
My Death System In The Apocalypse

Baladan Thatcher was a street punk who lived by the golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” His father is a deadbeat drunkard while his mother is a teacher at a kindergarten and a part timer at a orphanage. Even though Baladan is a punk who returns favors in full he was still a smart kid, he was even smart enough to get into a private school! That wasn’t the only thing special about him, ever since he was young he could see when someone was about to die. He could even effect the the time of death to a certain extent, the first time he used that ability was on accident against his own father. Ever since then he had ignored his ability trying to push it away only accidentally using it when he looks at people. That was until the sudden changes to the weather! The world didn’t know how or why but it was thrown into chaos with the changing weather! One moment it could be bright and Sunny, the next it could be hailing! Due to this they spent 2 whole years adjust to the circumstances before people were allowed back at school and work. Unluckily the day they came back the System activated sending the world through hell once more. Along with giving people who survived the sudden descent of mana onto the world powers never before seen! Now Baladan and his people must survive in the apocalypse and learn what is truly going on with the world! Unless I say otherwise none of the art I post is mine, I mainly use AI art to generate my images but may pull some off the internet if I can't make the image I am looking for! (To pronounce his name it’s Bal as in balance-uh-don so Bal-uh-don) (The system of power I am using is a mixture using mainly Sorcery from “I Am The Sorcerer King” and it’s Aura system mixed in with books like “Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse” (Blood Warlock is for the system basically) and “The Witch Hunter System” (Is for the Aura) I don’t claim to own the ideas for the system or powers/spells used in the book but this is still an original story I made up just using powers I have enjoyed in different books!) I hope you enjoy ^^

Killerspider · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

Creating A Hierarchy

Surprisingly in all of the rooms many people had survived! Some of them had made weapons out of the desks and chairs.

With enough force they snapped off thin metal chair legs to use as a spear while the others took apart the wood on the desk before using cables from the projector or chargers. Honestly they used anything they could get their hands on to make a makeshift shield firmly tied to their arms.

These people are very resourceful, strangely there was always a leader in the rooms. This person was usually the first that started to attack the creatures as they popped up.

Only 5 classrooms had people in them ranging from 15-30 people in each. After the system descended that number was cut to 10-20 people still normal in each room.

Of course not all of them had that exact number, some of them lost people while only 1 had only a single person. The women who came out was covered in blood, with 2 long metal nail files in both hands. She looked traumatized as she stood in the center of the room surrounded by bodies.


While the students who were coming out of the rooms started to gather in the hallways Baladan's group headed for the nurses office. Immediately he pulled open the door breaking the lock with one pull.

Bal: 'Oops… I'll have to watch my strength from now on'

The stench of death came from the room, this spelled disaster for the group as Baladan walked in.

On the floor was a pool of blood, since the bodies of the Shadow Corpses seem to disappear after being killed that is the only thing they could assume what happened.

Though what they saw shocked them when they turned to see a women tied to her chair using a tourniquet on her left arm which was missing! This nurse had amputated her left arm to survive from the bite mark!

Bal: "Holy shit… this chick is hardcore!"

???: "H-Hey… instead of admiring my handy work… can you help me…"

The nurse looked like she was about to faint, she had used all her strength to fight off the student turned Shadow Corpse that had bitten her. She had no clue what would happen from the bite until the system popped up giving her an alert.

[Warning! You have been bitten by a level 5 Shadow Corpse! You have 00:01:00 until transformation begins]

With that warning she immediately thought back to those old zombie movies that had been popular for a long time. Within moments she had strapped herself up and used a surgical saw to amputate the arm.

With the blood loss she had began to feel very faint, when she heard the sudden crash of the door she was ready to submit to death only to see her saviors.

Bal: "Of course! What do you need! I'll get it for you immediately!"

Baladan was overjoyed that she was still alive, with the others helping out they had begun to do as she instructed.

The nurse had prided herself on having the necessary tools to heal almost any injury. Even if she didn't need to use them in a school she still was a doctor at heart and didn't feel comfortable leaving any of her essential tools behind.

This attitude had saved her life today, with antibiotics, the surgical saw, and even a fucking IV bag. She was going to be fine, with her knowledge this wound would only be a set back.


???: "Does anyone know who she is…? She looks a little… out of it…"

???: "No idea, I saw the room she came out of and man… that must have been a blood bath to get her like that…"

The other survivors had begun to talk amongst themselves as Baladan's group took care of the doctor.

That was until Harry came back to organize everyone and get them prepared to leave.

Harry: "Ok everyone listen up! Me and my friends will be heading to the cafeteria soon with the doctor! We will be bringing the beds and medical supplies with us! The main parts of the school have been cleared out besides the outside parking lots and the science building!

The main group of survivors are held up in the gymnasium which we plan to merge with tomorrow. I want everyone to help carry and bring the mattresses and privacy curtains from the nurses office!"

All of them had been quiet but none of them looked to be refusing him. They understood that staying with the people who could clear out the whole hallway would be better then staying in their little groups.


It took them a couple hours moving everything, the doctor had been placed on a mattress with wheels so they could transport her with ease. Of course it was tricky getting her down the stairs but with the extra strength from Rick and Baladan it was child's play to lift the bed.

With everyone back safe inside the cafeteria they began to put the privacy curtains up over the windows. They had then picked up the tables placing them on top of each other to make room for the beds and extra people while also blocking the windows off making the privacy curtains stick to the windows making sure nothing can see them.

Bal: "Ok everyone, I assume Harry has already filled you in some but I want to make something clear. Those who will fight for the group and for our survival will be getting a bed. Anyone with skills that can truly help the group like our doctor will also get a bed"

He had stood in front of the big group of around 52 people who came out of the rooms and basically told them that they won't be getting a bed tonight if they don't want to work for it.

"How can you say that! We had just been through hell and now you are saying we will have to sleep on the floor if we don't want to fight those things!"

Bal: "Hell? You don't know what hell is, look at the sole survivor of class 2-D… that was hell. You got scared out of your mind and let others fight. I will not stand for those of you who think we should be obligated to save you!"

He had made his point which made them take a step back. The only ones that hadn't been worried was the actual fighters in their group. They knew this would be a good change for them but not all of them was ok with discriminating against those who don't fight.

"Wait… should we really be cutting these people out of these resources we have? I know you guys are strong but can you really sit back and watch them sleep on the floor while we are in beds..?"

Bal: "Yes we can. This is the privilege of those who protect the lives of those people. If they want better treatment then they better get ready to fight"

He had waited a moment looking at everyone's reactions a smirk on his face as he starts again.

Bal: "Of course we aren't expecting you to immediately jump into a horde of those creatures or to fight against one of them by yourselves. I'm not a monster after all, no we will be assisting in training up trusted individuals to join us on the front lines as we clear out the campus. If you don't take my offer now then you can go out and fight them on your own"

Baladan's friends each facepalmed themselves with a sigh as they started thinking.

Harry: 'Damnit… he has already labeled them as worthless… if they don't have anything to give to the group he's just going to do whatever he wants to them… damn those assholes from back then…'

Rick: 'Fucking hell! He's taking charge again… I guess he wasn't the leader of our little group for nothing…'

Chris: 'Man… please don't tell me that old habit of his is kicking in… it took me forever to prove myself to him! Now 50 people have to go through that!? They are so dead!'


With a couple sentences of Baladan's had caused a rift between the group. Those who will fight and those who wouldn't. There was also a group with useful skills that got some privileges but they stayed to themselves.

With the fighters in beds the only thing the chickens could do was lay on the floor or under the tables. They each started to hate their situation but couldn't say anything about it! When one of the weaker ones went to go and attack Baladan he had easily caught the fist and made an example of him!

The sounds of him beating on that man was etched into their memories. This had given his friends flashbacks to when he had met his team and beat every single one of them into submission using any means possible!

At that time he had no friends, all he had was his family. The gang gave him a chance to make money but for him to lead a group he needed to be able to trust them to do what needed to be done.

So what better way to know the strengths of his new allies then to beat them into the ground? After that he was known by another nickname in the gang. He was called "The Reaper"

Back then he always wore a hood and it just so happens the jacket the gang gave him had the symbol of the grim reaper as their logo.

[You have 3 unopened gifts!]

Once he laid down he looked through his status and decided it was finally time to see what he gets!

Bal: 'Let's hope for something good!'