
My Dearest Abigail

"Princess, why do you hate me so much?" Dean asks helplessly. "Dean a five years ago you destroid me. It took me years to recover from you. I finally moved on and still I stand here knowing if I didn't stand here and hate you with ever bone in my body I would fall right back in love with you," I scream at him.

RigbyFields · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 11

I mean I know you aren't here and I know you aren't coming back...


"So how did your parents take it?" I ask after we pull apart.

With one hand Dean grabs my hand and with the other, he grabs his bags, "They were cool with it. They just asked that I come to visit once a week and bring my girlfriend with," he informs looking down at me.

"Girlfriend?" I ask confused.

"They didn't believe me that I was going to a friend's house, so I told the truth. They did ask one more thing... that I don't get you pregnant," he laughs.

"Wow," I say with a giggle before walking back up the stairs.

"So, where am I sleeping?" he asks as we walk.

"Well if it's ok with you... my room," I suggest.

"Yeah it's ok with me," he says a little breathlessly.

"Ok, well here it is..." I open my door and walk through pulling Dean with me. My room was average size, with my queen size bed in the center sitting on eight wood pallets things. My comforter is a dark grey color that matches my pillows and the lamp on my bedside table. Across the wall behind and on either side of my bed, I have old movie and band posters, along with a few of my favorite albums on vinyl. On one side of my bed, I have a bedside table and on the other, I have my desk with my laptop sitting on it. Right across from my bed I have a medium size dresser with my TV hanging above it.

"Wow, you have a sick room," Dean compliments.

"Thank you," I smile.

"So I cleaned out three drawers and half my closet for your things," I inform, pulling him further into my room.

"You didn't have to do all that," he slightly pouts.

"Dean for the next month this is your room too. I want you to feel comfortable," I insist.

"Abigail," he starts but I don't let him finish.

"No," I say sternly.

"Fine," he says giving in.

"How about you unpack while I go make us some food?" I suggest.

"Sounds good," he agrees.

"There are a ton of hangers hanging in my closet for your clothes," I say before walking downstairs.

I didn't really know what to make so I decided to make a simple spaghetti with a garlic sauce that has peppers, sausage, and onions. Dean came down right as I finished dishing it out onto our plate, "oh I see how it is, you wait until I finish cooking so you don't have to help," I joke.

"What? No, I promise I wasn't," he says adorably.

"I know, I'm just kidding," I laugh.

"What do you want to drink?" I ask looking over at him.

"Water is fine," he says grabbing both our plates and walking towards the dining room table.

I grab two glasses out of the cabinet and fill them both with water before joining Dean at the table. This is a weird feeling, I mean it feels like we are married or something. It's not a bad weird, It is actually a really good weird. For a few minute while we eat it is silent until I break the silence, "Lets play twenty questions".

"Ok," he laughs after he swallowed his food.

"If you could change only one thing in your life, what would that be and why?" I ask.

"Wow we are starting off deap. Um I would probably change my friends," he states before taking another bite.

"Really I thought you loved them," I ask shocked spinning more spaghetti around my spoon.

"I mean I guess but they don't really want to be my friend, they just want the popularity that comes with it. Other than Dani of course," he says truthfully.

"That actually makes sense. I always thought you loved all that attention," I admit.

"No not really, I mean I don't really care. It's just always been there," he says looking down at his plate. "What about you? What would you change?"

"I would change the fact that I hated you for so long," I say with guilt.


"Yeah. Back then I thought I had a valid reason but now that I know you, I know that there was no reason to ever hate you," I say voicing my thoughts from the past few weeks.

"I always acted like a douche, you had a right," he comforts.

"You may have acted like one but you weren't one," I fight. The rest of the game was a lot more light hearted and fun, we didn't stop at twenty either we played all the way through doing dishes but we stopped once we got up to our room.

"So how exactly is this going to work?" Dean asks when we walk back into my room.

"If you are comfortable with it, I was thinking we would sleep in the same bed," I offer.

"I am if you are," he smiles slightly.

"I definitally am," I say walking up to him, going on my tip toes and pecking his lips. "I am going to go change into my pj's, you can change out here if you want".

"Oh come on," he whines.

"Babe you asked me to be your girlfriend to day, do you really think you get to see all this already?" I tease.

"Yes," he says as seriously as he could.

"Ahh how adorable," I taunt a little grabbing my clothes out of one of the drawers and walking towards the bathroom.

"Meanie," he pouts.

After I was done getting ready for bed I walked out into my room to find Dean sitting on the bed looking down at his phone, wearing only his boxers. I couldn't take my eyes off his toned abs and you know the rest of his body. I was a little preoquied by surtain things that I didn't notice Dean look up, "I asked you to be my girlfriend today, do you really think you get any of this?" he mocks getting up from my bed and walking around me making sure to brush against me just a tiny bit.

The bathroom door closes behind me but I don't move for a few seconds, shocked. After I regained myself I walked over to my bed and climbed to the otherside leaving plenty of room for my boyfriend.

Less then five minutes later Dean walks out out of the bathroom and climbs into bed beside me. I feel like it should be awkward this whole living together thing only a few hours after we became a couple but it's not. Not at all, it's actually really nice and it feels really good. I scoot over and place my head on his chest wrapping one arm around his torso and placing my knee over his waist. "We don't have school tomorrow, what do you want to do?" I ask as he wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer.

"Well we have dinner with my parents so movie day until we have to do that," he suggests.

"Sounds amazing," I sigh. Dean shifts a little before the light clicks off bringing darkness into the room. He shifts back and we both drift off into deap sleeps.