
My F world love

whom we love is just in our fantasy will we be able to meet him someday beyond our fantasy and if we meets. My sudden encounter with my Powers and with my fantasy lover is someone I hate the most and he becomes my companion with supper power

Uvl · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

What he is going to say

You know what you don't have any idea that this situation can turn into an dangerous moment for you and you are acting strong as you are not afraid, 😱

😱 the dog who barks never bite have you heard of this saying this is how pig's like you are just babbling around, so you better take off your hand and let me go.

You think I'm funny you think I can't do anything ,what a dummy you are I never see any girl this daring, so I have to show my skills

He grabbed me so close and he was just trying to kiss me as he was trying I bite his lips and I punched him in his eyes , hurriedly I came out of pool , hahaha I will complain against you for harassment in office you just wait ,

okay, just know my name I'm jeonhoon, medical department first semester,

After that I left him there and going outside there I saw neon and liya sis ,suho and his friends ,

Hey mih, thanks a lot Jesus we finally found you know now how much we was worried , nuna we was searching fo you in whole campus for 4 hour's , guys guy's calm down I now I should have informed you that I'm going to swim but I forgot to , but we were trying to reach you but we can't your phone was out of network, and we was so worried that maybe you got yourself involved in some trouble, but now everything is fine let's get going.

As we were talking I heard a voice of that devil from behind he came to suho and as our eye meet we both were surprised i asked if suho knows him .

Yes nuna he is my friend remember I mentioned earlier in our conversation that one of our friend is crazy he that crazy guy hahah,

Oh that's true he is really crazy even he is devil 👿 , nuna you sounds like you meet him, yes we had just a moment ago then I told them everything about that incident, What…. Is It's true hyung , how could you do this liya and neon sis said with angry tone , hey hey calm down I will tell you everything later right now I can't then he whispered something in suho's ear , nuna let's get going now all I can say it hyung doesn't have any bad intentions towards him , how can you say that suho I was so pissed of nuna trust me he is nice guy and never do anything inappropriate just trust me for now and let's head back to dorm for now please ,

What he whispered in suho's ear

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