
My friend is my mate??? (BL)

Ever since childhood Dou Zi has hated the idea of having a mate, even though most people don't get to meet their soulmate. But for a beta who has no hormones Dou zi disagrees with the idea of fated mate, he believes that love should happen naturally and shouldn't be forced. the idea of fated pair to Dou zi sounds like a fairy tail with no happy ending. being in a relationship with a totally stranger just because it’s their destiny, and what if the destiny or prophesy is wrong???? What if your soulmate has a personality you don’t like????? the idea of a soulmate is that person will be attracted to you regardless of who you are, the moment you meet, the feeling is like you are made for each other but our little Dou zi just doesn't agree with such principle Dou zi, is not an average looking man, despite being a beta, he has feminine looks with green eyes, golden coily hair and a cute baby face, unlike his best friend whom he always has this argument with, his super quiet childhood friend Fu Lanziz (Lanz), though the alpha may look like he is little Dou's best friend but he is hiding alot of secrets. Lanzi wants to meet his soulmate some day, he believed that, having a soulmate is the only way a couple can stay without betrayal, his father left them when he was little when he met his soulmate, leaving Lanzi and his mother behind, despite the love his father shows towards his family, he form another because of a bond that can't be broken, so in order for him not to feel betrayed again he wants to marry his fated pair so they will never be apart. But then what happens when the two are asked to be married to save Dou Zi's family company......, or what will Lanz do when he found out that Dou is not a beta but an omega and not just any but his, just a night before their wedding???? Fine out in the story of two childhood friends who got torn apart by something that was supposed to bond them together.. And when Dou zi’s family turned against him for being an omega??? Will the omega survive the hardship of being rejected without even knowing why, and losing trust in his family all in one day?

Jacob_Bathsheba · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
92 Chs

a little date

After a very wonderful day, Dou zi felt like having a day out so he called Shan to have dinner with him.

Dou zi picked his phone to call Shan, the phone only ring twice before the alpha picked up....

Before the omega could say hello Shan said.... am really in the mood for a good dinner out, how about.... before he could finish, the omega replied...., some sushi.... that will be great or maybe hotpot and some drinks.....

Shan just smiled, Dou zi just gets him...., and that's why he could do anything for him, he is like a brother he never had. Ok then my love lets meet up, text me a location.

And Dou reply with; will do.!!!

A few minutes after Dou zi arrived, the alpha joined him in his booth.

Wow you got here ... way earlier than I expected... you must be hungry.... haha for a fine boy Like your self, I actually thought girls would be lined up in that set just to give you a love bento!!!!

Hah very funny..., are you making fun of me??? Dou zi I don't want any girl or any one except you... my heart will always be yours....

Dou zi cut the alpha saying... oh never mind I just realized am not into red haired girl but Burnett.

Hey That's not fair, I thought you said it fits me??? Shan was making a cute face ...but the omega pretended not to see, until the food arrived and as usual the alpha's attention completely shifted forgetting that the omega just wronged him, seeing that the omega actually ordered most of his(Shan ) favorite food, Shan dig in to the meat stuffed dumplings with a nice grill pork, the alpha really like his meat.

Meanwhile opposite the alpha, the omega is having a nice hot soup, with some dumplings, at first he wanted to buy sushi but then he changed his mind after he saw his favorite soup in the menu he decided to have sushi another day.

After the meal, Shan said; I don't know if you heard but our old enemy the snake is actually back!!!

My advice, Don't do anything for now, though this is his territory first so let's be careful.....

Shan is currently looking at the omega with the most serious expression ever. In actually truth... he knew about the snake's return, he just didn't want to let the omega know in other to protect him in secret, but it's seems like the omega is not just the second in command for for the name sake but in every aspect, he is always very vigilant of his surrounding.

Hey will you say something..., am talking to you and you are not even paying attention... after the omega gave him a smacking on the head, Shan jolt back finally coming back to reality.

He shouted hey what did you do that for.... you better watch it

Dou zi replied; ME... your the one not paying attention, now get your things we are leaving, I don't want to be going home late just to avoid trouble.!!