds and beautiful flourishing nature, it looked like some kind of.... Heaven. 'DID I FUCKING DIE IN MY SLEEP?!' I was about to go back into my bathroom but when I turned around there was nothing but more clouds in sight. I started to slightly panic until I heard a voice "Jiwon~" my heart stopped, I recognised that voice, the voice played in my head

all the time

"G-granny?" "Jiwon~" I ran as fast as I could towards the voice of my dear beloved grandmother. The more I ran the closer I seemed to be getting to the voice. I kept on running and running until I was face to face with my beloved grandmother.

I couldn't say or do anything but hug her and I then began to cry. She then engulfed me with her warmth and whispered the exact same things into my ear that she said to me at her funeral. She let go of me and looked at me in my eyes. "but Granny, nothing good has happened to me since you died. You died, Appa is in a coma and eomma died from a car accident, I lost the only friend and I caught my girlfriend cheat on me!" I then could feel my eyes starting to water again.

Granny then calmed me down again and told me "My dear Jiwon, you may think that what I'm saying is a lie but everything that you are going through is just a test. A test from life. Life is throwing everything they have at you to try and break you.... But you didn't. Life is trying to see how strong you are and use all of your weaknesses against you. But believe me, my dear Jiwon, life will be better. If you stay strong, you will obtain your best life that you could have" her words of wisdom always did seem to encourage me. "stay strong my dear grandchild and do whatever he says" she told, I looked at her confused, 'he? Who's he? Is 'he' someone that I already know?' I didn't understand what she meant by that.

As I was looking at her all she did what smile "you will know soon my dear..." as I continued to look at her I suddenly noticed a shadow that was behind her, but it wasn't her's. The shadow looked like it tall, had some wings, and had a thing that looked like a witch hat and I think two pairs of something that looked like swords. Suddenly the shadow moved and a hand was placed on my left shoulder, I quickly turned around and just got a glimpse of what it was until all I could see was white.