
The annoyance

Once the two of us were out of the car, we began to grab our things from the trunk. He was quiet. I couldn't even hear him breathing. Was this guilt? Was he feeling guilty because of what I've said? Well that's just...great.

"You're awfully quiet. Ya' haven't said a word to me since we arrived. Is something the matter, Marcus?" I couldn't help but smile. He sighed before turning around to look at me. His strawberry-blonde hair whipped in the wind as our eyes met. Instead of a look of guilt- the look I wanted- I was face with a look of utter annoyance. He looked at me as if I was a nuisance. Who the hell does he think he is? What right does he have to be angry!?

"You need to grow up. I understand that you're angry with me, but we'll move past this. You just have to give up your childish ways and try to move past it." I guess it was my turn to give an annoyed look and I didn't waste any time. I gave him the most annoyed face I could. 'm not going to lie...it hurt after a few moments.

"Me? Childish? Tell me Marcus, am I the one who ditched my family for my childhood dream and didn't tell a soul about them? You didn't even tell your new wife, did you? I guess you too busy with playing family with her a her nephew, right?" his look of annoyance faded and I finally got the satisfaction of seeing a guilty expression flash over his features. He turned away and continued to help with my bags. I could feel a smile pull at the corners of my mouth.

Once we were inside he was silent again. As we went through the search and began the wait for our plane the tension built. He sat away from me and avoided eye contact with me. I don't know why but I felt like I should've been saying something to him. I opened my mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the announcement that our plane was being boarded. I sighed and grabbed my things and slowly followed behind him as we boarded the plane. Once we were on the plane, he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the first class area. Of course he had to go and get first class for our flight. The whole area was empty so I waited for him to choose a seat so I could sit elsewhere. As I began to put my stuff up I could hear him scoff under his breath.

"Do you really have to be that petty?" I could hear a slight chuckle in his voice. I turned around and gave him a nice smile followed by my middle finger. He rolled his eyes and then directed his attention out of a window next to him. I sat down and pulled out my phone. I turned it on and was greeted with my background screen. An old picture of me and my "friends". The picture was at least two years old. We were celebrating my birthday together since my mom forgot. They were so nice to me. The picture showed the four of us sitting around a cake in the park. Matthew had his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. His smile was bright and wide. Noah and Max could be seen pushing at each other and laughing. We'd gotten a passerby to take the picture for us. I couldn't help but smile even though it hurt to remember our time together.

"Wow, so you CAN smile...non-sadistically? Isn't that nice?" I honestly forgot about him. I looked over to my left across the aisle at him. I could see that he was waiting for me to respond, so I refused to. I could tell that my silence was annoying him. He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, still waiting for my response. I thought for a moment, of what I should say and then it hit me. What would annoy him the most?

"Oh, i'm sorry. Were you speaking to me? It's so easy to forget that you there. Since you've been gone most of my life, i've just gotten used to you not being around. You understand, right?" I guess that was the last straw, because he quickly stood from his chair, made his way over to me and sat right across from me. It was unsettling for him to do this all of a sudden. He silently clasped his hands together and leaned toward me.

"I know you hate me for leaving you and your mother back then. I also know that that's the reason you became friends with those boys. You wanted to rebel and do dumb shit like every other teen does, but it shouldn't have led to what happened. I...I know that you don't want to, but we need to talk about what happened last summer. Later." I was uncomfortable talking about that with him or anyone for that matter. I shook my head, telling him that I wouldn't speak about this with him. He didn't like that. He stood up and walked back to his seat. I already knew that he wasn't going to drop the situation. We were going to have to talk about the mishap of last summer

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