
My Chaos Academia: Brotherhood (MHA/BNHA)

(Chapters 1-11 Rewritten) I died prematurely in the least cliché way possible... Vaporized as a result of a powerful and fantastic nuclear explosion! How cool, right? But that was only the prologue of my adventure... I was reincarnated in the world of My Hero Academia as the little brother of the protagonist with a wonderful and terrifying quirk of intelligence. With great power comes great responsibility… Hah! Boring! I will use the power of my twisted imagination to have a lot of fun in this world by unleashing chaos around me while I enjoy the show eating popcorn. Sometimes a child just wants to see the world burn... A fantastic giant robot! A really cool lightsaber! Robotic tentacles! Anything my twisted mind can imagine! I'll build it! And I plan to have a lot of fun in the process! So I became the youngest S-Rank Villain in the world, created an evil organization for my amusement, and as if that wasn't enough… I completely altered the plot for my personal benefit. And the best of all! No one suspects that Izuku Midoriya's innocent and charismatic little brother is really the mastermind behind all this chaos! “I am Child Emperor! And this world will become my playground!” I exclaimed happily, raising my fists in the air in front of a terrified crowd of heroes and villains. "HAIL HYDRA!" I exclaimed defiantly from atop a gigantic combat robot as a crooked smile spread across my face. Something tells me there will be no school tomorrow... Hehe. (Currently publishing on Webnovel and Wattpad with over 155K words) Images and gifs are included in the story. Videos are available on the YouTube channel: EmperorTube.

Empe_ror99 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
63 Chs

(Older version / Data) (These chapters will be rewritten soon!)

Older version.

Older version.

Older version.

(Older version / Data)

In Rewriting Process.

From this point, the previous version of the story begins... A version that will be rewritten, therefore, many things can change or have already changed.

Read at your own risk.

Chapter 6 Fight Like the Devil (This chapter will be rewritten soon!)

POV Izuku

The days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, then before I knew it I am now 12 years old. I just have to wait two more years before I can apply to my dream school of heroes. I want to be like All Might and save people with a smile on my face.

A year ago my brother told me something very important that changed my way of thinking and since then I have kept those words close to my heart.

*** You worry so much just about not having a quirk that you forget how to take advantage of the talents you possess. ***

Since then I started training my body to become a hero. I want my little brother to be proud of me, even Kacchan also joins my training, however, he sees it as some kind of competition. I've also improved my quirk analysis capabilities.

I have about 10 books filled with information on quirks, strengths, weaknesses, and how to improve them. I must give it my all if I want to be a hero!

Regarding my mother, she quit her old job and is now in a very important one with excellent benefits and income. It was like a dream come true for her to be hired without even going through a job interview. However, now she returns home a little later than usual.

As for my little brother...

"I am so cute, so small, and adorable." I hear my little brother say as I enter his room without knocking on the door. Then I find my 8-year-old little brother looking at himself in the mirror in his room.

"I'm a cute and lovable vampire." He says looking at his sharp little fangs through the mirror. At this, I cough a little to get his attention. He quickly turns in my direction as his cheeks flush a little and he smiles showing his teeth in my direction.

"Hello, Izu-chan~ Welcome home." He hums.

My little brother is acting suspicious again!

At first, I choose to ignore my little brother's random behavior as some kind of joke, on some days he acts normal, however, there are some times when his attitude completely changes.

He even once sneaked into my room and tried to bite me while I was pretending to be asleep, however for some unknown reason his body stopped as he began to shudder as if in pain. I obviously stopped pretending to be asleep and asked him if he was alright, he just apologized and said it was a joke, after which he quickly left my room.

With the passage of time, no more such accidents have occurred. My mother on the other hand simply ignores my little brother's behavior as a stage in his growth, yet she is never present when my little brother's behavior radically changes.

"Are you okay?" My little brother asks, pulling me out of my thoughts. "You stared at me intently for a moment, that was cute." He says with a cat smile on his face. He is doing it right now, that behavior!

"Uh." It's all I say narrowing my eyes in his direction which causes my little brother to get nervous and cover one of his ears with his hand.

Then my little brother's eyes light up as he nods. "Hey, Izu-chan, your favorite show is about to start!" Exclaims my little brother. At this, my eyes widen. It's true today a new chapter of the All Might documentary is released!


Micro-Spy T-44

Small and undetectable device for espionage and long-distance communication, it can be attached to any part of the host's body or clothing, however, it is recommended to be attached inside the ear to activate the ability to receive information.


POV Isamu

In another location at the same time.

"Well done, Toga-chan, that will keep him distracted until I get home." I say through my little communicator as I text several different numbers.

At that moment, a light bulb with a green light turns on above a metal door in the room where I am. "Today is going to be an unforgettable and fun night... So much fun." I say to myself putting on a small gas mask made by myself with a voice modulator included while keeping a crooked smile hidden behind my mask.

Then the metal door begins to open slowly and at that moment the screams of the crowd reach my ears along with the voice of the presenter.

"With you the youngest fighter defending his record of 15 consecutive wins in the arena." Exclaims the presenter in a business suit using his quirk which causes his voice to be amplified and heard throughout the venue.

"Exceptional technology and firepower, created by an extraordinary mind!" The presenter exclaims with emotion in his voice extending both hands theatrically in my direction as I approach the center of the arena with my toys ready to face my unlucky challenger.

I am in an underground fight arena for fun!

"¡Child Emperor!"


Underground fighting arena

A place where numerous villains or people with contacts in the criminal underworld gather, this place brings together a large number of people, most of whom prefer anonymity.

Large amounts of gambling take place inside the compound, it is also an ideal place for criminal organizations to recruit new people and negotiate with other organizations, among other things.

The fights take place in different locations and the arena where they take place is protected by users with 'Emitter' type quirks to avoid detection by civilians and heroes.


POV Third Person

"Child Emperor!" The presenter exclaims, causing many people in the crowd to get excited including Tomura Shigaraki who is in his standard villain outfit accompanied by his faithful subordinate Kurogiri.

"The challenger on the other hand is determined to end Child Emperor's winning streak, he calls himself SludgeMan!" The presenter exclaims as a humanoid figure made of a dark green mud-like substance makes its way to the center of the arena.

"Child Emperor is going to win." Tomura says with a smile behind his hand-shaped mask.

"You have a lot of faith in that little kid considering the amount of money we are betting on his victory. However, his strategies and inventions are very curious." Kurogiri says, watching Child Emperor carefully.

"He's a cheater with a long list of tricks at his disposal, almost reminds me of that time when that kid scammed me into…" Tomura's eyes widen as he connects the dots before he starts laughing out loud.

"Is something wrong, Tomura?" Kurogiri asks.

"Kick his ass Child Emperor, send him back to the sewers!" Tomura exclaims with a crooked smile on his face. "Sensei will be happy if I bring that child to our side." Tomura whispers.

"The rules are the same as always, fight until someone surrenders or dies! The presenter exclaims quickly moving away from the center of the arena. In that, the announcer uses his quirk at his full power making the whole place shake slightly.


"This will be like taking candy from a child." SludgeMan says with a sadistic smile on his face as his body in slime form lunges at Child Emperor. "Mud Pressure!" SludgeMan exclaims as a large mud pressure falls right on top of Child Emperor in order to quickly crush him.

However, Child Emperor is holding an unfolded parasol covered with a hexagonal barrier which prevents the mud from covering him.



An umbrella that can transform into a sniper rifle. It can project a hexagon barrier that can withstand heat. It is also quite durable, and able to withstand relatively strong impacts.


The backpack contains large spider-like limbs that Child Emperor can use for transportation, combat or even fly. Despite its small size, the backpack contains multiple tools and weapons that normally would not fit there, due to compression technology.


"My turn." Child Emperor says in a distorted childish voice deactivating the umbrella, holding it with his left hand as he grabs a sword hilt from his waist with his right hand, the funny thing is that he didn't have a blade.

"What is he doing?" Kurogiri asks in confusion narrowing his large misty eyes.

"Shut up, something amazing is about to happen." Tomura says quickly with his eyes wide open. At that moment, a red lightsaber illuminates the arena.

Child Emperor quickly pounces on SludgeMan cutting him in half and as if that were not enough he continued to cut him into many pieces, while the remains of mud scattered throughout the arena impressing the crowd. However, SludgeMan's remains quickly begin to come together and reform again as if nothing had happened.

"How frustrating, he can't hurt him." Tomura whispers starting to scratch his neck.

"Cut and pierce as much as you want, it's useless." SludgeMan says pointing his muddy hands in Child Emperor's direction. "Sludge bullets!" SludgeMan exclaims shooting mud balls at high speed.

Child Emperor quickly unfolds his umbrella and starts running toward SludgeMan using his umbrella as a shield.

"Hehehe it seems you have no means to finish me off." SludgeMan says mockingly out loud. At that moment, a metallic tube is embedded in the entire center of SludgeMan's slimy form drawing his attention as he proceeds to detach it from his body. In that, a strange liquid begins to spill from the tube along with the hole it caused in his muddy body. "…What is this?" He questions.

"Gasoline." Child Emperor says, lighting a match and tossing it in SludgeMan's direction.

"Wait, I give up...!" SludgeMan screams before his body is quickly consumed by an explosion, splattering some bits of sludge all over the place.

Then the crowd went crazy, some people were excited that they managed to win a huge amount of money while other people were furious that they lost their money. "Awesome, so fast." Kurogiri whispers as Tomura's eyes sparkle with excitement.

"He fights like the devil." Tomura says with a grin from ear to ear.

"A spectacular match and once again the winner is Child Emperor keeping his record!" Exclaims the presenter approaching the center of the arena. "Child Emperor is not to be underestimated because of his young age!" The presenter exclaims with a smile on his face.

"Definitely a night to remember and very…" The presenter stops short and quickly pulls a cell phone out of his pocket with his eyes wide open, drawing the attention of everyone present. The presenter then sucks in a large amount of air before yelling using his quirk to the fullest.


Hidden from everyone a smile spreads behind the Child Emperor's mask. "The night has only just begun." He whispers as numerous professional heroes storm the facility and chaos breaks loose.




Chapter 7 Recipe for Chaos (This chapter will be rewritten soon!)

POV Shota Aizawa

We were supposed to step in and capture a small group of villains fighting each other in an old abandoned stadium near the industrial area of the city. It was supposed to be a routine operation together with other heroes, however, we were led into an underground fighting arena teeming with villains.

It was a trap…

My name is Shota Aizawa better known as Eraser Head and I have a migraine, a lot of migraines. This operation became a veritable recipe for chaos. All around me heroes and villains are fighting while other villains take advantage of the confusion to escape. This will be a long, very long night.

"Problematic." I sigh as my capture weapon wraps around an unsuspecting villain and slams him to the ground knocking him out instantly. Not far from me stands Midnight with a whip in her hands as the villains around her fall to the ground from her sleeping gas.

"Looks like there are a lot of bad guys to catch tonight." Midnight says brazenly swinging her whip at a villain trying to escape, at which her whip wraps around the villain's neck and pulls him into her cloud of sleeping gas where he eventually loses consciousness.

"YEAH!!!" Present Mic yells using his quirk to stun the villains in front of him, causing them to forcefully cover their ears as they fall to their knees, in which the villains are quickly knocked out and immobilized. "This is just like the old days, the three of us reunited fighting side by side against waves of villains." Present Mic says with a smile on his face giving me a thumbs up.

"The last time the three of us met on a mission was when we investigated the disappearance of a truck full of Furbies three weeks ago." Midnight says with a thoughtful pose.

"Don't remind me, Nezu taunted us for days for not being able to locate those toys!" Exclaims Present Mic holding his head with both hands. At this, a small but undetectable smile spreads across my face.

"Be that as it may, reinforcements are already on their way and we've got a lot of bad guys to catch." Midnight says slapping her whip against the ground.

"I like your attitude, let's kick some ass." Says Present Mic leading the way as we get deeper into the facility.

I have known Hizash and Nemuri since our time at U.A, I would risk my life for them without hesitation. They are one of the few people that I can consider a friend, although they can be a little eccentric, however, they are my favorite eccentrics.

"Are you coming, Eraser Head?" Present Mic asks with a thumbs up in my direction. At this, I nod my head and ready my capture weapon.

"I was thinking of a strategy, keep your guard up we don't know what we can find." It's all I say with my tired voice as I follow Hizash and Nemuri.

Shortly after, we find ourselves cautiously advancing through an open area as large spotlights illuminate the entire place… this is a combat arena, however, it appears to be completely clear with no villains around.

"Watch where you step guys." Says Midnight with a face of disgust wiping her heels. "Disgusting." She whispers. Around us is a strange green muddy liquid that smells like burning garbage. At that, I watch as she stops in her tracks and her body shudders. "I feel like someone is watching me." She says cautiously.

"You did not notice? Since the operation started, someone has been watching us." I sigh with my hands in my pockets, drawing the attention of Midnight and Present Mic.

"If you knew someone was watching us why didn't you say anything!" Exclaims Present Mic looking in all directions paranoid.

"As professional heroes, they should have realized it sooner, which is why I haven't let my guard down since we started the assault." I say raising an eyebrow at them as both of their faces redden with embarrassment. These guys...

"Wow that was awesome, they took down all those villains quickly and your deduction is not wrong, a pro hero should be aware if someone is watching him. Very good instincts, I expected nothing less from you Eraser Head." I hear a distorted children's voice in front of us, in that, a shiver runs through my body as I quickly prepare my capture weapon narrowing my eyes in the direction of the voice.

As a professional hero, I am always prepared for all kinds of situations, however, at this moment my mind goes blank. As if it were a show, the lights in front of us come on, revealing a figure leaning against a concrete wall wearing a gas mask that covers his entire face while keeping his hands in his pockets. However, what surprised me was the size of this person.

"What is a child doing in this place?" Present Mic whispers before his stance changes to a non-threatening one. "Hey kid, my name is Present Mic Pro Hero, don't be afraid of us, we're the good guys." Exclaims Present Mic with his characteristic smile on his face.

"This is no place for a little kid, poor little thing, what's your name darling?" Midnight asks putting away her whip and starting to walk towards the kid. However, my instincts kicked in and I quickly wrapped my capture weapon around Midnight pulling her in my direction before a giant drill shattered the ground where she stood a second ago.

Midnight and Present Mic stand in wide-eyed shock as I put on my goggles and ready my capture weapon by activating my quirk, which makes my hair start to float. So I said what we all had on the tip of our tongues.

"This child… is dangerous."


POV Isamu

"Oh… you noticed." I say as the giant drill that unfolded from my backpack returns in my direction, "I recommend that you don't get too close to me, otherwise the automated system of my little toys will attack everything that comes close to me." I say with both hands on my waist proudly.

During the fight with SludgeMan, there was no need to activate the automated system in my backpack, everything was controlled manually, however, I don't plan on underestimating this trio of heroes. I'll collect as much data as I can before reinforcements arrive.

"My name is Child Emperor, it's nice to meet you." I say, bowing theatrically as a smile spreads behind my gas mask, "And you could consider me a villain for fun." I say enjoying seeing the heroes tense up in front of me.

"Welcome to my playground!" I exclaim, spreading my hands theatrically as different sharp weapons unfold from my backpack and hover above me protectively.

"Guys, what do we do? I feel terribly bad if I use my quirk against a little kid, I can make him deaf. Midnight, can you use your quirk against him?" Present Mic asks with a face full of concern for me.

"He's wearing a gas mask, I highly doubt my quirk will affect him." She says taking her whip in her hands and then looking at me with a look full of conflict on her face.

Instead, Eraser Head stands silent holding his capture weapon while his hair levitates. He's using his quirk against me right now, this is pretty funny I feel a little emptiness in my chest, however, blocking my quirk won't help him. Even without my quirk, I'm pretty smart.

"Can I tell you a secret?" I ask happily tilting my head slightly. "The last person to underestimate me ended up in a shambles...literally speaking." I say with a small smile behind my mask. "In fact, you guys are on top of him right now, well... what's left of him." I say chuckling lightly as the heroes' eyes widen in horror and quickly their expressions turn completely serious.

"Let's have fun! We are going to have a lot of fun!" I exclaim happily as the adrenaline begins to pump through my veins.

Then a whip swings in my direction as Midnight grits her teeth.

Eraser Head starts running towards me with his hair levitating as his scarf quickly extends in my direction.

"I'M SORRY!!!" Present Mic yells activating his quirk which causes a small but powerful sonic shockwave to head in my direction.

At that moment, after so many years, my smile could not be bigger.

This sensation is amazing!




Chapter 8 Problem Child (This chapter will be rewritten soon!)

POV Shota Aizawa

I activate my capture weapon and start running in the direction of the self-styled Child Emperor while my companions proceed to make some attacks to distract him. Present Mic's sonic wave will be powerful enough to stun him and then Midnight and I will be able to capture him without doing too much damage to the kid.

None of us wants to hurt a little kid, but we have to do our job as professional heroes.

"Showtime!" Exclaims Child Emperor activating an umbrella in front of him protecting himself with a hexagonal barrier from Present Mic's sonic attack which makes his attack deflect in different directions. How many gadgets does this kid have? Did he manufacture them? If so… such an ability is terrifying for someone his age.

That was quite impressive for a child, however, I must not consider him a child… I must consider him a villain.

"You're being a bad boy! Very bad!" Midnight exclaims as her whip smashes into Child Emperor's shield over and over again. "It's time to discipline you! Whip of love!" She exclaims as a thick purple mist unfurls from her whip covering Child Emperor's surroundings.

The fog will have no effect on the boy due to his gas mask, however, it will be thick enough to affect his visibility. Given this, I cover my nose and mouth with my bandages so as not to be affected by the gas and quickly proceed to position myself behind the boy, sending my capture weapon against him.

At that moment, the automated weapons suspended above the boy spring to life and lunge at me blocking my capture weapon as a giant boxing glove hits the ground inches from me creating a small crater. I perform some evasive maneuvers nimbly backing away from a giant drill and chainsaw.

He is dangerous, very dangerous.

"You guys plan to attack me from all directions? That's so cool!" Child Emperor exclaims as he blocks another sonic wave with his shield causing all the gas around him to be dissipated by the wind.

We cannot get close enough to make an effective attack without causing severe damage to the child. This is complicated.

"You guys are holding back, it's very considerate of you, however, at this rate you'll end up defeated or worse." He says swaying back and forth with a smile behind his mask.

"It's my turn to attack, get ready!" Exclaims Child Emperor extending his hands in Midnight's direction as large robotic tentacle-like limbs quickly unfurl from his backpack and lunge at Midnight taking her by surprise.

"What the hell?" Midnight exclaims performing some acrobatic jumps backward nimbly dodging some of the tentacles while she uses her whip to hit one of the tentacles causing it to break in half and fall to the ground with some sparks.

Midnight isn't the only person under attack. Present Mic uses his quirk to deflect a huge blade that was headed in his direction of him.

As for me, I'm using my capture weapon to protect myself from a huge chainsaw trying to cut me in half. My capture weapon is made of a special metal alloy which makes it extremely durable, however, sparks begin to rain down on me.

Then Child Emperor starts laughing out loud as one of the mechanical tentacles wraps around Midnight's leg and begins to rapidly travel all over her body immobilizing her and suspending her in midair.

"Let go of me this instant!" Midnight exclaims unable to move any limbs.

"You are trapped at the mercy of my mechanical tentacles. Aren't you excited? I'm about to fulfill your darkest fantasy." Child Emperor says cheekily as Midnight's eyes widen in horror.

This is bad, very bad… I must stop this as soon as possible.

"It's a joke!" Exclaims Child Emperor raising both hands in the air theatrically. "Don't worry, I'm not a pervert." He says, snapping his fingers causing an electrical current to start covering his mechanical tentacles which causes Midnight to start receiving a strong electric shock.

At that, my capture weapon quickly wrapped around heavy rock and sent it in Child Emperor's direction as I took a small stun grenade from my belt and threw it at the same time.

"Let's see how long you can hold out before you pass out." Child Emperor says with interest as a giant drill cuts the rock I threw into several pieces, however, hidden behind the rock was the stun grenade which explodes as a blinding light covers the entire center of the arena.

This causes Midnight to be thrown to the ground as the robotic tentacles quickly return to the center of the arena where the light from the stun grenade was fading.

On the ground is Midnight struggling to get back up through clenched teeth, however, her arms begin to shake and she collapses in on herself with a groan of pain.

A feeling of rage spreads throughout my body seeing one of my friends in such a state, I must capture this villain as quickly as possible so that he doesn't hurt anyone I care about again. "Resist Midnight." I whisper.

In the center of the arena is Child Emperor holding his stomach as his body begins to tremble. I didn't want to use a stun grenade on a child, however, the situation called for it.

"That hidden stun grenade attack…" Child Emperor says with his distorted childish voice holding his stomach as his body trembles. "It was amazing!" He exclaims starting to laugh out loud. "So much emotion, so much adrenaline, so much danger." He says quickly throwing his hands up in the air. "This is fun... It's so much fun!" He exclaims.

Apparently, his gas mask is not just an ordinary gas mask. This is problematic, I'm sure Nezu would be delighted to meet this problematic child.

"Will you guys keep~ underestimating me?" Child Emperor hums as he points his weird umbrella at me which has now transformed into some kind of sniper rifle. "Game Over." He says as a strange energy begins to gather around his weapon.

"NOOO!!!!!" Present Mic shouts without holding back as a massive sonic wave heads towards Child Emperor destroying everything in its path. This causes him to lose interest in me as his weapon transforms into his shield and quickly the hexagonal barrier covers him. However, Present Mic continues screaming without stopping.

Present Mic is using too much power in his attack, he will end up seriously hurting the kid or something much worse. In that, I use my quirk in Present Mic to prevent him from doing something he'll regret for the rest of his life. "Hizashi, it's already over." I whisper walking in his direction as the entire arena is destroyed.

Present Mic seems to have regained some sense as he falls to his knees looking at the destruction around him, as Midnight stumbles a bit closer to us while placing a hand on Hizashi's shoulder. Then as if on cue Hizashi starts shedding some tears. "I thought I was going to kill you with that weapon, Shota... I don't want to lose another one of my companions." He says clenching his fists before his eyes go wide.

"We have to help the boy, Shota, I overdid it with my quirk." Says Present Mic rising quickly to his feet with a look of horror plastered on his face as his breathing begins to quicken.

"Do you think the child?" Midnight asks me with a hint of uncertainty in her pained voice as she stares at the plume of smoke in front of us.

I just sigh as I clench my fists tightly watching the destruction caused by Present Mic as various pro heroes start arriving in the area due to all the commotion.

"Stupid problem child." I whisper through clenched teeth.


POV Third Person

"Eraser Head! Midnight! Present Mic!" Ingenium exclaims using his quirk to quickly propel himself to where the three heroes are. "Are you guys alright? I heard a loud explosion coming from this place." Says Ingenium quickly with his face full of sweat from having fought against some villains on his way.

At the same time, one of the doors that gives access to the arena collapses and Snipe makes his entrance along with Ectoplasm.

Outside the compound numerous police officers and low-level pro heroes are cordoning off the area to prevent the remaining villains from escaping, by now most of the villains have already been captured.

"The situation is complicated." That is all that Eraser Head says with a strange look toward the column of smoke that spreads throughout the arena.

"You don't have to worry, the reinforcements are already here." Says Ingenium smiling behind his hero mask, however, a strange sound makes all nearby heroes tense up.

The sound belongs to a distorted child laugh coming from the center of the arena which is full of smoke and debris.

"What's that?" Ingenium asks with a bit of nervousness in his voice.

"The complicated situation." Eraser Head replies sharing a sigh of relief with Present Mic and Midnight realizing that Child Emperor is not dead.

Snipe quickly draws his gun and points in the direction of the sound as Ectoplasm begins to make several clones that begin to surround the arena.

"What are we dealing with, Eraser Head?" asks one of the Ectoplasm clones.

"An A-rank villain." Says Eraser Head seriously making nearby heroes take the threat seriously. "There is only one drawback." He says sighing.

In that, a small silhouette begins to become visible in the center of the smokescreen while a small glow becomes larger and larger.

"He is a problem child." Eraser Head says squinting at the silhouette as a large blast of energy shoots in his direction causing all the smoke to be immediately dissipated by the shockwave.

A large explosion occurs against one of the walls behind the heroes who dodged the attack as they quickly prepare to counterattack only to stop when they see who they would have to fight.

In the center of the arena stands Child Emperor suspended in the air above the height of a normal adult thanks to his robotic tentacles. He holds a smoking sniper umbrella in his hands with an array of weapons deployed from his backpack suspended protectively above him.

The newly arrived heroes' eyes widen in shock, unable to believe their eyes.

"A little kid? My god, he's smaller than my brother." Ingenium whispers with mixed feelings.

"Child! You find yourself surrounded by professional heroes! You can't escape, don't make this harder!" Snipe exclaims, pointing his gun at the kid with doubt plastered all over his face.

"Please kid, enough is enough." Says Present Mic weakly.

"You have a whole future ahead of you, darling, don't ruin it." Midnight says with a pleading look in her eyes, despite being electrocuted by the child, she still believes that the child can be corrected. After all, he is just a little kid.

"Kid, whatever it is, we heroes can help you, you don't have to keep doing this, you'll end up killing yourself." Eraser Head says seriously clenching his fists.

"Even if you manage to evade us, the police and more heroes are outside surrounding the entire place." Says one of the Ectoplasm clones.

"Huh, you're right." Child Emperor says with a sigh as his robotic tentacles along with his weapons retract into his backpack. "Time flies when you're having fun." He yawns as he stretches out his arms with a smile spreading behind his gas mask.

"Will you give up?" Present Mic asks with hope plastered on his face.

"Give me up? That would be boring." Child Emperor says crossing his arms. "I'm going home, I already have the data I needed and I don't want to push my luck." That is all he says as a laptop unfolds from his backpack and hovers in front of him.

"What part of being completely surrounded didn't you understand, kid?" Snipe growls.

"How does it feel to point your gun at a little kid?" Child Emperor asks as Snipe's gun begins to shake slightly before he tucks it into his belt with a sigh.

"What are you planning to do?" Snipe asks through clenched teeth as the rest of the heroes begin to slowly approach.

"Collect data." Child Emperor says waving his hand dismissively as he quickly types on his laptop with his remaining hand.

This, of course, confuses the heroes present, however, before someone could lunge at Child Emperor to immobilize him one of the walls exploded creating a huge hole and drawing the attention of all the heroes.

"Field test starts." Says Child Emperor finishing typing on his laptop.

"What do you mean by field test?" Midnight asks, narrowing her eyes at the hole in the wall.

"If you stare into the abyss, the abyss will stare back at you." Child Emperor whispers cryptically with a smile behind his gas mask.

Chapter 9 Furby-Apocalypse! (This chapter will be rewritten soon!)

POV Naomasa Tsukauchi

"Keep civilians away from the area!" I exclaim for the fifth time, this whole situation turned into complete chaos. What would be a small operation to stop a group of villains from fighting each other quickly turned into a larger operation as they were led into an underground fighting arena packed with villains.

Several heroes belonging to the first squad that was sent out were severely injured due to the number of villains they faced. However, with the arrival of reinforcements and heavy hitters like Ingenium, Snipe, and Ectoplasm, the rest of the villains should soon be caught.

"Is there any information on Eraser Head and his group?" I ask one of my subordinates in charge of communications.

"Negative sir, something is interfering with their radios." Said quickly my subordinate. Since the operation began all contact with Eraser Head, Present Mic, and Midnight was completely lost. Something in this whole situation I don't like at all.

"Keep safe." I whisper narrowing my eyes in the direction of the damn stadium.

Several rookie heroes along with the police are surrounding the entire perimeter to prevent any civilians from getting involved and thus prevent the remaining villains from escaping. However, it is evident that many villains managed to escape before the reinforcements arrived.

"Tonight couldn't get any worse." I sigh heavily. Most of the heroes in the top 10 are not in the city or will take hours to arrive while All Might is not in Japan.

At that, one of the rookie heroes approaches my direction holding a toy in his hands. "Detective Tsukauchi-san, some of these strange toys have been appearing all over the area." Says the rookie hero stuttering a bit. At this, I raise an eyebrow in his direction which makes him nervous.

"Did they appear out of nowhere?" I ask suspiciously looking at the strange toy in the rookie hero's hands and then snatching it out of his hands as I examine it closely. "It's a Furby." I say with confusion plastered on my face as I look at a small engraving on the bottom of the toy.

*** If you find yourself reading this, it's most likely too late~ Made by Child Emperor. ***

"Put this in an evidence bag for further analysis later." I say rubbing my eyes as I hand the strange toy to the rookie hero. There are more important things right now than solving the mystery of missing toys.

"Right away detective-san." Says the rookie hero walking away from me with the strange toy in his hands.

"But what the hell!" Exclaims the rookie hero calling my attention along with some nearby heroes and police. "Its eyes changed color, that was terrifying." He sighs scratching his head nervously.

At that moment, a shiver runs through my entire body as I begin to hear some exclamations from policemen and heroes pointing to the nearby alleys or under some vehicles.

Dozens of robotic red eyes are watching us from the darkness.

"Detective-san something is wrong with this Furby, it is opening its mouth and a light..." That is all the rookie hero says before his eyes widen in horror and a laugh from the Furby stops me in my tracks.


Then everything went to hell.


POV Isamu

My laptop retracts into my backpack as I place both hands around my waist watching as a cute little Furby falls to the ground from the hole in the wall drawing the attention of the heroes, especially Ingenium.

Ingenium quickly walks up to the Furby and picks it up off the ground inspecting the toy. "It's a Furby, it's not dangerous, my little brother has some of them at home. How did this get here?" Ingenium quickly asks, however, numerous explosions begin to occur elsewhere in the facility and outside causing the heroes to tense up.

"What is happening?!" One of the Ectoplasm clones exclaimed as a lopsided smile spreads behind my gas mask. Everything is going according to plan.

"Get away from that toy right now!" Eraser Head yells as Ingenium's eyes widen in horror as he understands the situation. In that, Furby's eyes turn dark red as Ingenium tries to throw the toy away from him, however, an explosion engulfs him.

"Ingenium!" several heroes scream in panic.


Furby-Boom! (Experimental)

A small Furby is configured with a small artificial intelligence in order to chase the target. Once the target is within range, it will detonate causing a small explosion. It can also fire a small non-lethal laser through its mouth, however, it will cause a painful burn.


"You have to resist, Ingenium!" Midnight yells wrapping a nasty wound in Ingenium's arms as she applies first aid. "He needs medical attention, urgently." She says quickly as explosions and gunshots are heard outside.

"Was this all part of your plan? You were the person who called the heroes and unleashed all this chaos? No?" Eraser Head asks narrowing his eyes in my direction as his hair levitates in the air clutching his capture weapon tightly with a look of fury plastered all over his face.

"Exactly!" I exclaim cheekily making a small bow as if it were a show. This revelation makes the rest of the heroes look at me with wide eyes except for Eraser Head and Ingenium.

"And like every show, there has to be an extraordinary ending, and what better ending than an explosion, or rather many explosions, after all..." I say placing both hands on my waist proudly.

"Art is an explosion!" I exclaim happily as numerous explosions occur around the arena, precisely on the walls creating huge holes from which dozens of robotic red eyes focus their gaze in the direction of the heroes.

"I think this solves the case of the missing Furbies, however, I have a bad feeling about this." Present Mic says with a pale face.

"Start the Furby-Apocalypse! Hah!" I exclaimed with a predatory grin on my face.

Then from all directions small non-lethal but very painful lasers start shooting out of the Furbies' mouths as they close in and explode near the heroes.

"Damn!" Snipe exclaims, drawing his gun and starting to shoot in the direction of the Furbies causing some explosions in the distance, however, one of his bullets hits the heads of several Furbies while the bullet suddenly changes direction heading straight for me.

"Let's go!" I exclaim as my robotic tentacles quickly unfurl from my pack and get between me and the bullet. However, more bullets are headed my way which causes lots of sparks to erupt around me as my mechanical tentacles shield me from the shots. He is using rubber bullets to not hurt me!

Several lasers hit Snipe causing him to stop firing at me and start taking cover behind some debris. "We have to eliminate these devilish toys before we face the child." Snipe growls and quickly reloads his gun as the Furbies begin to surround him.

Present Mic uses his quirk by sending sonic attacks at the horde of Furbies burying many of them under rubble. "Haaah!!!" He screams in pain sending a sonic wave at another group of Furbies after receiving some burns. "Burn, burn, burn." He takes cover behind a large rock only to find a Furby waiting for him with red eyes.


At this, Present Mic quickly jumps with a panicked yell to a safe distance from the Furby while protecting himself from the blast. "I want to go home!" He exclaims as another group of Furbies approaches him.

A whip rips one of the Furbies in half as Midnight stands in front of Ingenium who is unconscious. "When I get my hands on that kid!" She exclaims hitting her whip against the ground.

Ectoplasm clones are scattered around the arena fighting and exploding in droves as the number of Furbies begins to dwindle due to spam from Ectoplasm clones. Pretty sneaky!

As for Eraser Head, he seems to have become obsessed with me as he finds himself quickly blasting through and destroying Furbies that get in his way without giving them a chance to detonate. At that, his capture weapon lunges toward me.

"I can't stay and play any longer, my bedtime is coming up." I say blatantly bringing my shoes together several times which causes a switch to activate and I begin to rise slowly into the air. "To infinity and beyond!" I exclaimed reaching both hands towards the night sky with a shitty smile on my face.


Three-Dimensional Rocket-Shoes

Nike shoes that are integrated with a small but powerful propellant developed by Isamu that allows the user to rise and defy gravity thanks to a complicated algorithm and aerodynamic improvements. However, they can only work for a short time before overheating.

For more complex aerial maneuvers small hooks can be shot from Isamu's belt in order to attach to any structure.


"I will not let you escape! Child Emperor!" Eraser Head exclaims as his capture weapon wraps around one of my robotic tentacles that got between me and his capture weapon. The robotic tentacle quickly decouples causing Eraser Head to fall to the ground along with the robotic tentacle.

"Better luck next time!" I exclaim rising in the air and showing a peace sign with my fingers.

"It seems that this child needs special attention." A rather deep voice reaches my ears as I watch in fascination as a giant clone of Ectoplasm begins to spawn all over the middle of the arena as a loud roar is produced by Titan-Ectoplasm as his gigantic mouth rapidly approaches me.

"Nah, you don't want to eat me." I say into the mouth of Titan-Ectoplasm smiling behind my gas mask as my remaining robotic tentacles are suspended at full power, thus preventing the Titan-Ectoplasm from closing his mouth and trapping me completely. At that, I unfold my sniper umbrella and energy begins to gather around the tip of the umbrella.

"I'm too sweet! Hah!" I brazenly exclaim pressing the trigger as the Titan-Ectoplasm explodes into hundreds of pieces.

Before the stunned gazes of the heroes, I rise into the air while getting a spectacular view of all the chaos I have created. Heroes and cops find themselves fighting outside the stadium as lasers light up the surroundings along with explosions. It's a war zone down there.

Having had enough fun for one night, I start to quickly move away from the area, however, a flying Figure gets in front of me. "Where do you think you are going?" Hawks asks with his arms crossed looking at me intently.

What is Hawks doing here? He was supposed to be across the country for an interview.

"Huh, you shouldn't be here, you'll ruin my escape plan." I say holding my sniper umbrella with both hands as I find myself hovering at a safe distance from him.

"So much destruction, so much chaos caused by a little kid. I am quite impressed and very horrified." Hawks says looking at all the chaos around below us. "However, you are in big trouble." He says shaking his head as he sighs.

I guess it's lucky that I have contingency plans for different situations… Including this situation.

"Do you have something to say?" He asks narrowing his eyes at me as his wings spread.

"Catch Me If You Can!" I exclaimed with a shitty smile from behind my gas mask, propelling myself in the direction of downtown as my little heart pounded furiously and my weapons began to unfurl.

Then the explosions began to light up the night sky causing chaos and panic throughout the city.

Chapter 10 World! I am Child Emperor!

Tonight has been a lot of fun, first I easily defeat SludgeMan, then the heroes are lured into my little ambush in the underground fighting arena where I managed to identify some flaws in the programming of some of my inventions.

I also collected a lot of data which will help me a lot in the future to develop and complement combat strategies for different situations as well as the implementation of new weapons to my arsenal.

As for my little legion of Furbies, their programming has worked to my specifications, which is why the field test for the Furby-Apocalypse project was a complete success. This will kick off future more advanced technological developments regarding artificial intelligence.

Additionally, they will cause an excellent distraction by keeping most of the heroes and the police busy while I escape.

All of this is just a side benefit to my main objective though. My main objective has always been to have fun, to have a lot of fun in this world.

Heroes and villains are just pawns in a grand and elaborate game. My game!

"You're going to end up roasted!" I exclaim with a laugh shooting a powerful stream of energy from my sniper umbrella in the direction of the winged hero while the recoil of the weapon swiftly propels me in the opposite direction allowing me to get away to a safe distance from the hero.

The shot of energy lights up the dark sky of the city drawing the attention of countless people who were in the streets below us.

"You won't be able to run away from me!" Hawks exclaims performing an impressive evasive maneuver nimbly dodging the energy blast as he spreads his wings and shoots some of his feathers in my direction.

At this, I activate my umbrella's protective hexagonal barrier causing the feathers sent in my direction to bounce off my barrier as I continue to propel myself over the city.

Hawks is clearly holding back, I guess he doesn't want to hurt a little kid with his sharp feathers. Idiot heroes, however, I will use his idiocy to my advantage.

"Activate Contingency Protocol C-17!" I exclaim which causes a small holographic sight to appear on the right visor of my gas mask causing a large number of codes to begin executing.

In that, I unfold the hooks of my belt which proceed to embed themselves tightly around some buildings which causes me to abruptly change direction performing a 360-degree turn with the help of the propulsion of my three-dimensional rocket shoes. Which in turn positions me right behind Hawks taking him by surprise.

Below us, thousands of people are watching us from the apartments, and from the streets, the drivers even stopped their vehicles to observe the strange situation that was happening in the sky of the city.

Many people are recording the situation on their phones while news helicopters are already in the air broadcasting the events live.

Most of the heroes and cops are fighting my legion of Furbies across town in the industrial zone, so there's only a small number of low-level cops and heroes watching me right now.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Hawks yells stopping abruptly in midair turning quickly towards me. However, his eyes widen as he realizes that I am propelling in his direction with my sniper umbrella pointed at him.

At that moment, a small but powerful turret unfolds from my backpack thanks to my compression technology. "Time to bring out the heavy weapons!" I exclaim with a crooked smile spreading across my face. At this, Hawks' face turns completely serious and he lunges with impressive speed toward me.

"Target in the crosshairs!" I exclaim on a collision course with him, gripping my sniper umbrella tightly causing energy to begin to gather around the tip of the umbrella as the small holographic sight of my gas mask marks Hawks as a target.

"FIRE!" I exclaim pulling the trigger and triggering a huge laser volley as numerous homing missiles are fired from my small turret in the direction of Hawks causing the entire sky over the city to fill with explosions under the horrified gaze of all of Japan.

Then the evacuation sirens began to sound throughout the city.


POV Naomasa Tsukauchi

During my years of law enforcement service, I have seen many things and overcome countless obstacles with my unwavering determination for a sense of justice. However, there are no words to describe what I am experiencing tonight.

"Quickly transfer the injured to nearby hospitals and contact Recovery Girl, we have several people in critical condition." I say quickly behind a barricade of cop cars pointing my gun in the direction of a Furby.

How? How the hell did we get to this?

Rookie and pro heroes find themselves fighting side by side alongside police forces against a small and terrifying enemy. Against some damn toys!

"Don't let them near the barricades!" I exclaim pulling the trigger and quickly destroying the toy. Many of us find ourselves with burns in different parts of the body as a result of the explosions and the lasers that the toys shoot.

This whole situation was a trap from start to finish.

At that, several clones of Ectoplasm converge on the area, charging at the Furbies and quickly reducing their numbers, causing sighs of relief from the nearby heroes and police, including me.

Since Ectoplasm is here that means they managed to neutralize the villain responsible for all this disaster, however, my vision is focused on the newly arrived heroes and a sinking feeling begins to run through my body.

An unconscious Ingenium with severe injuries to his arms finds himself being carried on Eraser Head's back closely followed by Midnight, Present Mic, and Snipe who have visible injuries to their bodies along with many burns.

What happened inside the stadium? All of them have helpless looks on their faces. Why isn't the person responsible for this whole mess among them? Did they kill the villain by accident?

"What happened?" I seriously ask.

"We lost." That was all Eraser Head said.

Then in the distance, right in the center of the city, numerous explosions began to light up the entire night sky followed by the chilling sound of evacuation sirens. This of course draws the attention of all the heroes and members of the police who have their eyes wide open.

At that, I clench my fists after hearing the chilling evacuation siren along with the terrifying sight of the city sky turning into hell. "What the hell are we dealing with?" I whisper through clenched teeth while the screams on my police radio are not long in coming.

The last time an evacuation alarm went off in a city was when All Might fought All For One!


POV Third Person

On top of a building, Tomura Shigaraki along with Kurogiri are watching the explosions above the city. "Are you seeing it, Kurogiri?!" Tomura exclaims dropping his mask and spreading his arms theatrically with a crazed look on his face.

"The Beginning of the End of the Age of Heroes!" Tomura exclaims starting to laugh out loud as explosions light up the sky.

"Certainly quite an impressive turn of events, young Tomura." It's all that Kurogiri says looking with interest at all the chaos that is being generated in the city.

At the Midoriya residence, Izuku stands in front of the television with his fists clenched, watching with horror in his eyes as a very powerful villain battles Hawks in the skies above the city far away from his apartment building.

"Don't worry children, that battle is taking place far from our home." Inko says quickly looking out the window with nervousness on her face.

"Hawks will defeat the villain quickly, don't be afraid, Isamu-chan, I'm sure more heroes are on the way to help Hawks." Izuku stutters forcing a smile on his face.

"I have to pee." Says Toga with the form and voice of Isamu quickly heading to the bathroom.

Izuku continues to watch the news live, in that, Inko takes a seat next to Izuku while she yawns. "Looks like the overtime is getting to me." She says closing her eyes.

"Mom?" Izuku asks as his eyes begin to close from sleep. "What? Why am I so sleepy?" Izuku says yawning and falling sound asleep.

Then the bathroom door slowly opens and Toga comes out of the bathroom in her original form wearing a small gas mask. "Isamu-chan told me to activate the sleeping gas in case of an emergency... and I consider this an emergency." Toga says happily hugging herself as her cheeks begin to blush as she heads towards Isamu's room.

Inside Isamu's room, Toga opens the closet door and steps inside. "What was the password?" Toga says tilting her head and placing a finger on her gas mask. Then, Toga's eyes widen as she remembers the password.

"Hail Hydra!" Toga exclaims happily as a secret compartment unfolds, lighting up the closet.

"Oh~ Isamu-chan, tonight we will bathe in the blood of your enemies." Toga hums, peering into the compartment with eyes wide with admiration. "No one will spill Isamu-chan's blood except for me!" Toga exclaims with a dark smile.

Meanwhile, in the streets of the city panic reigns, the few policemen and heroes in the area cannot keep up with the number of people fleeing and seeking refuge in the subway. This generates a large number of car accidents, making most of the streets impassable.

In the face of all the panic, many villains and criminals take advantage of the situation to rob stores and create more disasters throughout the city, little by little, anarchy begins to take over the city.

"Keep calm! The battle is happening in the air." Screams a hero trying to restore order, however, he fails miserably being pushed and trampled by a panicked crowd.

"The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" A young man screams in panic watching in horror as dozens of explosions occur in the sky.

"Where are the heroes?!" Another person screams in panic. "Where's All Might?!"

In an unknown location, in an underground room, All For One finds himself staring intently at a screen as a crooked smile spreads across his disfigured face as he leans closer to the screen. "Interesting." It's all he says.


POV Isamu

Hawks has a dark side and he is showing it right now, his confident smile is gone, now, his face is completely serious and devoid of emotion. He knows I'm dangerous, very dangerous.

"Enough of games!" Hawks exclaims wrapping his wings around his body as he lunges at impressive speed towards me. In that, multiple self-guided missiles hit him creating powerful explosions over the night sky of the city.

However, Hawks cuts through the tide of fire epically and then extends both hands in my direction, clenching his fists tightly, then shoots his feathers at me with impressive speed.

At this, I quickly activate my hex shield to protect myself from the feathers, however, my shield begins to crack in several places as the powerful feathers continue their assault. Hawks isn't holding back!

"Awesome!" I exclaim excitedly propelling myself back at full power as more missiles close in on Hawks from all directions.

I need to get this over with quickly, my three-dimensional rocket shoes won't last much longer before they overheat and start to fail. Additionally, if other powerful heroes join the fight things will become much more difficult for me. I'm drawing too much attention with my fight with Hawks, it's time to activate my psychological protocol.

It's time to manipulate Hawks!

"Are you really a hero? I thought that heroes save people?" I exclaimed quickly, narrowly avoiding crashing into a building.

"Of course, I'm a hero!" Hawks growls, quickly swooping in my direction with a straight face.

"If you are a hero, then save me!" I exclaim dramatically.

This false exclamation of course had the desired effect, Hawks stopping abruptly in midair with his eyes wide as he tries to comprehend the whole situation. "I don't want to go back to the laboratory!" I exclaim again dramatically causing Hawks' body to tense and his eyes to blur. It seems that he is having a flashback to his childhood!

In this world, most of the characters have forced and dramatic backstories, I will use my knowledge in my favor.

At that, Hawks extends his hand towards me as if reaching for me while trying to shout something, however, the missiles explode around Hawks covering him in a ball of fire that lights up the entire city as a victorious smile spreads across my face. Nothing better than making a hero doubt.

So my rocket shoes start failing due to overheating.


POV Hawks

I must admit that at first, I underestimated the kid because of his tender age, however, I regretted it shortly after, and now I am confused, very confused.

Does the boy want me to save him? Is someone forcing him to do all of this? A laboratory? At that, the repressed memories of my childhood assail me.

Memories of a training room where I wrestled mannequins until my body collapsed from exhaustion under the watchful eyes of numerous people from the Heroes Public Safety Commission sizing me up as if I were a mere product. Forcing me to become a hero.

I snap back to reality breathing heavily as my vision blurs a bit. Watching the child in front of me I can only see myself as a small child with a blindfold shooting my feathers where the adults said. In that, I extend my hand towards him trying to reach him and tell him that everything will be fine, that I will save him.

Then the explosions engulfed my entire body.

Instinctively my wings wrapped around my body protecting me from most of the explosions, however, my wings were badly damaged losing most of my feathers so I began to collapse while my clothes are in tatters with multiple wounds on my body.

As my body falls and the wind hits my body I reflect on the things I could have done to help the boy, then my body hits the roof of a vehicle producing a loud crash along with the screams of the civilians around. I'm sorry.


POV Isamu

I watch in fascination as Hawks' body hits the roof of a car as I find myself descending in his direction using a small parachute deployed from my backpack. This is because the three-dimensional rocket shoes ran out of power due to overheating.

While I am descending I can also see all the chaos that has been generated throughout the city, in the distance I can see some fires and people running from one side to the other. I can also see some villains taking advantage of the confusion and chaos to commit crimes like robbing stores and even banks.

At this, I land right on top of Hawks' stomach which elicits a grunt of pain from him as I brush some of the dust off my clothes.

"Even though I never fired on the city and our entire battle was in the skies, it's quite funny to see how adults self-destruct." I say shaking my head slightly. "Fools." I whisper.

"I…definitely." Hawks says coughing up some blood from his mouth and slowly extending his trembling hand in my direction. "I will definitely save you." He says before losing consciousness.

"How dramatic." I whisper.

News helicopters fly over the area while in the distance I catch a glimpse of some reporters on top of a building broadcasting live. The few remaining bystanders in the area are staring at me with wide eyes as Hawks lies unconscious under my shoes.

Now everyone is looking at me, well this was going to happen sooner or later. My debut!

"Voice modulator to the maximum." I whisper which activates one of my gas mask's functions to massively amplify my voice, it's not that powerful but it will be noticeable.

"Listen to me world, listen to me well!" I exclaim causing the people close to me to cover their ears.

"Prepare for trouble and you had better be afraid." I exclaim striking a dramatic pose and placing my hands on my waist with a shitty grin behind my mask. "Why?" I exclaim puffing out my chest proudly.

"Because this world will become my playground! Hah!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms theatrically into the air as small fireworks are shot from my backpack lighting up the night sky over the city as a joyous smile perched behind my gas mask. Finally, the time has come!

"I AM CHILD EMPEROR!" I exclaimed showing a peace sign with my fingers in the direction of the camera.

At that moment, the world held its breath.





Chapter 11 A Real Threat

After my introduction to the world, I deactivated my voice amplifier, however, An eerie chill ran down my spine. "Prominence Burn!!!!" I hear an anger-laden scream coming behind me.

At this, immediately one of my robotic tentacles unfolds from my backpack grabbing Hawks and throwing him inside a building not far from my position. I need Hawks alive to confuse the heroes! They will think that I am just a victim of a nefarious organization and that will keep them distracted for a long time.

Then my protective barrier quickly activates covering me in a powerful hexagonal shield protecting me from the powerful flames hitting and surrounding my shield.

Endeavor is here! It seems that my battle against Hawks took longer than estimated. This completely changes my escape plan, before this, numerous scenarios begin to formulate in my little brain as the flames cease.

"So my guess was correct after all, that barrier can protect you from my flames." Says Endeavor appearing from the flames epically with a threatening posture with his arms crossed and a completely serious face.

At that moment, my little heart begins to pound wildly as the adrenaline begins to spread through my veins. Of all the heroes, for me, the most dangerous of all is without a doubt. Endeavor!

"I will not hold back just because you are a child, before me stands a dangerous villain and you will be treated as such." Endeavor growls covering his entire body in flames raising the temperature of the whole place.

The main show is about to start and I plan to have a lot of fun.

"You wouldn't think you could defeat me…" I say cheekily walking slowly towards him while my shield remains active. "With those little flames." I say with a crooked smile from behind my gas mask. "RIGHT?" I asked tilting my head slightly.

At this, Endeavor's eyes narrow in my direction as the temperature begins to rise higher and higher. "I'll show you who I am." He growls throwing both fists back as he begins to concentrate his flames on a single point.

"Hell's Curtain!!!" Endeavor exclaims throwing his arms forward, emitting a huge blanket of flames in my direction.

"Maximum Power! Chaos Reflector Shield!" I exclaim spreading my arms as my shield receives a powerful fire attack. "All contingency protocols activate, now!" I exclaim as powerful flames reflect in all directions and all hell breaks loose around me.

The main battle has started…


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POV Toshinori Yagi

"Sir, would you like me to pour you another drink?" A friendly bartender behind a bar asks me, I'm currently on an all-expenses-paid Atlantic Ocean cruise courtesy of my old friend Mirai Sasaki. I tried to call him after receiving the boat ticket in the mail, however, he does not answer my calls. Will he still be upset? Why did he send me the ticket?

So it must be some kind of trick on his part, possibly he wants to show me his new apprentice and I set up a meeting on this cruise ship. Sir Nighteye's thought process is sometimes very confusing to me. But where do I get the money to pay for all this?

However, there is no trace of Mirai on the cruise ship and the most curious of all is that despite being a cruise ship I have only run into some members of the crew who kindly guided me to the bar. This is very strange.

My phone hasn't received any kind of signal for about an hour, a sinking feeling wraps around my stomach warning me that something is very, very wrong.

"Sir, are you alright?" The friendly bartender asks me again.

My hero instincts have never been wrong.

At that, my eyes focus on one of the televisions near me that is transmitting only static. "Why is there no signal or internet?" I ask.

"Huh, an hour ago there were no problems, I have no idea, possibly a communication failure or an electrical storm." Says the bartender nervously wiping a glass with a rag.

The last message I got on my phone was from Naomasa, regarding a little villain brawl in his jurisdiction, typical stuff. But why do I feel so impatient?

I then spread the One For All on my ears while maintaining my emaciated form covering the ship and its surroundings with my senses. Shortly after, my eyes snap open due to not detecting anyone else aboard the ship except for the bartender and myself, while in the distance I can hear boats speeding away from the ship.

Why did they leave? What is happening?

At that moment, a holographic screen appears in front of the bartender showing a small silhouette covered in a black cape. Why does a bartender have such advanced technology? Are they affiliated with I-island? Is it some kind of test? From what I see the hologram appears to be some kind of recording.

"The moment has come." Says the small figure in the hologram causing the bartender's eyes to narrow in my direction causing a shiver to run through my entire body. Why did his aptitude change drastically?

"Execute order 66." It's all the little figure says in the hologram before fading away.

In that, the bartender begins to light up more and more while small bolts of electricity begin to run through his entire body. What the hell is going on on this ship?! It may be that these people. Do they know my real identity?!

"¡¡¡HAIL HYDRA!!!"


POV Third Person

U.A Grounds

The U.A security defenses are on high alert while in the distance some flashes can be seen coming from the city. "This villain… is different." Nezu whispers looking intently at the U.A campus turned into a makeshift hospital.

"Quick, bring the wounded heroes here!" Cementoss yells placing both hands on the ground and quickly creating a structure resembling a small makeshift hospital.

Recovery Girl is found with her cane moving quickly from side to side tending to the heroes and policemen who were injured after the stadium attack while wounded heroes continue to arrive from the city. This motivated the villains who are taking advantage of this situation to cause even more chaos.

"Director! The Heroes Public Safety Commission has just authorized your proposal!" Vlad King exclaims running towards Nezu. At that, Nezu's eyes gleam slightly as an evil smile spreads across his furry face which makes Vlad King a little nervous.

"Activate emergency protocol Yuei-Locomotor!" Nezu exclaims through a comlink that he already had set up and configured beforehand.

During his time as headmaster of the U.A. Nezu has prepared numerous contingency plans for different situations and Nezu will not let this opportunity pass him by.

At that moment, from the sky two combat robots fall to their knees next to Nezu's sides creating small craters in the ground and immediately drawing the attention of nearby heroes and police.

"Director…" Vlad King whispers with his eyes wide open at what his eyes are witnessing.

Then, the ground begins to shake slightly while in the distance rows and rows of fighting robots with red robotic eyes used mainly for entrance tests and maintaining the security of the facilities can be seen. All marched in orderly lines towards the main gates of the most important school for heroes in the country.

"Awesome." Cementoss whispers swallowing a lump in his throat while the rest of the heroes and policemen have looks of astonishment on their faces after witnessing such a display of power from the U.A.

"The city has been threatened! March into the city and defend it! Follow your programming code! Yuei will support the city in this time of crisis and need!" Nezu exclaims pointing to the city in the distance. At that, the robots begin to fan out in the direction of the city as a small army of machines under Nezu's command.


****Click to see image****


"I always wanted to do this." Nezu whispers with a strange gleam in his eyes as he watches the robots leaving the U.A facility and marching towards the city.

"Looks like there's a new player." Nezu hums watching in the distance as the lights of the city begin to go out until the entire city was left without electricity, thus remaining in complete darkness being illuminated by flames and explosions.

"Child Emperor… Huh? What a peculiar name." Says Nezu turning his back on a city in chaos as he heads to his office to command the robots. "What fun." Nezu says waving his tail happily and pressing a small button.

"However, you will not approach this school." Nezu says darkly as a gigantic force field begins to cover the school of heroes under the dumbfounded gaze of those present.


Minutes later, in the city, near the epicenter of the battle between Endeavor and Child Emperor

"Civilians have been evacuated from the main battle zone!" Exclaims pro hero Rock Lock in the middle of the street approaching hero Gunhead, they are tasked with taking down any remaining villains in their assigned zone and providing aid to any civilians caught in the main combat zone.

"Endeavor needs our help." Rock Lock says looking at the explosions of fire that occur in the distance.

"Orders are to cordon off the main combat area and help civilians." Gunhead exclaims quickly. "Didn't you see what that little demon did to Hawks?" Gunhead says shaking his head.

"To hell with it! He is just a little kid, if we fight together with Endeavor we can defeat that brat and get some publicity." He says Rock Lock with a sly smile on his face as he starts running towards the main battlefield, followed by a reluctant Gunhead.

However, a few streets away, a burst of light passes through Rock Lock's leg to the surprise of both. "Haaah!" Rock Lock yells falling to the ground in severe pain as Gunhead quickly supports him on his shoulder.

"Sniper!" Gunhead exclaims as more bursts of light rapidly approach his position.

"We all are the jingoes~ oh-oh-oh." Toga pulls the trigger of her laser sniper rifle on top of a building while holding a lollipop in her mouth and humming a tune Isamu taught her. "We are in the jungle~ oh-oh-oh." She hums as she keeps shooting at any hero who tries to interfere in Isamu's fight.


POV Endeavor

"Hell Spider!!!" I exclaimed sending long thin blasts of fire from my fingertips creating a wave of destruction toward the demon child. His damn shield is protecting him from my flames, I need more… more heat!

The fire blasts hit Child Emperor's shield, however, most of them are reflected in different directions destroying nearby buildings. By now all civilians along with Hawks have been evacuated, so I can unleash my power without worrying about collateral damage.

I need to take care of his shield, once I manage to penetrate his defense I will char him.

"Hey, I'm supposed to be the villain and you've caused more destruction than me, that's unfair!" Child Emperor taunts me by deactivating his shield and throwing some marbles in my direction, then everything around me is covered in thick smoke. "You are too dangerous for me, so you will not escape." I hear Child Emperor humming.

At this, I extend my arms and provoke loud applause causing a wave of fire in all directions thus dispelling the smoke.

It was at that moment that I realized what Child Emperor's plan really was, the smoke was just a distraction.

"HAHAHA! HAHAHA! HAH." I exclaim involuntarily as I grit my teeth and fall to my knees with wide eyes. Dozens of little robotic bugs are running through my body right now causing uncontrollable laughter as my lungs start to burn with pain. At this rate, I'm going to suffocate! Dammit!

"Tickle-Tickle Bug." Child Emperor says lightly laughing with his hands on his waist. "Sometimes I get scared of my own inventions." He says swinging on himself before reaching his hand towards his waist and unfolding a small cylindrical object, after which he presses a button and a red light illuminates his entire small body.

It's a damn lightsaber!

"Game Over~ Endeavor-san." is all he says before he starts running in my direction.

Then everything around me slows down as I watch as Child Emperor slowly rushes towards me with his lightsaber and I catch a glimpse through the visors of his gas mask. Bloodthirsty eyes getting closer and closer to me.

My dream has always been to surpass All Might with hard work and dedication no matter what the cost. I will not allow a small child to stain my legacy, my end will not be this way. I need more… more heat… much more!

"I will never give up!" I exclaim from deep in my chest ignoring the twitches coming from my own body as a determined look settles on my face.

"Flashfire Fists!!!" I exclaim raising the temperature of my fire to the highest level which causes the robotic insects that were immobilizing me to melt. At this, my flaming fist rushes towards Child Emperor who instantly activates his protective barrier a few meters away from me.

Then a powerful explosion engulfs the entire battlefield as my flaming fist hits his shield. At that, the force of the explosion caused the ground beneath Child Emperor to dislodge thus causing him to be propelled into a small building that was still standing.

"Whoa!" He exclaims within his protective barrier crashing into the building and causing the structure to collapse.

"I can't seem pathetic right now." I growl with my fist outstretched breathing heavily. That won't be enough to defeat him, this villain genuinely is.

A real threat!

I grit my teeth as I start to head in the direction where the building collapsed, not planning to give the boy a chance to recover. However, a line of blue fire gets in my way as a figure starts to walk out of the flames with his hands in his pockets.

At this, my eyes narrow towards the newcomer as I prepare for another fight.

"A year ago... a demon with the appearance of a child told me..." Says a young man in his 20s with patches of gnarled, wrinkled, purple skin on the lower part of his face.

"Than overcoming hell near death…" He says with a crooked smile spreading across his face as his eyes are locked on me as if I'm his most valuable prey. "It's the secret to the explosive evolution of a villain." He says pointing at me with both hands and pointing the tips of his fingers at me as blue flames start swirling around him.

"Todoroki Enji!!!" He exclaims sending a powerful blast of blue fire in my direction destroying everything in its path.




Shortly after, a great current of fire rises over the entire city in a mixture of red and blue fire, completely lighting up the city for several seconds.

Chapter 12 Villains! Assemble!

POV Dabi

A year ago, in an alley.

"Damn, I'm hungry." I say looking in the trash for something to eat, I recently ran out of money and nowhere to spend the night. I should have died a long time ago, yet my will to take revenge on Endeavor keeps me alive. I have no purpose in this life other than to see him destroyed.

"I will destroy him, I will destroy him!" I start repeating myself over and over again. In that, a burst of childish laughter behind me stops my actions and I turn in the direction where I hear the childish laughter.

In front of me, a few meters away is a little kid looking at me intently with a slight smile on his face. "I finally found you~ Dabi." The kid hums happily.

At this, my eyes narrow in his direction as some flames begin to gather around my hands. "Who are you and what do you want?" I ask threateningly.

"Wow, how rude." The boy whispers crossing his arms and pouting. "I thought you were hungry and I brought you food." He mutters, looking away from me.

What the hell is happening here? Wait a minute, he said food? At this, I fade my flames, however, I still keep my guard up. "How do you know me?" I ask.

"I have contacts." That is all he says smiling innocently taking a bento box out of his backpack and tossing it in my direction, at which I quickly grab the bento box and start devouring the contents. How long has it been since I ate anything decent?

"Shouldn't you be at school?" I ask with cheeks full of food mercilessly devouring the food.

"Who says I'm not in school right now?" He answers cryptically with a shitty smile on his face. What a strange child.

"I need you to lend me your power." Says the boy with his hands in his pockets as a smile begins to spread across his face. "In return, I will make sure to fulfill your most precious wish." He says spreading his arms theatrically. "The End of Endeavor!" He exclaims dramatically getting my attention completely.

"My name is Child Emperor and things will be so much fun for years to come, Dabi." He says as a predatory smile begins to spread across his face. "Or should I say…"


In actuality.

It was then that I realized that I made a deal with a demon in the guise of a small child, however, I would happily follow that child to the depths of hell if my wish comes true.

"Hell Spider!!!" I exclaim sending a powerful blast of blue fire from my fingertips creating a wave of destruction that destroys everything in its path in Endeavor's direction.

"Prominence Burn!!!" Exclaims Endeavor sending a powerful tide of fire towards my direction, before this, both attacks collide in the middle of the battlefield thus creating a powerful explosion that destroys everything in its path.

Soon after, Endeavor comes out through the flames looking at me with hate in his eyes. "Trying to imitate my movements?" He asks as his body remains covered in flames "Pathetic." He growls as flames begin to rise around him.

"Let's dance together in hell!" I exclaim activating my gloves while a powerful ball of blue fire begins to concentrate between my hands, getting bigger and bigger.

Child Emperor lend me your strength!


POV Isamu

"What fun!" I exclaim using a giant drill to get out of the rubble as the ground shakes from the powerful explosions happening around me.

My reflective barrier protected me from the debris, however, I have some small bruises from the heavy impact. Fortunately, I deactivated my lightsaber before the impact, or else I would have ended up severely injured.

At that moment, a powerful burst of fire rises through the air in a magnificent combination of red and blue flames that illuminate the entire city for a few seconds. My eyes light up after witnessing such a magnificent sight in the front row. "Amazing." I whisper with a crooked smile on my face.

"Looks like Dabi is taking out all his frustrations on Endeavor." I say to myself as my laptop unfolds from my backpack and I start typing at a terrifying speed while with my other hand I start texting rapidly.

"Endeavor's will is unbreakable, however, let's see if his will is that strong after this. Hah!" I say with a wicked grin on my face and hit the send button.

At this, I tap my shoes lightly against each other which causes my three-dimensional rocket shoes to light up again after being at rest. "Cool!" I exclaim, propelling quickly in the direction of the battle as the weapons in my backpack that are still working are deployed.

Fortunately, the entire area was evacuated including the reporters while news helicopters dare not approach due to recurrent explosions.

I must finish this quickly, otherwise, the heroes will surround me and the situation will become very complicated. Toga will buy me some time by delaying the heroes' reinforcements, however, she won't last long.

As I find myself propelling myself a few feet off the ground I see a huge wall of red and blue fire coming between Endeavor and Dabi.

"Full power." I whisper causing a small shockwave behind me greatly increasing my speed as I sneak up on Endeavor from the side.

The beads of sweat on Endeavor's face quickly evaporate due to the high temperatures his body is generating as he breathes heavily. It seems that Endeavor is nearing its limit.

It's my opportunity!

In that, my suspended weapons lunge at him taking him by surprise. At this, his terrifying reflexes are activated as he dodges a gigantic drill that hits the ground a few inches from him causing a huge crater. However, I calculated the chance that he would dodge my first attack.

Then Endeavor quickly crosses his arms protectively in front of him as a giant boxing glove smashes into his arms causing him to crash into a building in the distance.

"Hah! That felt really good!" I exclaim happily bumping my fists as I rise into the air and using my holographic visor to quickly scan the building which was evacuated minutes ago.

"Now, Dabi!" I exclaim unfolding the turret from my backpack and firing the few missiles I had left at the huge building as powerful blue flames begin to engulf the entire building.

My missiles strategically impact the building causing it to start collapsing as the blue flames shatter everything in its path creating a massive smoke screen burying Endeavor under the rubble. "That's gotta hurt." I whisper.

"Burn in hell, Endeavor." Dabi snorts with a vicious smile on his face breathing hard looking at the gloves he is wearing which I made with a special material to amplify his flames and prevent him from hurting himself when using his quirk.

However, the gloves are just a prototype, after all, I wasn't planning on facing Endeavor tonight. This whole situation is going to generate a great butterfly effect!

"Dabi, we have to…" That is all I manage to say before my eyes narrow in the direction of where the building collapsed. In that, a red flash begins to light up more and more which causes a powerful explosion of fire towards my direction while all the smoke dissipates motivated by the powerful shock wave.

How troublesome.

I instantly activate my shield protecting myself from the powerful blaze, however, my eyes widen as I realize that Endeavor was hiding inside the blaze propelling himself into the air thanks to his powerful flames. "Pretty smart of you, as expected of hero number two!" I exclaim.

Then Endeavor holds on tight to my shield propelling himself higher and higher. What? I didn't expect that, if I deactivate my shield right now to attack him, the flames will consume me. I'm trapped in my own shield!

"How exciting and terrifying!" I exclaim with excitement as my little heart is about to burst.

"I thank pain for keeping me conscious." Endeavor growls with numerous wounds on his body which begin to close and get scars stopping the bleeding of his wounds due to the flames. "You're too dangerous, I won't be able to take you alive." He says right in front of me on the other side of my hexagonal shield.

"Let go!" Dabi screams desperately sending powerful blasts of blue fire towards Endeavor, at this, he receives the powerful blasts from Dabi while he continues to propel himself with clenched teeth with determination plastered on his face. "Endeavour!!!" Dabi yells.

Coming from a building, several laser shots are directed in Endeavor's direction causing one of the shots to go through his arm causing a painful wound. However, he keeps his hands steady on my barrier rising higher and higher, out of range of Dabi's flames and Toga's laser shots.

"You were right, overcoming hell near death is the key to becoming stronger." Endeavor growls as huge wings made of fire spread from his back thus increasing the speed with which we rise. "Now, burn in purgatory." He growls with bloodshot eyes.

"What's going on Child Emperor?!" Toga quickly exclaims in panic through her comlink.

"It was... fun." It's all I can answer with my eyes wide open while the sweat runs down my face.

There were so many things I wanted to do, many unfinished inventions, I met amazing people in this world, Inko, Izuku, the idiot from Bakugo, Dabi, Toga, and many more people. It was a good time and I don't regret anything. It was fun!


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POV Toga

My life was a mess before Isamu found me and gave me a purpose, my family abandoned me to my fate, and everyone turned their back on me, however, he extended his hand to me and gave me his blood. The sweetest blood I've ever tasted.

From that moment I got something, I didn't know I wanted so much... Someone who understood me.

If something happens to Isamu... this world can go to hell!

"Haaaah!" A hero exclaims as my needle pierces through his arm and begins to suck his blood at terrifying speed as a powerful kick from me sends him against the edge of the building I'm standing on, causing him to fall into the void. However, a robot saves the hero before crashing to the ground.

"Huh, I wanted to see all his blood out of his body." I say blushing with excitement.

At that moment, I do an acrobatic jump backward as a robot crashes where I was a few moments ago. "Target located." Says the robot as several robots land behind him. "Target located." The other robots say in unison as they lunge at me.

"They will not interfere." I say with a crooked smile behind my mask lifting my shirt and revealing numerous modified knives strapped to my waist and abdomen, I then started to pick up the knives and throw them in the direction of my attackers. Thus causing my knives to embed themselves in different parts of their robotic bodies.

In that, the eyes of one of the robots change color. "You should give up, you have no chance of escaping." Says the Robot with a cheerful voice. Someone is controlling it remotely, I'm sure it must be Nezu who Isamu talks about so much when he's excited about building things. "Obviously knives can't stop a robot." Nezu says cheerfully.

"Who says they were normal knives? They are a gift from Child Emperor." I say with a smile spreading across my face as I spread both hands in the air happily.

"Katsu!" I exclaim causing the knives to detonate causing all the robots to explode into many pieces. I don't know what that word means, but Isamu likes it.

"Fascinating..." is all the robot controlled by Nezu says as the robot's head rolls a few inches away from me and the robot's eyes go blank.

Then the door that separates the stairs from the roof explodes and Gunhead makes his appearance with both hands on his waist.

"Rock Lock was injured by a girl...a high school girl." Gunhead says chuckling lightly. "I guess it's lucky one of the U.A. robots took him to the hospital, he'd die of embarrassment if he was here." He says shaking his head before starting to walk in my direction.

Another hero? How annoying.

"Give up villain!" Gunhead exclaims getting ready for combat and pointing his hands at me. However, out of nowhere, a purple portal appears right behind him causing his eyes to widen as a hand reaches through the portal and lands on Gunhead's head causing the hero to turn to dust.

My eyes widen as I ready my knives for combat against this potential enemy.

"With this goes seven." Says a young man using a severed hand as a mask while lightly dusting his hand. "Are you with Child Emperor?" He asks looking at me carefully before taking a phone out of his pocket and holding it up using only 4 fingers.

"I have no idea how he got my number but he invited me to join the raid against the second hardest boss." He says as a crooked smile begins to spread across his face.

"Child Emperor's friends are my friends!" I exclaim happily with both hands in the air. As always Isamu seems to be ready for anything.

"I am Tomura Shigaraki." He says introducing himself as he points to a figure made of purple smoke wearing a bartender outfit behind him. "He is Kurogiri." He says narrowing his eyes into the distance. "And it looks like we're late." He clicks his tongue.

Then a sinking feeling begins to course through my body as my gaze focuses on the distance and I watch with wide eyes as Endeavor keeps Isamu trapped within his protective barrier as they rise into the air.

Isamu is in danger! At this, I quickly grab my laser sniper from the ground which I had dropped earlier as a result of the annoying heroes.

I point my gun in Endeavor's direction as I start firing until my gun is out of range.

"No…" I whisper.

"What's going on Child Emperor?!" I quickly exclaim in panic through my comlink. This can't be happening, Isamu has contingency plans for his own contingency plans.

"It was... fun." I hear Isamu say through his comlink. A dark look filled with murderous intent falls over my entire face. Endeavor!

"KUROGIRI!" Tomura exclaims.

Then the gates of hell opened over the sky of the city.


POV Isamu

"PLUS ULTRA PROMINENCE BURN!" Endeavor exclaims unleashing his strongest attack against my protective barrier which begins to crack.

Then the purple darkness consumed me…and then spit me in Dabi's direction making me roll on the ground at high speed while my robotic tentacles unfurl from my pack and dig into the ground stopping me shortly after.

I find myself on the ground face up breathing rapidly watching in fascination as the sky turns into a representation of hell. Then I started laughing out loud.

"HAHAHA!" I hold my stomach as I laugh out loud. I knew that Tomura was close, however, the chances of him supporting me were close to 20%. That was close damn it.

"It's good to see you're still breathing." Dabi says extending his hand in my direction. "You scared me for a moment." He whispered, looking away from me.

"You worry about me?" I ask feigning surprise with a shitty grin on my face. I guess he sees me as a kind of surrogate little brother. "Dabi, I think I need a Band-Aid." I smiled cheekily taking his hand and standing up as I brushed off my dusty clothes.

Luckily my clothes are made of a very resistant fiber in addition to the fact that my body has very good durability. Otherwise, I would have several broken bones right now.

"Endeavor has reached his limit." Says Dabi watching as a fireball descends from the sky and in the center of the fireball is Endeavor who crashes to the ground not far from us causing a powerful shock wave that sends nearby vehicles flying.

"Do you think we can defeat him before the heroes arrive?" Dabi asks me watching as Endeavor walks through the flames and starts walking towards us with heavy breaths as he keeps his body covered in flames.

Just then, behind us, a purple portal appears and Tomura Shigaraki makes an appearance of it with his hands in his pockets as he walks through the portal followed by a cheerful Toga and attentive Kurogiri.

"Hello and welcome to the raid, you're just in time for the boss fight." I salute cheekily with a peace sign in Tomura's direction.

Toga tries to jump towards me but is stopped by Dabi who grabs her by the back of her shirt and scolds her.

"Child Emperor." Tomura responds with a nod. "Once the second hardest boss drops nothing will stand between the main boss, All Might." Tomura says with a sadistic smile on his face. Well, I'll use that to my advantage.

"If we work together, All Might will fall, I guarantee it." I say happily giving a thumbs up in his direction as Tomura's eyes light up. I already have you Tomura Shigaraki!

"Child Emperor!" Endeavor exclaims furiously into the distance as he bumps his fists causing huge blasts of fire to spread throughout his surroundings. "I will show you what it means to be the strongest." That is all he says before starting to propel himself using his flames which lift him a few inches off the ground as he rushes toward us with a battle cry.

It's time for the final battle.

"Villains!" I exclaimed standing at the front of the group lighting my red lightsaber again and raising it into the air with a determined look on my face.

Toga unsheaths her knives and twirls them in her hands nimbly as a predatory look settles on her face. At that, Dabi ignites powerful blue flames around his gloves causing him to rise a few inches into the air as a deranged grin spreads across his face.

Tomura creaks his neck and spreads his hands in combat readiness as a vicious grin spreads behind his mask.

Meanwhile, Kurogiri extends his cloudy hands into the air creating a huge portal in front of us while smaller portals spawn around Endeavor.

"Assemble!" I exclaimed pointing my lightsaber in Endeavor's direction and starting to run through the portal with a smile spreading across my face.

Soon after, we began to appear around Endeavor through the portals around him with our battle cries thus beginning a battle that would change the fate of the world.


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"The past cannot be extinguished! What is done here, is paid here!" Dabi exclaims.

Empe_ror99creators' thoughts