
My Circus

How does it feel to sleep with pain? When you wake up to find that you woke up in a different place with a different identity? A time where crime is rife, where the strong rule and the weak hide in the shadows to survive in a world that has yet to settle down. This is a story about a man who suddenly transmigrates to a world of heat engines and mystical magic.

Luwly · Urban
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20 Chs


In a room at the Tomb, there was a chamber where the light still illuminated. Bright yellow light emanated from the oil lamp, casting its glow into every corner of the room, including onto the figure sitting within. That figure was a man dressed entirely in yellow, seated comfortably in his chair while reading Tomb documents; that man was Dexta!

Dexta sat and continued to read every document and report that arrived daily. He then analysed and classified each document on the table, arranging them neatly so that people wouldn't have trouble finding them.

With careful eyes, Dexta continued to read every document without pause. His eyes showed no signs of fatigue, as if he had been trained to read and think quickly since forever.

In the brightly lit room with yellow light from the oil lamp, Dexta sat calmly, focused on the stack of documents and reports spread across the table. His serious face reflected precision and concentration as he sorted and analysed each proposal that came in.

These documents represented various research and experiments proposed by Tomb members. From investigations into ancient artifacts to explorations in untouched tomb domains, each proposal was an integral part of Tomb's efforts to expand their knowledge.

With care, Dexta examined each proposal, considering the potential and associated risks. For Dexta, his responsibility as the research leader at Tomb was not light. He had to ensure that only the highest quality research was funded and prioritized, while still considering limited resources.

Some proposals were accepted quickly, while others had to go through a series of evaluations and further testing before being accepted or rejected. In the process, Dexta didn't hesitate to contact the researchers involved for further clarification or to provide suggestions for improvement.

Meanwhile, in his mind, Dexta pondered the priorities that needed to be arranged. Some research might have more direct and significant impacts on the Tomb's mission, while others might require more time and resources to be developed properly.

"All right, this one can be accepted." Dexta reached for the stamp beside him, pressing it onto the document with blue ink, letting the 'Approved' mark stand out clearly. With confident movements, he placed the approved document into the wooden box in front of him.

However, before he could savour the satisfaction of his actions, his gaze was drawn to another document lying on the table, with the author's name being Tuer. Dexta's interest was piqued, and quickly he picked up the document to read it. However, before he could finish reading it, his decision was made. The document was immediately stamped 'Returned'.

"Tuer... she's still trying hard to retrieve that box..." Dexta muttered angrily, annoyed by Tuer's persistence in her efforts. Without hesitation, he moved Tuer's submitted document into the paper box next to the wooden one. The paper box became a place for documents to be returned or eliminated because they were deemed unworthy. The documents piled up, reflecting how many documents were submitted by researchers, which in reality had no value at all.

Dexta glanced at the wall adorned with a sturdy wooden wall clock. The clock's hands showed 7 pm, a time when only the guards were allowed to be in the Tomb. The atmosphere of silence and tranquility began to envelop the room, adding to the mystical impression of the place.

"All right, it seems it's time for me to end my overtime. Let's finish these documents at home," said Dexta as he tidied up the documents and carefully placed them in his briefcase.

He turned off his oil lamp, then walked away. His footsteps sounded muffled in the silent room, creating an increasingly heavy atmosphere with the presence of the faithful wooden clock marking the time.

Amidst the silence that enveloped the room, three figures slowly emerged from the darkness that enveloped the room. Their steps were firm, soundless, as if merging with the night's silence that surrounded them. With coordinated movements, they headed to the table where Dexta had been just moments ago.

One of them reached out, retrieving several small sticks from his bag, similar to ice cream sticks. The sticks, the size of ice cream sticks, were then swiftly swung, meeting other sticks with precise force. Each collision between the sticks emitted a dim green light, providing illumination to the room that was previously only filled with darkness.

The figure then distributed the lit sticks to the other figures, providing illumination for them. Then, with the green light they had, they began to search for something in the room.

The figures searched the entire room. Carefully they stepped, shifting each item with caution as if touching a needle on the surface of water. Their eyes swept every corner with captivating precision, capturing every shadow and reflection that might reveal the dark secrets of the room. In a harmonious movement, they communicated without words, only with sharp glances and rhythmic body movements. Like a complex game of chess, each move they made was carefully considered, creating harmony in chaos. Occasionally, they exchanged positions, filling in the gaps that might be missed by others, balancing their hunt perfectly. Like detectives on the verge of a great discovery, they continued to search tirelessly, enveloping the room with an aura of inevitable tension.

Apologies if there are any errors in wording or meaning, such as 'tomb' being written as 'Mausoleum'.

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