
My Circus

How does it feel to sleep with pain? When you wake up to find that you woke up in a different place with a different identity? A time where crime is rife, where the strong rule and the weak hide in the shadows to survive in a world that has yet to settle down. This is a story about a man who suddenly transmigrates to a world of heat engines and mystical magic.

Luwly · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


"You need to stop that bad habit, alright?" Wenny asked softly, trying to ensure that his brother wouldn't continue the habit of mumbling that often bothered him.

Fanden nodded. "Yes, yes," Fanden nodded, but his expression was slightly hesitant, indicating that he realized how difficult it was to truly change his habit, which had merged with Mazel's habits.

Wenny still felt somewhat skeptical after hearing his brother's brief response. He wasn't sure if Fanden would actually be able to easily stop his mumbling habit. "Well then, hurry up and go to the bus. The bus is about to leave," Wenny said, pointing towards the parking area, where the large blue buses were ready to depart.

Seeing the bus, Fanden nodded in understanding. "Oh, in that case, see you at the apartment," he said to Wenny, gazing at the bus that was about to depart.

"Yes, bro, don't forget to prepare a delicious dinner for me," Wenny joked, giving a small smile to his brother.

"Alright, I'll head home first then, good luck with your work!" Fanden said as he walked away.

Fanden walked to the cemetery parking area, where many blue buses were lined up. These buses were provided by the company as a facility for their workers. The buses were responsible for transporting and bringing back all the cemetery workers.

Fanden walked towards the bus that would take him to the bus stop in his city. Each bus had a different plate number for each city. For the city of Senn, it would have a plate with the letter 'S' at the front, while the cities of Aries and Oqi would have plates with 'A' and 'O'.

After selecting the bus that would take him home, Fanden checked the bus plate number. He searched for a plate starting with the letter 'O', indicating that the bus would take him back to the city of Oqi, where Mazel and Wenny lived.

[O 7613 KE]

That was his bus!

After seeing the Oqi city bus plate, Fanden confidently walked towards the bus. With a careful eye, he found the bus parked at the back corner of the parking area, making it easy for those familiar with the bus plate system. As Fanden stepped onto the bus, he was greeted by a bustling atmosphere. However, he quickly spotted a comfortable seat at the back and without hesitation, he took the seat, feeling the comfort of the welcoming backrest, preparing himself for the fairly long journey to Oqi city.

The bus driver waited patiently, refraining from closing the bus door until all the seats were fully occupied. During this short interval, the atmosphere inside the bus began to warm up as new passengers arrived, until finally, all the seats were fully occupied by passengers rushing home after a day of activity.

However, Fanden noticed that Rudy wasn't joining the journey this time. Fanden's mind wandered, recalling that Rudy usually always used the same bus as him for the journey home.

This might be a good sign for me, Fanden thought, with a slight sense of relief.

Rudy would disappear on his own, no need to bother thinking about him anymore.

The bus then began to move, leaving the bustling parking area behind. Fanden enjoyed the view of the passing forest outside the window. The scenery was the same as when Fanden departed in the morning, just from a different perspective.

The bus journey lasted about two hours. Fanden sometimes dozed off, sometimes read a book, or simply looked at the surrounding scenery. He didn't pay much attention to the other passengers on the bus. He just wanted to reach his destination as quickly as possible.

When the bus finally arrived at the Oqi city bus stop, Fanden got up from his seat and grabbed his bag. Fanden left the bus with confident steps, heading towards his apartment not far from the bus stop.

He walked for about ten minutes, passing through some streets and alleys. When he arrived in front of his apartment, something caught his attention.

In front of the entrance to his apartment, Fanden was stunned to see a brown-skinned woman asleep, huddled on a small embankment in front of the apartment entrance. With a pounding heart, Fanden observed the woman, wondering about the story behind her unexpected sleep in front of the entrance to his apartment.

"Hello?" Fanden said softly, gently touching the woman's shoulder. But when she stirred slightly and turned her face, Fanden was surprised.

"Eh... Tuer?" he whispered, amazed to see the face he knew so well.

The figure of Tuer, a graceful Caucasian woman with dark brown hair cascading softly around her beautiful face. The twilight light cast a slight gleam on her golden-brown skin, giving a warm and captivating appearance. Her soft lips were tightly closed, creating a peaceful expression as she slept soundly.

Fanden observed her carefully, trying to understand what might have happened for Tuer to fall asleep there. He noticed every detail of her face, from her delicate nose to her fluttering eyelashes, all perfecting her natural beauty. Although asleep, her face still radiated an undeniable charm.

Fanden then shook his head, trying to stop his fascination with the figure in front of him. He was curious about Tuer suddenly appearing in front of his apartment. With determined steps, Fanden shook Tuer's body more vigorously, trying hard to wake her up.

"Tuer, wake up... wake up!" Fanden whispered softly but firmly, trying to wake Tuer from her deep sleep in front of his apartment.

Suddenly, Tuer was startled and opened her eyes slowly. A puzzled expression was on her face as she stared at Fanden who was standing in front of her. However, after a few seconds, that confused expression turned into a mixed expression of joy, relief, and sadness. Wordlessly, Tuer grabbed Fanden in a tight embrace, as if to capture the moment forever. A cry of relief and happiness could be heard caught in her throat, reflecting how much she felt at the sight of Fanden in front of her.