
My Death System In The Apocalypse

Baladan Thatcher was a street punk who lived by the golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” His father is a deadbeat drunkard while his mother is a teacher at a kindergarten and a part timer at a orphanage. Even though Baladan is a punk who returns favors in full he was still a smart kid, he was even smart enough to get into a private school! That wasn’t the only thing special about him, ever since he was young he could see when someone was about to die. He could even effect the the time of death to a certain extent, the first time he used that ability was on accident against his own father. Ever since then he had ignored his ability trying to push it away only accidentally using it when he looks at people. That was until the sudden changes to the weather! The world didn’t know how or why but it was thrown into chaos with the changing weather! One moment it could be bright and Sunny, the next it could be hailing! Due to this they spent 2 whole years adjust to the circumstances before people were allowed back at school and work. Unluckily the day they came back the System activated sending the world through hell once more. Along with giving people who survived the sudden descent of mana onto the world powers never before seen! Now Baladan and his people must survive in the apocalypse and learn what is truly going on with the world! Unless I say otherwise none of the art I post is mine, I mainly use AI art to generate my images but may pull some off the internet if I can't make the image I am looking for! (To pronounce his name it’s Bal as in balance-uh-don so Bal-uh-don) (The system of power I am using is a mixture using mainly Sorcery from “I Am The Sorcerer King” and it’s Aura system mixed in with books like “Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse” (Blood Warlock is for the system basically) and “The Witch Hunter System” (Is for the Aura) I don’t claim to own the ideas for the system or powers/spells used in the book but this is still an original story I made up just using powers I have enjoyed in different books!) I hope you enjoy ^^

Killerspider · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs

Making Friends

[Death System]

Name: Baladan Thatcher

Level: 2

Exp: 600 (Next Level: 2,700)

Race: ???

Class: Life & Death Sorcerer

Innate Ability: Time Of Death, Steal Time, Consume Death, Sense Death.

Ability: Aura Warrior

Title: Surrounded By Death


Strength: 11/16 (+5 Jacket)

Agility: 9

Health: 11 (8)

Stamina: 10/15 (9) (+5 Jacket)

Mana: 15 (4)

Death Energy (DE): 100 (100)

Aura Points: 7 (3)

Baladan had taken a quick look at his system wondering what he wanted to do. If he really felt like it he could most likely sit and create that deathly aura he saw from the Shadow Behemoth, but should he?

The aura seems the same but would it work the same as his normal aura made from life force? He understood that there was no negatives to this power because it's made out of pure life force but if it was completely made of Death Energy would it still be the same?

The Shadow Behemoth was already dead, the only side effect he could think of is… the longer he uses it the more his hp would go down. The only way to truly know was to try.

With Baladan and Rosa back in the cafeteria the others felt more at ease. Or at least they felt a little more safe but also terrified! If there was a creature out there that could easily break Rosa's arm then what would happen to them if they got hit!?

Harry and his group had left shortly after hearing about the situation on the second floor. They were adamant on clearing them out but then Harry had a idea.

Harry: "Seeing as you are still alive and kicking how about we get you up to level 5 at least. We have each leveled up a bit more then you it seems. When you are ready to go and level just go to the second floor!"

He had a sinister smile on his face, Baladan knew each time he had that look on his face he would do something others would find disturbing. Baladan couldn't help but sigh while thinking about his weirdo friend group.

Bal: "Ok everyone, we need to make a decision. Will we be packing up all of the food and supplies and moving it to the gym with the much larger group? Or will we stay here and keep the food to ourselves?"

Baladan was using this as a test, no matter what they voted they would be heading for the bigger group. This was just a way to see their true nature with Gary having learned Aura and spending all his time on it he had naturally began to heal faster with the spike in life force.

All of them began to think of the situation some took less time then others but they all seemed to come to the same answer, well all except for one.

"We should move to the bigger group"

Rosa: "I'll be going wherever you go"

The words got mixed up a bit with all of them talking at once but in the end all of them seemed to think the same thing.

Bal: "Good, from now on we will be leveling you guys up! Since this world seems to be changing we need to get stronger so all of us can survive. Now that means you will have to fight"

Gary flinched at the thought of having to face those things again. Their faces had become a trauma for him after watching a friend of his getting ripped apart in front of his eyes just hours ago.

Gary: 'W-Will I really be able to do it… I've never even been in a fight before but now they expect me to suddenly pick up a weapon and kill those creatures!? I'm not some psychopath who brings a knife to school! Or a street kid who's ok with doing whatever it takes to live!'

He was freaking out! He couldn't stop himself from hyperventilating, with the thought of facing creatures like that daily he began to shake uncontrollably.

Gary: "I-I… I don't think I can fight them… I'm not good with stuff like that… I spent my time smoking weed and reading books! All I got is my brains…"

Hearing him talk it brought them back to reality, up until hours ago they had been normal people. Tony and Aria hadn't killed a shadow creature yet but it was bound to happen at some point.

The only thing they had been focusing on was surviving! Their way to survive was Baladan! If he didn't show up at that time it was almost guaranteed they would have ended up dead or scared out of their mind in the gymnasium.

When this realization hit them they both went quiet. Their doubts started to fog their minds, at first they were fine but when forced to see reality they didn't have the confidence to say they could fight.

Bal: "Now what are you guys thinking? Why would you need to actually fight with those creatures yet? I'm talking about power leveling here! I'm going to cut off their limbs and let you guys get the final blow!"

He couldn't help but be relaxed in this situation, he had already lived through what he saw as the worst there was from the school. With that creature dead it was hard to imagine something stronger in the school.

Tony: "W-wait… you are willing to give us power for free!?"

Bal: "No. it won't be free, no what you will be giving me is loyalty. In this situation there is nothing more valuable then a loyal follower who will do what you say when you say it"

Aria: "Huh? Isn't that basically being a slave then?"

Bal: "No, I won't be forcing anyone to do what I say but I also need teammates. Someone I could trust besides my little group of friends. I guess what I'm asking is, will you three be my loyal friends?"

This was a very roundabout way to say he wanted them to be his friend. Now looking back at it they could tell he was being very awkward. Then it hit them, they understood perfectly why he was acting like this.

'This guy isn't good at making friends is he?'

Suddenly a clapping sound could be heard coming from the cafeteria door.

Harry: "Man! As awkward as ever huh? I remember one time you were stiff as a board looking like some kind of robot while telling us the same thing! Haha"

Chris: "You should see your face, that look is pretty priceless! I never thought I would see it again with how you act around people"

Rick: "Give him some slack guys! With how people treated him back then it's understandable why he's like this when asking people to be his friends"

Baladan couldn't say a word but his face was growing increasingly red. He was both embarrassed but also pissed off! The first thing his friends do when they come back is make fun of him for trying to make new friends!

Bal: 'I will get all of you back for this 10 fold! Just you wait Harry when you least expect it I'm going to embarrass the hell out of you! Don't think I forgot about you Chris! I'll get you too!'


After a good laugh and a little teasing they cooled down and got back to business.

Harry: "Ok so all of the shadows on the second floor is taken care of. We didn't both letting anyone out though, it would have been too much of a hassle explaining to them what happened.

Anyways let's head up there and get you guys and girls leveled up shall we? It shouldn't take long for Bal to hit 5 with the amount up there but the rest of you should work on getting your first level"

With the fun atmosphere changing to a more serious tone they also listened closely. The feeling of fear still lingering a little but with Baladan's words still in their minds and the strong guys who are helping they couldn't say no!

Bal: "Ok we will head up, I want to test something with Rose though… I remember the feeling of getting my stamina back after leveling up before… I wonder if you were to level up would your arm instantly heal like some games?"

Rosa: "I guess it wouldn't hurt to try, I'm close to 3rd level already so we should definitely test it pri- Bal!"

Her face immediately lit up with a cherry red color. Usually she would try and keep her emotions hidden but with that little slip of a word she immediately dropped the act while being incredibly embarrassed.

Bal: "…Ok, t-then let's head out everyone. When we get back let's get everything packed then lay down for the night before heading to the gym"


It took almost no time for them to clear out the area, with all the limbless shadows on the floor each of them could at least get their first level while Rosa leveled to 3 instantly healing all her wounds and recovering her stamina and mana.

Bal: 'I see, that could be really helpful in dire situations that's for sure… maybe I should keep myself near the edge just in case'

After letting the others take their pick of shadows Baladan went on a slaughtering spree! His axe swung left to right cutting into helpless heads like a reaper swinging its scythe to reap its prey.

Harry: "I always wondered why you did stuff like that… why is it that it feels like you aren't using an axe but a scythe when you swing that thing around? Even before in the gang you used to swing that pipe or bat around as if you are trying to reap the soul of the person you are swinging at"

Bal: "Huh? What are you talking about? It just feels natural to attack like that, I don't know why but I've always felt uncomfortable swinging it any other way. Maybe if I got an actual scythe I would be unstoppable haha"

He ended up making a joke out of it but Harry had something else on his mind.

Harry: 'Looks like I know what kinda gift I'll be looking for now… this guy has always been scary good at what he does but if he actually got his hand on the proper weapon… I wouldn't want to think about the damage he could do!'

With that Bal hit level 5 while also picking up 2 more gifts, he was kinda excited to see what all 3 would be but he held himself back as they start releasing anyone still alive in the classrooms while heading for the nurses office at the end of the hall.

Bal: 'Please still be alive, we really need someone who knows how to treat others. If we had someone like that people wouldn't be scared of fighting so much…'