
How We Met...


Paul was just wandering around town, he's a local to the place. His town is one of those urban places where Red Light Districts and gigolos are found. "I should really move out of this place soon... maybe I should move to Neko-sama prefacture? That place seems nice. I've earned enough cash to buy my self a decent home anyways... plus this place is crawling with... wild furries." he says to himself. He walks further down the streets, passing the red light districts and clubs, reaching a some places that seem unpopulated. "Ah sh*t, I'm lost now... I should head back to my apartment..." he said to himself. "I should check out my phone... wai- NO SIGNAL?! BULLSH*T!" he said. (Is this guy really a local?! How'd he get lost in his own f*cking hometown?!) "Screw it! I'm just gonna head where the light leads me, I might get signal somewhere..." he said. He proceeds to head down the sidewalks, and without noticing for some odd reason, he got lost in the alleyways. "AH SH*T! NOW I'M STUCK IN THIS ALLEYWAY?!" he said. As he is flustered, he hears some screams, screams of... a moaning dog? Now sh*t got weird. "GET BACK HERE YOU PIECE OF SH*T! AFTER I FED YOU, THE LEAST YOU COULD DO IS SUCK ME OFF!" a fat almost-furless dog shouted. "N-No! Get away from me you ugly bastard! Stop forcing this crap onto me! I don't wanna! YAMETE KUDASAI!!1!!1!!!" a skinny pink furry shouted. Paul immediately hid behind some conveniently placed trash cans. "I should stop this! I-I don't like what's about to go down!" he whispered. The fatass pinned the pink furry down. "Gugehehehe! Time to unzip you furf*ck! Guhehehe! This'll be fun!" the fat dog said. And just as the dog was about to pull down armor, Paul rushed into the scene smacking the fat bastard with a trash can. "AUGHUGHA! WHAT THE- !!!" Paul then socks the fat dog in the face, "Get that you b*tch! And stay down!" Paul said. He then pulls the pink furry, "Are you alright?" Paul said. "Y-Yes, I'm fine..." murmurs the furry. "Ok, come with me, we gotta get out of here, do you know the way out?!" says Paul. "Y-Yes! Follow me!" says the furry. "Great let's make a run for it! The name's Paul by the way!" Paul says. "I'm Sergei! Thanks for saving me there, I owe you my life!" the furry said. "No prob! It was the only thing I could do at the moment!" Paul said. *Pant* *Pant* "Haahh! That was exhausting!" Paul said. "Uhm... Sir! Thank you again for saving me! I owe you my life" the furry said. "No problem!" Paul replied. "P-Please take me in as your servant! I'll serve you with my life!" the furry said. "Haha, sur- wai-WHAT?!"


He's officially a gay Sergei.

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