
My Heart Beats For You |bxb|

Cooper never had a normal life. He always needed more attention than normal people. Making a deal with his father was the best thing Cooper did. He went to new locations; he experienced new things, he even made new friends! Though there was one exception: his classmate Calvin. Calvin was a mystery to him. He’s always alone with his headphones and always has a knack at annoying him. With things that always come to brew trouble, they begin to realise that maybe the other is not so annoying after all.... And maybe they need each other! Watch as their hearts beat into one rhythm. Cooper: Just you wait, I will make you my friend! MUWAHAHAHA! Calvin: Yeah sure, do that. Cooper: Y- Why do I feel insulted? Calvin: ‘Cos that’s my intention Cooper: QAQ

Ysabel_xox · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Chapter 43

"Are you ready to go?" Cristopher asked his son who's tying his shoes. 

Cooper looked up and brightly smiled. "Yes papa!"

Christopher rubbed Cooper's hair making it messy. Cooper pouted and tried to fix his hair. 

"I just brushed my hair! Why do you have to do that?" Cooper grumbled. He stood up and glared at his father.

"I have to be tidy and decent when visiting Mama, I only visit her sometimes and it's not a good impression to have her seeing me look like a shaggy dog." he complained.

Cristopher laughed. "Your mother will not mind it even if you look like a wet dog. She loves you no matter what."

"But still." Cooper pressed.

"Fine fine. If you are done reprimanding your papa, then let's go out to your mother."

Cooper nodded. They went to the front of the house and waited for Norvyn to drive the car.