
my girlfriend is a model

teff_anny · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


I'll go talk to the manager right now said nounou okay you can go when nounou was on her way the person in the water brought out his head i was mesmerized by the beauty again i could not believe that i saw the person i have being looking for that was when i remembered that nounou was going downstairs Waitttttt i screamed everyone got shocked for a moment then i turned to him muchen hiii he got out of the water and greeted me we meet again i said to him yes we meet again he told me ohh this are nounou and feifei my assistant and agent as well as my best friends this is muchen the one that helped me when i sprained my ankle ohh nounou said nice to meet you and thank you for helping her the last time i really appreciate it nounou said no problem it is my duty he said OMG the other person came out of the dressing room and screamed is this not meying the big model star i laughed awkwardly yes is me nice to meet you i told him muchen how did become so close with the big star i thought you don't any celebrity his friend asked this is cheng lei my best friend and also a cardiologist in the same hospital muchen introduced i don't need to introduce her right you already know her right yes cheng lei answered can i get your autograph cheng lei asked me yes of course where do i sign he brought a flyer of me and i signed for him can i take a photo with you yes you can then i looked at nounou and feifei signaling them to talk cheng lei away so i can be alone with muchen thankfully they understood my signal hey cheng lei this is your first time here right feifei asked yes it my first time because I'm always busy in the hospital cheng lei answered let me show around the vip cheng lei willingly accepted and went with them finally i was alone with him hummm....thank you for the last time is not an issue i already told you not to thank me you must be very rich to get the vip session of the swimming pool i asked him well i like privacy i don't like crowded places and noise he said so whenever i come here i always stay in the vip then how come i never met you i asked him welll I'm always busy at work i hardly have any free time so whenever I'm free i come here alone this is the first time i came with somebody he said i can see you swim very well i told him i learnt it when i was little is always good to know how to swim because of dangerous situation yes i said you must also be very rich he told me anyway you are a model he said well my parents are very rich i was actually born with a silver spoon on my mouth i told him you are quite easy going you know i told him you are not as difficult as i thought you would be maybe I'm always difficult to communicate with you just found your way to go through me he said…..last time you seemed to be in a hurry when you dropped me off right yes i was in a hurry i had a operation to do that afternoon he said so can i add you on wechat i asked him and he smiled and brought out his phone i scanned his QRcode do you usually go out during your free times i asked him and he said few times so now that we have added each other on wechat

Can i pursue you i asked him