
My Circus

How does it feel to sleep with pain? When you wake up to find that you woke up in a different place with a different identity? A time where crime is rife, where the strong rule and the weak hide in the shadows to survive in a world that has yet to settle down. This is a story about a man who suddenly transmigrates to a world of heat engines and mystical magic.

Luwly · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


The letter unfolded slowly, revealing a glimpse into Adel's world. Black ink on white paper formed words that informed Mazen about significant changes in his life.

[Dear Mazen,

I'm sending this letter with our company's emblem to ensure its prompt delivery to you because this news is crucial and you need to know it right away.

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I want to inform you that my father's condition is deteriorating. He's continuously unwell, and every day seems to be a heavy battle for him.

He wishes to witness our marriage before his time runs out. Therefore, we've decided to expedite our wedding plans. I hope you can understand the situation we're facing.

This plan might be unexpected, but the opportunity to unite two families with significant dreams is a blessing. I believe we can lead a happy life and build a bright future together.

There are no words sufficient to convey how crucial your support is in these challenging times. I know this might come as a surprise, but my hope is that we can face this challenge together and bring happiness to both our families.

Thank you for your understanding, Mazen. I await your response.


Fanden read each word with mixed emotions. An unexpected feeling enveloped him, and although the letter didn't include words of love, the implied burden of responsibility and hope made him contemplate the impending future.

So, this is the tale of a conversation between a couple entangled in an arranged marriage orchestrated by their parents. There's no romantic nuance at all, a rather unfortunate reality.

Fanden pondered, his face showing a frown, reflecting deep sadness.

Observing Mazen's change in expression, Wenny asked gently, "What's wrong, Bro? What's in the letter?"

"Hmm... Adel wrote that our marriage will be expedited," Mazen said with a serious tone.

"Did Sister Adel say that? How does Bro feel about that decision?" Wenny asked with understanding.

"I'm fine. I know that choices are not always abundant for me. Haven't you always been aware of that?" Mazen replied resignedly.

"Yes..." Wenny replied in a low voice, realizing that his brother Mazen's life was always arranged. Especially after the death of their eldest brother in the southern continent. That incident plunged their mother into sadness and depression, leading her to control their lives, planning the future without considering whether they agreed or not.

Their mother believed that one child's death was enough and didn't want to experience another loss!

Mazen, accustomed to decisions made for him, but it was different for Fanden!

Fanden didn't feel happy if his life was predetermined by others. He didn't want his freedom forcibly taken away by others again.

I'm tired of my life being controlled by others, so I don't want my life this time to be controlled by others again!

Fanden sat pensively for a moment before being brought back to reality by Wenny's voice.

"So, do you want to reply to Sister Adel's message tonight, Bro?" Wenny asked.

"No, I'll respond tomorrow morning. It's already past midnight, so we better sleep." Wenny said while yawning and stretching his arms.

Wenny looked at the clock, seeing what time it was now. The wooden brown clock attached to the wall now showed 01:00 in the morning.

"You're right, Bro. Let's go to sleep soon so we won't be tired tomorrow at work." Wenny replied.

Wenny then walked towards the bed, leaving Mazen alone still sitting on the chair. Mazen, who was still sitting, then held the black letter and stood up from his chair.

Fanden walked into Wenny's workspace. In Wenny's workspace, there were only drawers and a cabinet containing many papers and documents. Fanden then walked towards the study table that Mazen often used. The table itself was brown and not too large.

Fanden touched the wooden surface of the table, its surface smooth but with some dull and slightly sticky parts.

This is where Mazen often spent time after work. He even often fell asleep at this table and rarely slept in his own bed.

Fanden then pulled the drawer handle and then placed the black letter sent by Adel into it. After that, Fanden turned off all the lights and went to the bedroom.

In the bedroom, there were two medium-sized beds and a table located between the two neatly arranged beds. On the right bed was Wenny, who was currently in a sound sleep. He wasn't snoring, and his face showed comfort.

Looks like someone has fallen asleep already.

Fanden then went to the bed on the left side, where Mazen usually slept. First, Fanden sat on the bed before then taking off his sandals and lifting his legs onto the bed.

Not even a day since I transmigrated here, and I'm already occupied by many things, especially the issue of this accelerated marriage... How should I respond to Adel's letter? It's making me confused.

Fanden felt confused in the face of this rather strange situation. However, when his eyes glanced out the window, especially towards the floating castle in the sky, a smile suddenly spread across his face.

This is a different world... so maybe I don't need to think too much about this issue and better just sleep. Let tomorrow deal with this issue on its own.

With flair, Fanden then turned off the small lamp on the table beside him. Dim light enveloped the room, giving a peaceful atmosphere.

After that, Fanden immediately laid his body on the bed. Fatigue gripped him, and he quickly felt the drowsiness engulfing him. Finally, slowly, Fanden drifted into the world of dreams that might provide him an escape from the complicated reality.