

a power hungry girl,trying to blend power and love in her life, catch up and binge on Marianne's life experience as she faces oddities despite her traumatic past, will she survive supernatural and dark forces posing a threat to her life? embark on this thriller novel as u also learn a lot of things that has some impact on your lives as past secret and real identity unravel.

Authoress_Mary · Teen
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8 Chs

Deadly mission 2

As he lifted up his hood he introduced himself, " I'm Godfrey Thornton, owner of Thornton industries and step brother to your fool, Charles ". Maryanne glared daggers at him, Cynthia shot down one of his men as a fight ensued between them leaving Maryanne and Godfrey who looked on as if in a staring contest, he slowly approach her," let's settle things amicably, what do you say to a nice dinner? ", he smiled as he asked.

She felt something evil and powerful awakening within her as her eyes turned blood red and her nails changed to claws, her hair turned grey as fangs grew, she launched at him as she hit him with her super fast reflexes, everyone stood in awe as they imagined how she became so powerful, she wasn't even stressing herself, how could she move so fast as she punched him and he flew through the glass door. The other men ran towards her but as she touched them they all melted before her eyes turning into black smoke that she absorbed as she smirked.

She crashed through the window immediately the emergency burglary alarm went on while Cynthia used a rope to get down. She met her boss lying on the floor as all her wounds were healed, she was sleeping soundly, what the fuck?, her mind screamed at her. She immediately woke up " ma what did you just do?", Cynthia asked.

Maryann was confused, "what did I do?", she asked, she tried to remember but only got a splitting headache " arrgh, can you just tell me?", she screamed. I shouldn't, she told herself, " ma you were so great, we got the deeds",she flashed the paper before her, she smiled.

" I remember taking the deeds but how did I get down here and who was that strange person? ", she groaned, Cynthia stared at her boss in disbelief. " well I have no time to waste, remember to make him sign those document and also evidence ", she ordered as she hopped on her bike and raced off.

" I'm sorry Maryanne but how come you are like us?", he said as he revealed his fangs and hopped away. Maryanne rushed up to room 102, she quickly took off her blood soiled clothes and quickly showered, she got in bed with him, she gave him few scratches here and there and make sure there was Hickey's on hers too as she drew closer to him.

She thought about how she became unconscious outside of the building, " something is wrong ", she told her self as she pulled up the duvet and slept.

A strange woman appeared in the room, " you are fulfilling your destiny dear, the signs have started manifesting, I want you to be strong but first in need to clear clear some doubt from your mind and as for Godfrey, I don't need to do a thing, my daughter would do it all", she smoothened her hair as she disappeared.


"I have cleared up the mess but Godfrey went missing, I don't know how to gain entrance into his company", she spoke through the phone, " she planted a spy in there, just hand over the documents over to her and the rest will be sorted , her name is vera", he informed her as his voice echoed in the underground basement. His name is Joel, he was a criminal until the boss changed his life for the better.

"Remember that Charles Thornton does dirty underground business and besides I do not want to die now, I have my parents and siblings to take care of", she said probably scared of the outcome.

"Didn't you know that the job is dangerous before you started working as a secret agent. The boss told us the fact about our job at the very beginning and we agreed by signing a contract, if u decide to misbehave remember you took an oath and the consequence of breaking it is binding on your family and you recall your condition before you started working for her, you begged her for a job. Although I love you, I won't hesitate to kill kill you if she asked me to do so, if you mess things up and you better inform her about his whereabouts, you know she hates lies", he warned her before he disconnected the call.

The boss is more than a sister to her, she has been her shield, she saved her from the attacks of her uncles and also help to finance the treatment of her dying parents, she gave her job which changed her life for the better. Although she works as a maid at her house, it was all a disguise," I have my own house, I mean not one but ten houses and cars, I have already dipped my hands in blood and there is no going back", she said as she set out for her luxurious mansion to see her family. As she drove away getting ready to embark on a deadly mission.


" son who did this to you?, where you attacked by Gordon?, that useless demon", his father questioned, he got up to take a look at his son whose wounds were healing up fast as he gritted his teeth in pain, it was already morning, " its Maryanne", he answered, " I should have killed that brat when I found out she is alive", father said. " no this is different father, she is just like us dad but I think she is more powerful, I feel that something is holding her back from transformation", he said gritting his teeth in pain.

"According to what the diviner said that she is back for revenge against her enemies and murderer while you are back for love my son but I prefer you stay away from her, I smell trouble and problems arising", he said.

Godfrey looked at him with furrowed brows," you know something that I don't and you are not telling me, dad tell me", he inquired in rage.