
Chapter 1:Having feelings for him/Brother????

I started having feelings towards him but he doesn't know about it. I don't really know if he have the same feeling that I have.But I'm scared if he rejectect me, well he told me that his classmate likes him so I didn't tell him.I got a call from my mom that there is a important thing that she didn't tell me. She said that I have a brother.I was like WHAT!?!?, I do have a brother."Why didnt you tell me mom"."Because your brother is bad person". "Mom how is my brother a bad person". "Well... he is a gang leader and a mafia". "He kills people and I don't know why he do these things."Mom, I'm gonna look for him"."DON'T!!! honey, he doesn't know that he have a sister"."When you were little me and your dad hid you away from him"."Mom please, let me look for him","Okay honey, be safe".

"Love you sweetie"."Love you mom".I got up, get dress and left the apartment.I search and search him everywhere but I got tired so I took a break.It was getting late so I took a short to the dark alley because it's near my apartment.So I went to the dark valley and I heard footsteps behind so I started to speed walk but the footprints was getting near me.I felt a hand on my shoulder."Where are you going"with a smirked face.I said that I was going home."You can stay with me".I was like sorry I can't, need to go so I run really fast but he got caught and he grab my wrist and pend me to the wall.He was trying to touch me so I screamed loud.I so close my eyes and I hear someone getting killed so I open my eyes and walk quiet but someone saw me.He told me to go with him so I did. I saw a black van and went inside.I got tired so slept in the car.It was a long drive and made to their house and someone was shaking me .I woke up and went with him.When we got inside of the house it was elegant.

A guy ask me why I was in the alley so I lied to him that I went to the grocery and I thought that was the short way but he said okay but you're in danger.I was like what do you mean.That guy I killed him was my enemies.So I want you to stay here. I was like okay.I said who lives here and he said the mafia.I ask him if he have a sister and he said yes."The mafia has been looking for her"."But his enemies is his dad".I was like wait minute my dad and my brother are enemies."What is your name sir"."Oh my name is Kyle".Yours"."Mine is melanie"."Melanie???"."Yeah??"."That name"."What do you mean my name"."His sister was named Melanie and he didn't know that he have a sister, since today he is still looking for her"."How come the mafia and his dad are enimes"Well… he hid his sister away and he doesn't want him to know where she hiding"."Hey Kyle, does he have picture of his sister"."Yeah he does"."Do you wanna see it".I nodded my head and he gave a photo of his sister

and it looks like me."Kyle"."Yeah"."She looks like me"."Yeah I know but today it's his sister 19th

birthday"."The mafia is here"."."Hey Kyle"."Hi Ethan"."Kyle who is she??"."Well.. she got attack by your dad people"."Hi my name is Melanie".I saw his eyes tearing up."Kyle take her to the guest room".He nodded his head and he took me to the guest room.He told me not to escape because his dad is going to find me.Kyle left and I was laying on the bed.I got my phone and started to play eternal love.I look at my friend list and he was offline so I just did some quest.I was so tired that I pass out.Kyle went the mafia room."Ethan are you okay???"."No".while he is sitting on the chair."Kyle that girl that you saved was my sister".he was tearing up."Ethan they are coming for your sister so we have protect her"."I know"."Kyle please watch for my sister, I only trust you"."Okay I will".I woke up and it was like midnight and my mom was calling me."Sweetie where are you"."Mom I'm at the mafia house"."Sweetie want you to leave the house right now"."Mom you're making me scared"."Sorry sweetie but the reason why I want you to leave the house because he killed your older brother"."Mom you said that I have one brother"."I forgot to tell you but your older brother was named Liam"."Liam protected you from your other brother"."I think he's gonna kill you too".I end the called and looked around the room to escape and I saw a window so I open and jump out of the house and I closed it.I started to run towards the gate and the alarm triggered so I climb up the gate and quickly called a taxi.The taxi came and I told him my parents adress so I told him to drive fast.

Ethan heard the alarm triggered and he know that you escape so he told his gaurds to look for you but they didn't find.Ethan and Kyle looked at the camera and saw you going in the taxi,"Kyle looked for that taxi".Kyle went to search the taxi.The taxi drive dropped me at my parents house.I waved him and he drove off.I went insdie of the house, I saw my parents and I hugged them."Dad"."Yeah"."Why are you and Ethan enimes"."Well... Ethan wanted to inherited my company and my money and I said no so he made a gang and he wanted a revenge"."What was his revenge"."To kill you"."Why me"."Because I told him that you're going inherited my company and my money"."Ethan is looking for me"."Huryy lets go".So we went inside of the car and drove off,while my dad is driving, I told him that his people were trying to attack me and try to touch me.He got mad that he heard that.We made it to the company and he ask his personal assasint if he know who did that to me and he doesn't know.He told him to search him up and he said okay.We went to his office and thats where there were alot of guards."Guys this is my daughter Melanie"."I want you guys to protect her".They nodded their head.