
The move

The rain dripped down the tinted window of my dad's SUV as we drove down the street. I leaned against the window looking out on the dark day that the tinted window made even darker as the sky above cried over my city. Well, it was my city. Dad's making me move with him to California, because he thinks mom can't take care of me. He mostly wanted me away from this city because of the mishap last summer. Long story short: I have really bad taste in friends. Some bad shit went done and my dad had to some to the rescue. I guess he wants a 'thank you', but that's too bad because he wont get one. He thinks he's so great, because he went out and made it big as a model. He tells his fans every little detail about his life...well except for the part where he left his wife and kid so he could be famous. Now he's remarried and living it up in California with his new family. I heard that the girl he's with has custody of her nephew and he just took them both in. Isn't it funny how he forgot all about me until the mishap of last summer. If only I could go back in time and prevent this tragedy, then i'd never have to see his face again. I know what everyone's thinking: 'Another kid with daddy issues'. Yeah well, I don't just blame him because he left. I blame him for the stress and pain that my mom and I went through after he walked out on us. Maybe if he hadn't left, this wouldn't be happening. After he high tailed it out of our lives, my mom began to drink and smoke more than anyone should. I can barely remember the last time she was sober within the time of his absence. She always hoped he'd come back to her. She'd wait for him a night and when he didn't show she'd cry and drink till her was numb. After a while she stopped waiting for him. She drank every day to stay numb to her feelings. Even the ones for me. She stopped caring about me and even herself. I had to drop out of school to get a job and pay the rent, because she go fired and didn't want to find a new job. Things got so bad that I started to think she had the right idea and I fell into the same pattern as her. In the end, that's what led to my summer mishap.

"Tyler. You've been really quite. Don't you want to talk to me?" I slowly turned away from the tinted window to look at him. His Light blue eyes were focused on the road, yet he listened for my response. I hate how much I looked like him.

"What's there to talk about, Marcus? It's not like we know each other. I'm surprised that after twelve years you still remembered that I exist." he heaved a great sigh as we stopped at a red light. Once we'd stopped, he looked over at me and smiled.

"How could I forget my own son? I'm sorry it took me so long to come back and get you. I never planed to leave you with your mom for that long. I guess you understand why." he turned back to the road to continue our venture. I honesty wanted to say something rude yet I couldn't. He was right. She has been a terrible influence on me for as long as I can remember. I spent my entire life cleaning up every spill of alcohol, weed and puke that she left around the fucking house. Even so...she was there.

"Even if it didn't seem like it, she loved me. Unlike you...she loved me enough to stay." I could see him lower his head with shame as we pulled up to the airport. We sat in silence for a moment before he started to get ready. I crossed my arms as he handed me a pair of shades and a hat. I snatched them from his hands and put them on and he did the same.

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