
my girlfriend is a model

teff_anny · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Can i pursue you?? He was quite shocked maybe because i was a celebrity or it was abrupt but i didn't care about that i was just waiting for my answer,if i say no will you stop he asked me of course not I'm already determined to pursue you then why do you ask well i was just trying to be nice i told him well i can't possibly tell you no always news might get out that a big star model was rejected by a little doctor what are you saying?i asked him who said you are a little doctor,doctor are second to God understand and besides it's just the two of us here who will leak the news the walls have ears he said and besides you are a celebrity your life is not so private outside you know that right he asked yeah that is true....we started a conversation i almost forgot now can i scan ur wechat sure here he brought out his phone and i scanned his code accept my request i told him yes ma'am he replied whenever you are free again can we hang out just the two of us and get to know each other more what do you say? No problem I'll try to be free but you might not be free what if you have something to do that day?for you I'll make out time i told him this is just the second time we are meeting you can't possibly tell me you are in love with me so why do you want to pursue me ? Yes I'm not in love with you but i like you and i want to pursue so we can both fall in love with each other i know it sounds foolish but my heart tells me that sooner or later I'll fall in love with you so i better pursue before then or you might fall for someone else leaving me heartbroken have you fallen in love before he asked me No i haven't and i have not dated anyone before you will be the first one what about you i don't usually have time to date girls but my parents usually set me on blind date with their friends daughters he said so haven't liked anyone before? No he answered