
Is This Guy Gay?!


These furries are known to have extremely wild instincts... perhaps they got it from their animal ancestors... though as I contemplate how I got tied to my bed, and this skinny furry is sitting on me, I just keep going back to one thought...

"He's gay."

~ YESTERDAY (Saturday to be exact) ~

So I just took in a lost furry for the meantime to decide on what I'll do to help him... I met this furry on the alleyways by the way, and he's surprisingly handy to have at the apartment. "Hey Sergei, where'd you learn how to cook?" I said. "Ah, my mother taught me cooking when I was little. And since I'll be serving you from now on, this will turn out handy!" he replied. "Haha, please don't jump into conclusions, I simply took you in to help you find a proper place to stay at. I'm not taking in freeloaders in my already cramped apartment at the moment!" I said. "Aww, but I decided to stay with you UwU" he said. *Pats head* "Haha, sure, sure. We'll get you a place to stay at soon." I said. He stared at me with wild eyes, his stares made me uneasy... "Uh.. haha, why the stares Sergei?" I said. He then slowly approached me and put down his shirt. He pushed me to the sofa, and subdued me down. To my surprise, he has quite the grip and power. "Sir, as I said... I will stay with you. And I will serve you." he said in a serious tone. This furry on my lap turned out to be pretty aggressive... "Haha, I don't think I can handle the responsibility of another person in my home as of the moment... don't ya' think?" I replied. "Sir, I don't think you understand... you saved my life! I am truly grateful for you!" he said. "You know, from where I worked before... I learned quite a lot..." he said. As he slowly pulls my shirt, I immediately stopped him. "Okay, let's stop there shall we? I'm quite tired at the moment... can I rest?" I said. "Ah, yes. You must be exhausted after last night. Please take a rest for now." he said. I rushed towards my room, shut the door, and closed the locks. As I think deeply about everything, I simply came forward to one conclusion, this furry is possibly a homo. After awhile, I felt dozy and fell on my bed. I just cleared my thoughts, and tried to sleep it out. I thought no use thinking about it, since I'll find Sergei a place to live at sooner or later. And then, I slept quite soundly and cozy. But after this, it all happened so unexpectedly...

Month late upload due to school ;-;

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