

a power hungry girl,trying to blend power and love in her life, catch up and binge on Marianne's life experience as she faces oddities despite her traumatic past, will she survive supernatural and dark forces posing a threat to her life? embark on this thriller novel as u also learn a lot of things that has some impact on your lives as past secret and real identity unravel.

Authoress_Mary · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs


"You, my son must not know everything", he answered,  " tell me father, wait a minute, you knew I was going to kill her didn't you?, that's why you told me that fake story of mother right?, you made me kill her, why?", he held his father by the collar. " because she will reek havoc in the world, let me show you something ", he held Godfrey by the shoulder and teleported, went back in time as he saw what he did that day and he also made them levitate in the air, Godfrey was so shocked, " wow you are so powerful, I'm still learning how to control mine, wooow".

" that's only a little bit of what I can do but Maryann is much more powerful than everyone, she wields the four elemental abilities and the six special abilities which makes her and Lucifer equal, she is the demon queen, I'm just a demon of air and just recently got my special abilities which is telepath and sense of feeling ", he said coldly, " she's powerful imagine what will happen if she regains her memory ".

     "How did mum die dad", Godfrey asked, his father stared at his wife's picture sadly and you could tell he was deeply in love with his wife, " you might be shocked if I tell you she died twenty six years Abi but in demon years its twice, as it tends to run faster than mortal age", he said as Godfrey stared confused because he just recently found out about his powers.  " it all happened 52 years ago as i and your mother are ancient demons, she was expecting a child.


"Honey, I know I'm pregnant and I love it but I don't think I'm feeling alright, my powers are going wonky and I do hurt myself at times", she complained as her husband massages her swollen feet, " don't worry Freya, I love you and everything would be alright soon and our little champ, what shall we name him?",  " Godfrey ", her husband laughed, " you know that's a Christian name, well as you wish, his demon name shall be Zoran meaning fate", he said but as he made to peck her, she pushed him away, he stood up and left.

    For several weeks Freya's health condition was worsening and Raven decided to visit the bar to cool down his stress.

Raven's POV:

My wife's health was getting worse and adding to the fact that I am stressed, I decided to visit the bar. I prompted for an abortion but she refused and I decided to grant her wish.

I am so depressed that I drunk to stupor that's when I saw Kate, a stripper. She looks a lot like my wife, I started feeling needy as she approached me, its being long since I had sexual relief because of my wife's violence.

      She led me to the hotel room and we slept with each other and I felt amazed at my strength as we slept off. I was shocked in the morning when I saw another woman on the bed, I pushed her away as I scurried home only to meet my wife in tears. The way she looked at me made me more guilty and to my dismay, my brother's the one who set me up. She ran upstair, I know my wife and she's not the kind of person who talks too much rather she's strong willed and stubborn. She's do furious that she refused to see me as she distanced herself away from me.

      I became a lonely man, I was at work when she was in labour, she stopped the helpers from informing me as she slowly died during delivery. I came home with the most expensive bouquet I could find, joyfully, when I heard the shocking news, I rushed to her only to see her mortal form( corpse), and the letter so full of regret and anger which she left, she wished that she would never remember me again. I cried a lot.

        I had to receive another shocking news that the Starveling's withdrew their partnership and contract with my company because they found out my past illegal dealings. Although we were good friends, they refused to help me even though the wife was my wife's sister. I had nothing to do but go back to my brother, he helped me not because I am his brother but because he loves my wife and I hated his help.

           It took me years to reestablish myself and train my son, I sought my revenge against the Starveling. I planned to kidnap their daughter who was seven years old, when I sent my men to kidnap her they all died, I sent the second to kill her during her birthday party but they also died so I decided to kill her myself.

     When I sneaked into the house, I met her bed emptying was confused until I heard a voice, it sounds like someone in pain, I followed it only to meet my doom, I saw that young girl practicing fighting skills and exercising with her mother. The young girl screamed in pain as she walked on hot coals as she is whipped by her mother, she immediately sensed my presence as she walked towards me.

       " hey woman stop your daughter before I tear her apart, I am the demon of air", I said although afraid, " you can try", I heard her mother say as she sat down sipping her wine, I was standing face to face with a small child. I knew the Starveling's were demons , they just came to earth to live a peaceful life like most demons do, living like mortals.

      I summoned my inner energy of air towards her but it didn't move her, her eyes which were blood red was now white as she sat in the air, she just kicked me and I felt lightning pulsate through me as I screamed, I created a tsunami to shield myself till I heal, I couldn't believe I was running from a child, as I was recuperating I saw her in the tsunami , she smiled, " you never learn uncle", she said as she snapped her fingers making the tsunami to stop, she punched me with her small but powerful wrist as I bled, she shoved her hand in my chest and broke my ribs as she licked the blood of her fingers.

I was so shocked as I fell to the floor, I decided to teleport to my home but I was stuck to the ground, I wondered why until I saw her eyes fixated on me, she was using my powers against me, " don't worry uncle, I'll send you home", she chuckled as I was lifted from the floor by her mere gaze and cover by burning flames as I screamed till I reached my home. I was a burnt mess, it took me months to heal. I decided to pay my friend Marcus the diviner a visit, he told me that she is a product of reincarnation, seeking revenge on those who wronged her, she is the Queen Azurai, an equal to Lucifer the king of all demons and evil ever.