
Chapter 1:Having feelings for him/Brother???

Kyle went to where the taxi are and he was looking for the number licene that I was riding on, he went towards the boss."Hey do you know who drove that car"."No sir"."I'm the boss here so I can't tell the information"."If you can't tell me .I'm going to call the mafia"."There no such thing as a mafia".He started to laugh."Well there is a mafia".he smirked.Kyle dial Ethan,"Ethan this guy isn't tell me who drove the car"."Oh I see, send me the location."Okay".Kyle end the call,"One more last time who drove that taxi"."Sorry I can't".Ethan came and went towards him,He pointed the gun at him"Who drove that taxi"."W-who are you"."I'm the mafia".The boss knew that he was the mafia long time ago."Tell me or else I triggered this gun"."I-I can't..."B-Because the one who was driving, he didn't want me tell you the information about him"."Well I'm going to countdown to 10 and if you don't tell me, I will shoot you"."10, 9 ,8, 7, 6,5, 4,"."Oh okay"."He works for this guy that is your dad enemy"."Do you know want his name"."Well his name was Jackson".Ethan face got shocked,"Ethan are you okay"."He's my uncle".W-wait Jackson is your uncle"."Yeah"."Melanie is in danger"."Who is Melanie"."She's my sister"."My dad hid her away from my uncle because he wants to marry my sister and if he gets marry with her,he's going inherited my dad's company and he's going to kill him"."Ethan can you track her"."Yeah"."Lets go".Ethan and Kyle went to the house, went to his office to track me down."Kyle,she's at my dad company"."Hurry lets go".They went my dad company and when they came in the company, look for you."excuse ma'am"."Yeah kind sir"."I need to talk with my father"."Okay please follow".So they followed the women and she took them to my dad office."Thanks"."You're welcome".Ethan knocked the door,"Come in"."What are doing here Ethan"."Taking my sister"."LEAVE NOW ETHAN,YOU KILLED LIAM AND YOU'RE TRYING TO KILL ME".Ethan got confused."What do you mean??"."I'm not killing you"."Mom and Dad told me"."They lie to you".WHY".Because me and your father didn't want to tell you about your uncle so we made a excuse"."We want you be safe"."Dad"."Yeah"."I was about to tell you that Melanie is in danger"."I know,and I think your uncle is trying to find your sister"."Dad"."Yeah sweetie who is my uncle and where is Liam"."Well… your uncle name is Jackson, he's trying to find you and for Liam. he is living with ethan"."When I went to his house, he wasn't there"."Because he got worked so that's why you didn't see him"."Melanie remember that guy who was driving you to mom and dad house"."Yeah"."Well… that guy was, Jackson people"."I know that guy told your uncle, where you were going"."All we have to do is protect your sister"."But Dad, does uncle have more people than you"."Yeah he does"."But how are you going to kill him"."By combining mine and your brother people".But then he still have more than you"."Sis I have my ways so don't worried"."I want you guys to stay here and sleep"."Dad there's no room in your company"."Well there is a secret place here that you can sleep"."Just follow me".We followed my dad and he show a secret place,"You guys have to do is put your hand in the scaner and it will scan your hand"."When you guys did it and it said what is your password, just say my name and it will open"."Bye kids I'm gonna plan something".My dad walked back to his office.I was the first one who scan and next it was my brother and the third one was Kyle.It said What is your password,We all said Micheal and it opened.When we came in. it looked so cool."So who is taking the guest room"."I'll get the guest room"."Okay so me and Kyle will take the other room".We all went to the room, the guest room was really big and it looks elegant.I got bored so I went to eternal love.I always look in my friend list to make sure if he is online, well actually he online.So I text him and said hey to him,He text me back and said Hi.We were texting each other."Hey xSecret_Genius"."Yeah xblossomx"."Uhhh.... I need tell you something"."You can tell me anything"."I really like you more than a friend".I started to blush and I didn't want to see what he said.So I looked back and he said same here.I text him back and said so are we a couple???."Yes we are".So we went the chapel and we clicked on the marriage and we got married.Someone knocked at my door."Who is it"."It's me Ethan"."What do you want"."Ummm... I came here to tell you to go to sleep"."OKay"."Sweet dream sis"."You too".I went back to the game,"xSecret_Genius, my brother wants to me go to sleep so I'll text you tomorrow."Okay"."Bye love you"."Love you too honey".I went to sleep.