
My god sent system

What happens when a gang leader transmigrates? He builds a gang in a fantasy world. And what if the said gang leader is a brothers' fanatic, who did everything to protect his brothers but got killed in the end. Follow Lucius as he transmigrates into a magical world while dreaming of meeting his brothers again

Soulwriter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

Getting my own A.I in a fantasy world

* Lucius POV *

I woke up later that night in my bedroom, and then as I was about to access my notifications, a voice sounded in my head.

"Good morning, Master Lucius, oops my bad, good night"

This just freaked me out, this voice not only had some weird gnome-like tone, but it even sounded like it.

"Who are you? Show yourself" I asked, I hope I am not surrounded.

"Well, I am your companion, the one you acquired by activating your own Enhanced Sentient Scholar's Companion Box" Oh, that explains things."Okay, then why do you sound like a gnome?" I asked. "Because your brain automatically connects the Enhanced Sentient Scholar's Companion Box with the gnome that delivered it to you" This guy is just like J.A.R.V.I.S, but a little more sympathy is added, I like it. "Tell me, companion, I shall call you A.L.F.R.E.D by the way" I named him after one of the most loyal butlers in history. "Noted, Master Lucifer", he replied, but his tone, his whole voice, and his way of talking didn't match his name, I'll have to do something about it later. "So what can you do?" I inquired.

"I can do a lot of things, in fact, I am part of your body now, Master Lucius put it as an intelligence that makes part of every tiny cellule in your body, and my central intelligence is in your brain." He replied. That is just like saying that he has nanotechnology in him, or that he is made of nanotechnology, but why wasn't he responding to my thoughts if he was in my brain? I mean that's logical, isn't it?

"Can you read my mind, Alfred?" I simply asked. "Yes indeed, Master" he responded. So I thought. "Then why weren't you able to respond to my thoughts earlier?" I asked again. "Simply because you didn't give me the right to do so, Master Lucius" Well that's logical too. But I can't always speak to myself, "Can we turn our conversations to be through my mind? I don't want to look crazy when talking to you, as you are now part of me, and that's technically talking to myself, which is crazy" I then requested. "I can communicate with you throughout ideas indeed master, but that will make me able to read every little idea you have" He replied, and that's just made him way more useful. "Just make sure you don't speak till I address you." I said. "Yes, master".

Now the next issue, or actually the one that came before that, matching his personality with his name, an Alfred that's unsuccessfully trying to be funny won't do, and since he has access to my brain, what about my memories?

'Can you access all my previous memories, Alfred?' I asked him

'Yes I can, but as it's shown, Master has too many memories, way more than a baby should have, it will take 26 hours to read them all'

'Can you make my body sleep for that many hours by any chance' I suddenly asked him, had this random idea, and if it was possible,...

'It is possible, Master Lucius' He cut my line of thought, damn, think about all the sleep I lacked because I couldn't catch a nap, now with just a thought, I can have all the sleep I need.

'Anyways, do make me sleep during the process of you reading my memories' And with that, the A.I made me blackout again.

I woke up later on, to see that I was surrounded by my family members, and they seemed worried, I guess I did sleep for 26 hours.

"Are you okay?" Asked Mother "You have been asleep for two days straight" I totally forgot I was asleep even before.

"I am okay, it's just that I got excited about the gnome technology, and asked him to access my past life's memories" I replied, a little excited since Alfred confirmed accessing them, I even used a word they definitely wouldn't understand.

"Tech... What is that you said" Father asked the next moment.

"You see all these things that are made by individuals and that make your life easier, like for gnomes making a companion to help me better use my LifeStream Interface and faster, that's called technology" I simplified the term to the best of my ability. "But in our world, we couldn't use magic, so we created things, and they fell under the word 'Technology', for example, a way to communicate with each other even if we were so far away from each other, and without the need to speak loud" I explained the original concept of phones, wondering if they had that in Eldtrorse, and Alfred denied it, now I found something I might make to help humans evolve more, cause them not knowing what is technology is a shame if only they knew how ùuch they're missing, but I have to change that.

I asked if it was possible to make a phone in this world and Alfred answered that I didn't have the blueprint to achieve that, so I discarded it for the moment. Mother interrupted my thinking by asking the one question I didn't expect. "So you don't have magic in your world?" I thought she'd ask about phones, maybe some more explaining concerning technology, but she chose the most obvious question. As I looked at her dumbly, I found that Father and Grandmother were looking at her the same way, while Grandfather was thinking about something.

"So, can you tell me more about this phone thing?" he asked after some consideration, but as a king of a neighboring Kingdom, there's no way in hell I'd give him that idea.

"I want you, as the King of the Kingdom of Celestia, to promise me through a contract that you will not use this knowledge at all, as it solely belongs to my Lumina Kingdom, Do you accept?" I asked, and it seemed I got him into a dilemma, the old man shut up for quite a minute before he replied.

"As long as you promise that you share this phone with us, Kingdom of Celestia, as your first clients" He replied

"Well, if you yourselves pay for the charges of installing the phones, we will make sure that all the inhabitants of your capital city will at least have one phone in their home, but the charges will be aside from the payment you will give us, which we will decide upon later, as some inner circle discussions are needed" I reported the deal talk until later.

It was night when I woke up, but being asleep for 2 days, I decided that there might be some things I might like to do. As everyone went to their rooms, I turned my focus to my A.I, I first asked him to change his behavior, since he saw my memories, he might as well understand me way more, I asked him to completely copy Sean Pertwee's version of Alfred, as I'll need him to teach me many things. I then turned to my LifeStreamInterface, I'll just call it my status window and viewed the changes while wearing my gifts.

[ Name: Lucius Celestia Solaris

Level: 0

Class: none - mana veins still locked

Subclass: none - mana veins still locked

Rank: Corporal

Title: Prince of the Kingdom of Lumina

HP ( Health Points ): 50

MP ( Mana Points ): 0 - Mana veins are still blocked

XP ( Experience Points ): 0


1. Physical:

Strength: 13 (3+10)

Agility: 5

Constitution: 14 (4+10)

2. Mental:

Intelligence: 19 (9+10 )

Wisdom: 24 (14+10)

Will (Hidden attribute; it represents your ability to fight mental attacks or any anomalies that are related to your mentality): 20 (0+20)

3. Unique:

Luck:47 (+40)

Charisma: 8

Mana: 0 - All the host's mana veins are blocked.

Skills: None

Spells: None

Talent: Aura eyes - Blocked due to the age restriction - Can be unlocked at the age of 5 ]

I even wore the Astral Amulet of Starbinding, and as I asked Alfred to give me his opinion about it, he said 'Forgive my insolence, Master Lucifer, but you do lack agility, besides that, it appears you have quite the talent in magic, but not that you know how to use it, and I think the Crystalheart Pendant will help you in that, besides, with some studies in magic, I believe we will be able to further enhance your magic. Needless to say, Master Lucifer, you are but a baby, and training, too much training, is not the best for you, so I suggest you build your theory first, and then when you reach the ideal age to start training, which I believe to be 3 years old, you can start putting your knowledge into practice.' It appears my version of Afred is quite the talkative one, not that I mind, since all the points he pointed at were right, just that my dwarfen gift will ensure I train even without intending to

I spent the night reading some books about Celestia, if I want my Grandfather to pay me right, I'll have to know how to use him. And I was already able to find quite a lot of ways to make him do so.

Celestia is a neighbor Kingdom to our Lumina Kingdom, and as we are known to be their own middle agent, we sell their products and buy their shopping list. But we are also known as merchants, we do business with Celestia the most, but we do that as well with a lot of other Kingdoms. Now, the way I can use them is by making them back up our phone Business idea, making it known that Humans created the Phone, as well as helping us force any Kingdom interested in creating it to pay us a fee as it is our product and that any kingdom that wants us to sell them some of our 'phones, have to pay for any charges related to the delivering, besides the price of the phones, I plan to start working on this idea in 4 years, as I need to study and prepare, but I will promise them that phones will not be the last invention I will bring forth, and make Celestia sell our products to their allies, with 20% of the profits being theirs.

~9 hours later~

I told Father and Mother about the plan I thought about, and they accepted, given that the King and Queen of Celestia would accept this proposal. Later when I proposed my deal to my grandparents, they tried to shift to their interest, but I talked about Instagram, gaming, and radio, and old men love radios, so they accepted my deal saying that they might even invest in it, which I plan, l denied, as those will be Lumina's products, in order to make a name for Humans in Eldtrorse.

It was then decided that, 4 years later, when I finish my studies with Mother, I would start working on these projects, and that Father would start training me at 3 years old, and until 10, given that inventing will only take some time from training, not delete it.

And just like that, my 2 years strict study regime started.


A.N:1881 words

2 years time jump incoming, I know I am giving Lucifer a lot of things, but he is a royal, the crown prince at that, and that's just natural to have all that he has. Just know that I thought it would be good to write a fantasy novel with the MC being born with everything he needs and using it correctly.

Help me please I need some criticizing to upgrade my work