
My god sent system

What happens when a gang leader transmigrates? He builds a gang in a fantasy world. And what if the said gang leader is a brothers' fanatic, who did everything to protect his brothers but got killed in the end. Follow Lucius as he transmigrates into a magical world while dreaming of meeting his brothers again

Soulwriter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

A Royal Birthday Party - PART II

Here, sorry for the delay, Here's a chapter, and wait for another special delivery today, Take it as an apology for the last 2 missed days of releases.


* Lucius POV *

Eating went smoothly, and as someone who likes to eat in utter silence, I was pleased. After that came the time for the gifts, and god did that part get me curious. After all, what can you give a newborn prince when everything is available for him?

As I was waiting for Father to take us to the throne, he gestured for a maid who used a spell to turn the edge of the balcony into stairs, I guess that's the reason for the lack of technology, note for my future self, start technologically developing the kingdom, magic is good, but add technology to the equation and you get dreams realized on a daily basis.

The chairperson took that as a sign to stand by those same stairs and started speaking.

" Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and honored friends,

As the joyful celebrations of this auspicious occasion continue, we find ourselves on the brink of a truly remarkable moment—one that will allow us to honor and extend our well-wishes to His Royal Highness Prince Lucius and his esteemed family.

The list of guests that grace us tonight is a testament to the bonds of friendship, the threads of diplomacy, and the shared values that unite us all. It is within this gathering of kindred spirits that we have the opportunity to create lasting memories and expressions of respect.

I now have the distinct honor of inviting each of you to partake in a moment that will be etched in the tapestry of this evening's festivities. Following the presentation of gifts by the distinguished individuals on our list, we are privileged to extend an invitation to every guest present, to join us in a line that leads to His Royal Highness Prince Lucius and his cherished family.

In this singular moment, you will have the opportunity to convey your personal well-wishes and present your tokens of regard to the prince and his family. This act, whether through words, gestures, or thoughtful gifts, will undoubtedly resonate with the depth of your admiration.

May I kindly request those whose names have been listed to approach the designated area to initiate this time-honored procession? And to all our esteemed guests, I invite you to join the line as it forms—a line that speaks volumes about our unity, respect, and shared appreciation.

As we gather in this symbolically significant procession, let us remember that it is not only a moment of gift-giving but also a moment of sharing, of acknowledging the noble spirit that resides within each of us. Let our well-wishes be the echoes of unity that linger long after this celebration.

To His Royal Highness Prince Lucius, we express our gratitude for gracing us with his presence. To his family, we offer our deepest respects and warmest regards. May this shared moment be one that reinforces the bonds of friendship and extends the legacy of this joyous day.

Thank you, esteemed guests, for joining us in this commemoration. Your presence enhances the brilliance of this occasion, and we look forward to the shared interactions that lie ahead.

With that, let the procession of well-wishes and expressions of respect commence. Thank you."

After that, he went on to open a long paper, clearly the list of guests, and started calling. But before he could start, Mother whispered for him to scratch the angels of Celestia off the list, and turned to her parents as if to ask them, and as if she understood, Grandmother spoke.

"- Dear, how about we forget our status as royal for a couple of days, and spend them as the Grandparents our dear daughter needs us to become, for this cute little fellow?" She asked, but I couldn't sense the question in her sentence, scary woman.

"- As you wish my dear, I shall see how my dear little cookie is treated in this" He stopped midsentence, note for future me, do not marry an angel, they are actually demons in disguise."Land". He finished.

Happy to hear their answer, Mother, signaled for the Chairperson to go on on his task. "Thank you" she whispered.

"May the representant of the Kingdom of Mystoria come up to heed his majesty's call"

And right after, a short man, with a thick build, but a strong one, but the most noted feature remained in his face, with such a short body, his head sure was big, his nose was so broad it took the most part of his face, and his beard was so long it reached his feet, but I could see it was well taken care of, it was long yes, but it was well maintained so as to not disturb his movements. Needless to say, this one was clearly a dwarf, and this got me thinking, Dwarfs were known for blacksmithing and being the creative race in fantasy novels back on earth, so I got curious if I could get to have them teach me.

"Greetings, Your Highness. My name is Thrain Ironheart. As the honored representative of the Dwarven clans of Mystoria, I extend my most sincere greetings to Your Majesty, King Soren, and to the esteemed royal family of Lumina. On this auspicious occasion of your son's first birthday, I stand before you with a heart full of respect and goodwill.

May the echoes of our ancient mountains resound in celebration of this joyous event, a celebration that unites our realms in the tapestry of life. Your...." It seemed he was going to talk for a while, so I cut him short.

"Sir Thrain, are you a dwarf?"

This question caught him off guard, and I could already see him unhappy with this gesture, well, what can you do, I'm only a baby.

"Yes, indeed, lord Lucius, .." Boy, did he like to talk.

"I heard dwarves are master blacksmiths, and that they like to drink booze a lot, is that true?" I said in a fastened manner to show my interest.

"Yes indeed, an average Mystoria dwarf blacksmith is at the 4th rank Forge adept, whereas our beloved king has already reached the rank 8: Celestial artificer, and that's not even his only profession."

It seems that was some hot news, my parents became interested in it, and so did my grandparents.

"Oh, is that right? I heard King Thrain was able to reach the 7th rank 2 years before his demise, I guess the god of craftsmanship did bless his son after all." Remarked Father and the dwarf seemed happy to hear his comment.

"Thank you, Your Highness, you are indeed knowledgeable, his highness king Arion sent me to bring a gift for the young lord Lucius, an evolving dwarven amulet of resilience, especially made by an artisan enchanter, it not only instills within the wearer the qualities of resilience, strength, and unwavering determination that define the Dwarven people upon use, but it gradually transforms his body and spirit to accommodate such dwarven features to strengthen his body. Please, do not fret, the evolving dwarven amulet of resilience won't change the prince's physic or body shape, but it will allow him to be naturally stronger, and more resilient in body and spirit, and when the prince reaches the age of 4, all the qualities of this dwarven amulet will be already instilled in his highnesses' body and spirit in full, and if he doesn't wish so, he can not wear it." It seems this dwarf feels ashamed of his looks and his race's opinions considering beauty.

"Don't worry, sir Thrain, I will make sure to wear it till the age of 4. It brings way too many benefits not to do so, besides, it is beautifully made I doubt I'll hide it afterward, I might wear it for way longer than that. Though I did hope I would get some of the muscles the dwarves are known for, it's a shame" I exclaimed energetically.

"Don't worry your highness, muscles come with training, and the more you train, the more your muscles will grow." Oh, he sounded cool saying that, I could see Father silently thanking him for the gesture, I guess he feared I'd grow lazy.

"Thinking of that, May I seek your favor? I want to start learning Blacksmithing and I'd like you to ask King Arion for me if he could provide a good blacksmith to teach me the art you Mystorians excel in." This last one made Mother glare at me, and Father on the verge of canceling my demand, but I had to do it this way, I had to use my status as a kid in every way, I winked at Mother hoping she'd understand, and thank god she did.

"Please do us this favor sir Thrain, I hope the king won't deny us this favor," She said, and Father kept silent thanks to it.

"I will do my best, Your Highness, for that you have my word, but I cannot promise what my king's reaction will be, and that is why I can't promise any results," said Thrain, and as if on cue, he turned to leave.

"And sir Thrain, we hope you can pass on our joyous felicitations to King Arion for his successful breakthrough." Added Father.

"And ours' as well" seconded Grandpa.

"That I will, your Highnesses" Answered Thrain with a smile, one that showed up even through his beard.

As the Chairperson was getting ready to call for the next guest, Mother gestured for him to wait. And she turned to me, guess she really didn't like my earlier move.

"What was that about?" She asked.

"Well, Mother, I would like to learn blacksmithing, so I asked a dwarf for it." I simply answered.

"You asked the dwarven king for it, for a genius I thought you'd understand that such a move is risky, so tell me what did you risk our alliance with Mystoria for?" I forgot that I winked at her.

"Well, he's royalty, and so am I, and that makes both of us proud individuals. Besides, he is a dwarf, and that boosts his pride higher up a notch, so I believe he will take it as a challenge to show off his ability to provide a mentor, my bet is on the factor of pride, which will be even higher when considering that I, a human prince, am interested in blacksmithing, which is the domain that the god of dwarves upholds, and so, king Arion, a dwarf, will make it sure that he conveys the greatness of his god is properly conveyed to me, and considering the fact that the amulet of resilience was made by a rank 6 blacksmith, that will be the same rank of the mentor that the king Arion will pick up for me, so tell me, Mother, how many rank 6 blacksmiths do we have in Lumina?" I jerked off.

"Uhh, oh, I, Honey, would you answer that?" I hope I didn't break my own mother.

"One actually, a human"

"And how would he fare against a dwarf of the same rank?" I further questioned.

"I don't think he would be able to make the amulet even if he broke through the next rank". Father played along, I guess he could already see where I was coming from.

"What's your point, boy?"

"Well, do we do business with Mystoria?" I asked

"Yes, they do create weapons for our soldiers when in times of war, and we sell their weapons for a tenth of the price of every item of theirs that we sell, and we sell them all kinds of liquor."

"Well, I believe that's not enough" I blurted, I mean a tenth, that must barely cover the charges of selling those same items.

"What do you mean?" And Father doesn't seem to even realize it.

"Well, how much profit do we have for selling their said items, and that is if we are the sole sellers of their items or just one of many? Besides, do we have dwarven blacksmiths in our kingdom?"

"That I don't know, the counselor should be able to answer, and yes, we are the sole sellers of their items in this region of the continent, our neighboring countries I mean, but we can't reach any farther than that. As for the dwarven blacksmiths, well the Mystoria kingdom is strict about such matters, they only reached us for this birthday because we sell them liquor, and they value it."

"Well, did we develop better liquor, if we....." Father cut me short

"This conversation is for later, know we must entertain our guest" he has a point.

"Well, I guess you didn't give enough credit to your child, he can easily be counted as one of the top geniuses in Celestia, I'll send some royal instructors to help you better educate him" Whispered Grandma to Mother.

"Will they swear allegiance to me" Whispered Mother back.

"You already know the answer to that"

"Well, then the answer is no, sorry Mother" This surprised Grandma, but for an odd reason, she seemed proud.

"You have grown, my child," She said.

While they were whispering, the chairperson, upon a gesture from my father, called for the next guest.

"May the representant of the Kingdom of Alchemora come up to heed his majesty's call".

And answering the call, minutes later, came a comical creature, so comical I thought my eyes were making ticks on me.


A.N: 2270 words, Sorry for the abrupt stop, but this is already a long chapter, this birthday party is meant to be a little arc to speed things up a little, as for the MC's intellectual abilities, I know it seems weird for the parents to just accept it, but I will clarify it after the end of this arc, but just know this, I did say it's stupid to have a grown-up man in a baby's body, well, this one is indeed a baby, but the system he had just holds his knowledge, and ideas he had, so he can argue with grownups although he is a child, it does make him a genius, but, %£$¤§!@%!§£*ù£$^^? Spoilers gotta stop

Expect another chapter soon