
The Phoenix Emperor vs Flame Titan

We entered the boss's room finally. Gilbert told us his plan before entering the dungeon.

He plans to attack the Phoenix Emperor with all our might. He told us to attack when we see an opening.

Gilbert has taken the job to draw the attention of the boss while our job is to attack it if it gives us any openings.

But before entering the room he warned us not to push ourselves too much and told us to run away when it gets too hard for us.

But that's when Madam Trivut told him "We can't run away from it don't you know that, if we enter the room once then we have to defeat it or we can't move forward".

Gilbert smiled and told us to back off when it gets too hard cause that's when he will show us his ultimate skill.

I asked him "Why didn't you use it before?"

He replied, "It's a forbidden spell or you can say it is a curse as well so I can't use it until it's about a life or death situation".

I immediately replied, "I will not let you use it then even if it costs my life".

He asked me "Why are you risking your precious life for me?"

I showed my awkward smile and replied cause "I will defeat the boss before you have the chance to show off your forbidden spell".

Madam Trivut also agreed with me and told Gilbert that, "She will not give him any chance to shine".

Gilbert smiled a little bit and told her to do as she wants.

He was smiling but there were some tears in his eyes.

So I asked him "Why are you crying, leader? Are you sad that we won't let you shine?"

He replied, "Of course, I am sad because of you guys I can't show off my deadly forbidden spell".

After hearing his reply we were just smiling I don't know how to describe it but everyone's smile was genuine and sweet.

Draies joined our conversation and told us to hurry cause Harold's health is getting worse as time passes.

So we don't waste any time and enter the floor boss room.

This time our opponent is the Phoenix Emperor. He has 4 cores in his body.

One is located in his head and the 2nd one is in his tail the 3rd and 4th one is in his left and right wing.

Phoenix Emperor is 10 times bigger than regular Phoenix vulture. It also uses the flame to attack but it has a special ability.

It can make some little tornados with its wing. So we have to be very careful while dealing with it.

When we entered the room the boss was sleeping in a giant tree but when we get closer, it welcomed us with its flame.

But due to Draies's 'Holy protector' barrier, we were saved.

After getting saved by Draies I cast my 'Breeze of Hell' and melt some of its body.

Breeze of Hell is a powerful high-level dark magic that melts its target. It's so powerful that it can melt down a giant rock in the blink of an eye.

When the spell activates it releases hot steam from Robin's dark staff. It takes a lot of mana from its caster so Robin doesn't use it often.

But this time it is a matter of life and death so there is no choice but to use it.

It is a long and wide-range attacking spell so the casters have to use it wisely and smartly or it could damage the caster's companion.

After my attack, the Emperor became more ferocious and attacked us with its wing.

Its feathers are so sharp that if we touch it bare-handed, it will cut our hands.

To defend ourselves from its attack Draies cast his high-level defensive magic 'Absolute Barrier' and Madam Trivut cast her 'Earthly Wall' spell.

But it wasn't enough; the boss cut it all down like it was nothing. We were somehow saved by the favor of luck.

It also regenerated the meat that I melted. It's a Phoenix so they have a high regenerative ability.

We were saved somehow from its previous attack but we can't always depend on our luck so we have to do something special right now.

So we decided to defeat it with our special chained attack formation that we discussed before entering the room.

So as we discussed Gilbert cast his 'Muddy Golem' spell to create a golem. Gilbert is one elemental mage so he can only use earth as his element.

His 'Muddy Golem' attacks the Phoenix but it couldn't hold the Phoenix off and gets destroyed.

The boss destroyed the Golem with its flame but for some unknown reason, its flame developed and turned into a pure golden flame.

Its flame became more hot and dangerous so we have to finish it soon or we will get burned.

After Gilbert's attack, Madam Trivut cast his 'Universal Air' to blow away everything in front of her.

'Universal Air' is a High-level chant magic. It's the 2nd most powerful and dangerous chant spell.

The Universal Air blew the Phoenix and everything. It was laying down in a corner after the attack.

Due to Madam Trivut's attack, its flame was extinguished but it's trying to regenerate its flame.

But we can't let that happen so I drink some mana potions to replenish my mana.

After drinking the potion I cast my 'Flame Titan' spell but this time I didn't use the flame of Phoenix to activate the spell.

Instead, I used the lava from the Phoenix fountain to activate the spell.

There are two fountains on the 3rd floor one is situated outside the boss room and the other one is in the boss room.

So I used the boss room's fountain known as Phoenix Fountain to activate my spell. That's why nobody can destroy the Titan until the source remains.

If anyone wants to destroy it they have to destroy the fountain first. That's why it's almost impossible to destroy the Titan completely.

But it takes a lot of mana to activate and it will continue to take my mana until I cancel the spell.

After activating my spell the Titan emerges from the air and lands beside me.

His body is constituted with lava so it's hard and hot at the same time. After emerging, it roars and throws flame from its mouth.

That's when the Phoenix Emperor flew toward the Titan and attacked him with its golden flames.

But the Titan smacked its face to the ground when it gets near him. After smacking it he kicks it and sends the Phoenix to the end of the boss room.

After kicking it he roars and starts walking with its heavy feet to finish him.

The Phoenix tried to flee from there when the Titan gets near it. But the Titan holds its neck and splashes lava over him.

With the splash, we won the fight. The Titan roars and roars nonstop after defeating it.

So I canceled the spell and the Titan starts to melt. It was made from lava so it returns to its true form.

I was quite exhausted after all that, it feels like the spell overused my mana so I am a little bit tired right now.

On the other side, we have to prepare for our father's salute festival. So I wear a black suit with a white shirt and a pair of black leather shoes.

I was fully ready but it seems like my mother is having a hard time dressing. She is finding it difficult to believe that her husband is dead.

So I go beside her to console her. But she bursts into crying when I try to console so think I shouldn't try to act like a strong adult.

Cause I know that I killed him but still I feel sad inside. A question always peeps in my mind asking me the same question again and again.

"Does it worth it.... does it worth it.... does it worth it" is the same question I hear every day since the incident.

But I don't fall apart and reply with confidence that it was worthy, my actions were worthy as their sacrifices were.

My mom stopped crying after some time and gets ready for the funeral.

We were about to leave that's when she hugged me tightly and said "First your younger brother and now your dad everybody is leaving me behind so I beg you please don't leave me alone".

I don't know why but her words touched my heart and reminded me of the day when I lost my younger brother.

So I replied, "Don't worry Mom I will never leave you behind you can always trust me but I can't promise to be always with you".

She asked me "Why?" With tears in her eyes.

I just replied cause you know everyone has to die so eventually I will die also but if luck favors us then we will be reunited in another world. (To be continued)

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