
My Demon Celestial System

Now it's the year 3577,the world is so peaceful we have different locations producing powerful weapons and high tier Armor even the earthlings are practicing different abilities I know it might come as a shock to you but everyone on earth has ABILITIES Now on earth you have to be very powerful to survive or even get recognised by anyone. My name is Demion Quin and this is my part to Absolute power and Domination

Xander_Quin · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
40 Chs

I Have A ... System!!!

Demions vision finally went blank as he saw this.


moments later

"Argh, what happened?" Demion started moving as he sat up on the hospital bed while holding his head, He was still trying to get himself when he remembered how he took a beating of a lifetime last night

" Wait a minute.... How am I still ALIVE!!!". Demion screamed in shock as he checked his body but didn't find any injury, he was 100% sure that with suck a severe beating he was definitely going to die especially with suck a weak body like his but here he is with no injury not even a scratch. Demion was still thinking about what happened to him when he heard a voice in his head

(Congratulations host for successfully fusing with his system)

(The Demon Celestial System has been activated)

"What is this voice in my head, what are you"

(Hello host, I am your system guild... Call me meliodas)

"What do you want from me"

(well am hear to fulfil your dream, am hear to make you powerful and help you reach a level where no one has ever gotten in history)

"What! and how do you plan on doing that am as weak as fuck"

(well firstly I need to adjust the system to your current personality, emotion and will"

"ehm, o...k"

(system is adjusting to host emotions....)


{Adjustment complete(100%)}

"Ok, so what just happened"

(well the system connects different realms and has adjusted to one of the most powerful realm according to emotions)

" Really, so what realm did I adjust to"

(The system has chosen the nether realm (demon)..)

"Wait ..What!!!". Demion shouted as he was shocked by this but soon kept shut as he didn't want to attract any attention. "Why am I so unfortunate, out of all the realms in the multiverse, I just had to be part of the demon race"

(calm down Demion this is actually a good thing the demon race is one of the Top 3 strongest race there is)

"Even at that, who wants to be a demon no one will ever like me ... wait a sec no one even likes me and no one will so if this realm thing will make me stronger .... then let's get on with it"

(That's the Spirit next I will show you your stat and other related info)

{Stats ....}

System: The Demon Celestial System

Name: Demion Quin

Race: Human


Strength: 10

Speed: 15

Endurance: 30


Skills: none

unique skils: none

Power level: 790

"wtf, am I really that weak". Demion said as he face palmed himself. " I guess my endurance is high because of all the beating have been taking lately"

(Relax Demion you can still grow by completing quest and missions and leveling up)

"And how do I get this missions"

( Mission can come at anytime depending on your current situation and the type of situation)

" How does a mission even work"

(I guess you're about to find out)


(A mission had been assigned)

(Daily mission has been issued out)


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