
My Death System In The Apocalypse

Baladan Thatcher was a street punk who lived by the golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” His father is a deadbeat drunkard while his mother is a teacher at a kindergarten and a part timer at a orphanage. Even though Baladan is a punk who returns favors in full he was still a smart kid, he was even smart enough to get into a private school! That wasn’t the only thing special about him, ever since he was young he could see when someone was about to die. He could even effect the the time of death to a certain extent, the first time he used that ability was on accident against his own father. Ever since then he had ignored his ability trying to push it away only accidentally using it when he looks at people. That was until the sudden changes to the weather! The world didn’t know how or why but it was thrown into chaos with the changing weather! One moment it could be bright and Sunny, the next it could be hailing! Due to this they spent 2 whole years adjust to the circumstances before people were allowed back at school and work. Unluckily the day they came back the System activated sending the world through hell once more. Along with giving people who survived the sudden descent of mana onto the world powers never before seen! Now Baladan and his people must survive in the apocalypse and learn what is truly going on with the world! Unless I say otherwise none of the art I post is mine, I mainly use AI art to generate my images but may pull some off the internet if I can't make the image I am looking for! (To pronounce his name it’s Bal as in balance-uh-don so Bal-uh-don) (The system of power I am using is a mixture using mainly Sorcery from “I Am The Sorcerer King” and it’s Aura system mixed in with books like “Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse” (Blood Warlock is for the system basically) and “The Witch Hunter System” (Is for the Aura) I don’t claim to own the ideas for the system or powers/spells used in the book but this is still an original story I made up just using powers I have enjoyed in different books!) I hope you enjoy ^^

Killerspider · Fantasia
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46 Chs

He Can Use Aura!?

With the hulking beast pulling itself off the wall Rosa immediately started to fire her fireballs at its back.

The attacks scorched the creature but it was hard to see due to the shadow exterior. With the attack just knocking it against the wall a bit it made a loud grunt before pushing off the wall and running at the person attacking him.

Immediately Baladan ran at it using his aura he jumped up and slashed piercing its thick arm the size of his torso! It's unfortunate that all he could do was make the creature heavily stumble before being thrown backwards!

In the air he tried to position himself upright before colliding with the wall on the opposite side of the room. Blood poured out his mouth upon contact.

Bal: 'This strength is crazy! What was this dude doing before turning into that? Did this dude do nothing but work out since he was born! Like fuck!'

Knowing he couldn't just sit there he jumped to his feet while running forward at the creature. Rosa had fallen back away from the beast before starting a chant.

Rosa: "Elements of Fire I command you! Heed my call and strike my enemy! Fire Pillar!"

Using a large portion of her mana a pillar of flame burst out from below the creature! The raging flames consumed it completely not even its shadow could be seen through the flames!

It took a couple seconds for the pillar to die out, there standing in the center of where the pillar was. The same Shadow Corpse stood tall except something was different, something they didn't expect happened!

The creature was being surrounded with a cloak of green energy similar to how Baladan looks when using his Aura. Instead of the soft orange it was a light green surrounding the pitch black body.

Bal: "What the actual fuck… He can use Aura!?"

This confused and horrified Baladan.

Bal: 'H-How…? How can it use aura when aura is made from life force not death energy!? Is there… is there another form of aura that uses death energy…?'

These were the thoughts going through his head, at least for a moment it was before the creature sped up boosted by its aura at Rosa.

The beast was too fast for her or Baladan to react! Instantly the creature punched her with a right hook hitting her arm! At that moment a snapping sound could be heard as the arm broke sending her flying into the air before crashing into the front door of the school and out into the car lot out front.

After being hit she immediately used the aura she had made to protect the rest of her body as she collided with the hood of a car making a massive indent before smashing into the wind shield breaking it in the process.

Thanks to the aura her body wasn't too hurt from the collision. With the added protection she really didn't feel anything from a normal object hitting her. What did make her cry out in pain though was her limp broken arm laying limp against the car.

Bal: "Rose!! How dare you do that to her you overgrown shit head! You want to attack someone hit me! Come on! Show me what you got!"

Baladan immediately lunged forward, he couldn't let the creature follow up its attack on her! If he let it go for even a second it could kill her or him instantly.

With his aura swirling around his body concentrating onto his legs and the axe his body was left completely unprotected!

Using the experience from his street fights he began to weave around. His body moving quickly reacting to the creatures insane speed. He was no match in terms of speed to the creature by any means. However with his eyes constantly focused using Sense Death he watched and read the movements of its body and energy avoiding it at the last second!

When he avoided the attack it would always bring a gust of wind threatening to knock him over if he wasn't careful! With the axe he had swung down on its body only damaging its clothes a little with the aura protecting its body.

Baladan clicked his tongue as he avoided the creature at all costs!


Rosa: "Bal… I must… get up for Bal!"

Her eyes filled with determination as she began to get up. Her aura helped enhance her whole body allowing her to stand with ease. The only problem was how much pain her arm was going through after getting hit without any protection.

Fortunately Aura did more then just help strengthen the body, it also helped in accelerating the natural healing of the body, this is how Baladan didn't seem to be struggling with the broken arm from earlier. At this moment with all the adrenaline running through him he couldn't feel an ounce of pain.

Rosa: 'How… how do I save my prince… that monster isn't simple… even with all my aura I could possibly hurt it but it's too fast! If I throw caution away I could take it with me but… then my prince would be sad by my death…'

???: "What are you thinking so hard about? Bal will be fine for now, instead of taking care of everything yourself you should really learn to ask for help you know."

A voice came from behind her, a small group of 3 men stood there with 1 of them ahead of the others talking with Rosa.

Rosa: "W-Wait! I know you! Aren't you that guy that always hangs with Bal… Harry? I think it was?"

Harry: "Looks like my reputation surpassed my expectations. Yes that's me, but enough talk. We can't just let our friend die in there can we!"

The two other men behind Harry each got into positions. One of them had pulled back a little before chanting something under his breath. A magic circle appeared on his hands before cracks of lightning started to be released between his fingers.

The next man seemed to summon a chest plate and a massive greatsword from who knows where! It had just appeared in his hands while Harry ran forward raising his arm to point to the sky as the shadow under the creature leaped up restraining the beast!

With the armored man charging forward the guy in the back released a lightning strike directly above the monsters head!

Their combined efforts made it easier for Baladan to maneuver around the beast just to chop hard with the axe into its leg! Now being able to fully concentrate his aura he slammed it down on the leg cutting into it before the large muscular swordsman came swinging at the same spot completely cutting through its flesh making the creature drop to one knee while restrained.

Rosa was surprised at how easily they had started to turn the fight around! With 4 ability users working together to take out the creature with one being a control type it was becoming child's play to take this hulking beast out.

Baladan wasn't effective enough to really kill the creature for now. With his other friends and their abilities they pinned it down using the shadows while hitting it with lightning each time it was about to stand up. That was before the swordsman took the chance to cut off a limb from the beast leaving it as a nugget on the ground.

???: "Go ahead Bal, this is your kill after all!"

The swordsman handed the greatsword over, the hunk of metal almost hit the floor but with the extra strength from Aura and his jacket he barely lifted the thing before using his whole body he swung the blade to cut into the head killing it.

[Congratulations! You have slain a level 20 Shadow Behemoth! You gain 600 exp!]

[Congratulations! You have been given a gift! Please check your status!]

Baladan was quiet at first as he laid the sword down only to see it disappear into thin air.

Bal: "I didn't think I would see you guys here. Looks like I have to say sorry for doubting you!"

He chuckled a little as he sees them flip him off for the obvious statement he was implying.

Harry: "Don't make fun of us now! We worked really hard to get into the school! If it wasn't because of Chris we wouldn't have been late for the announcement!"

The man who had used lightning before stepped forward looking at Harry with a glare.

Chris: "Huh? What did you just say fucker! You and me both know the only reason we were late was because of your car breaking down on us when we were almost here! Don't blame others for having a shitty car asshole!"

Harry: "What did you just say! Betsy isn't a shitty car! She is very reliable, if it wasn't for her we wouldn't have been able to go to all those clubs with the gang! We would have had to stay back and twiddle our thumbs as they got to have all the fun!"

Chris: "That is true but that doesn't mean it was my fault we were late today!"

With them bickering Baladan headed towards Rosa worried about her arm.

Bal: "How does it feel? Should we go ahead and clear out the second floor to see if we can get anything or do you want to head back to the cafeteria with the others…?"

Rosa: 'Oh my god~ my prince is worrying about me! I could die happy! If he keeps dotting on me like this I think my knees are going to give out!'

Rosa: "I-I'm fine… let's just clear out the second floor real quick so we can help Gary and possibly fix up my arm…"

Soon the swordsman came up placing a hand on Baladan's shoulder a smile on his face as he came in close.

Rick: "Hello I'm Rick! A good friend of Bal's, I didn't know he had such a beautiful friend before! Why didn't you introduce us to her before?"

He looked at Baladan as he facepalmed with a sigh.

Bal: "Be careful with this one, he might seem nice but he's a womanizer. Since I've known him he's had many women in his bed, he has literally had someone with him every night since we became friends!"

Rick: "Hey man! You are going to ruin my image! I'm not that bad, if I was then why would anyone want to sleep with me like you say!"

Bal: "Oh please you have yourself to blame for that, with you fucking the bosses daughter like that I'm surprised he didn't gut you back then!"

This instantly made Rick shut up, the memory of the boss chasing him with a shotgun around the hideout still fresh in his memory.

Bal: "Anyways guys it's time to clear out the school! Since you guys have gotten so powerful with these new toys and abilities I'll be counting on you guys to power level us!"

Chris: "What!? You are trying to mooch off us again! I can't believe you would even do this to us outside the games!"

Bal: "Why wouldn't I? Back then it was fun but this is real life! If I don't get leveled quickly then how am I supposed to survive?"

Chris: "I don't know… go live in the sewers or something you exp thief!"


They had spent a hour bickering between each other, this was their way to release the stress the apocalypse had placed on their shoulders. It was fun catching up, until now he had the worry of his friends and family turning into one of those things.

Now all he had to worry about was his mom and some of the gang if he meets up with them.

Bal: "So what are you guys doing here?"

Harry: "We were actually heading to the cafeteria, a large group of survivors had locked themselves up in the gymnasium. Each of them are freaking out or preparing, they are starting to make teams to send out to gather supplies for the group"

Bal: "Oh, well the cafeteria is already cleared out. Me and Rose along with 3 others decided to stay in the school and clear out the area bit by bit while making the cafeteria our base"

With that they each followed Baladan and Rosa back to the cafeteria to plan out their next move.