
My Business Empire

This story has been dropped ==================================== Zhang Wei couldn't believe this happened!!!! He was transmigrated to another universe. He became son of wealthy media tycoon!!! But wait, he is son born from wedlock with a maid. He doesn't have anyone's support. No one cares for him. He is obese as hell. He cannot walk without short of breath. But then system appeared. (Congratulations Host for transmigrating successfully, I am your Money Empire System!) "It really appeared!," The system gave him mission against rewards. Zhang Wei completes mission and gains unparalleled wealth. Join the journey of Zhang Wei becoming global tycoon. ==================================== This is work of fiction. Cover is AI generated. Write reviews and comments. Throw some Dwyane Rock Johnson!!! ====================================

ShoTen · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Ch.035 => Back to being fit! The Banquet!! [1]

Sorry for being absent for days despite being promised to update the story. Here's the new chapter!


For the following days, Zhang Wei diligently practiced his dance routines under the tutelage of a teacher brought to him by Munki. With remarkable ease, he mastered the art of dance, effortlessly gliding across the floor like a seasoned professional.

"Having shed those excess pounds, I feel so much lighter on my feet. The sensation of being slim is truly invigorating," he mused to himself, admiring his slimmed-down physique in the bathroom mirror.

In his previous life, he had never struggled with weight issues, and now, having shed the extra weight, he felt a renewed sense of vitality.

Walking inside bathroom, the body mirror reflection revealed a slim face with a chiseled jawline, collar bones jutting out, dark eyes shining brighter than ever, and his hair bouncier and silkier than before. His short, elegant hairstyle perfectly complemented his refined features.

Dressed in an impeccably tailored white t-shirt, matched with a contemporary blue suit and trousers, white sneakers, and a classy chrome-colored watch, he exuded modern sophistication.

"I knew this would look good on me. I have to give Munki credit for finding the perfect tailor," he acknowledged.

Instead of opting for a store-bought suit, Zhang Wei requested a custom-made one, tailored to his precise specifications. Munki had introduced him to an excellent, little-known suit maker who specialized in crafting suits for security teams. Despite his humble background, the tailor's work was impeccable, and Zhang Wei was pleased with the outcome.

The suit maker, thrilled to have been commissioned by a member of the prestigious Zhang family, had gone the extra mile to ensure that the suits were a perfect fit. He had even traveled from his small town to make the suits, despite being relegated to crafting clothes for the servants due to the internal politics among the Zhang family employees.

"I'm delighted that everything has gone according to plan. Now, it's time to attend the party and meet my grandfather," Zhang Wei announced, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

He had meticulously prepared for the upcoming banquet, leaving no stone unturned in his quest for perfection. He had honed his dance skills, improved his physical fitness, and carefully selected an exotic gift for his grandfather.

"Munki, let's go. Bring the car around," Zhang Wei instructed, emerging from his room.

Munki, ever the loyal bodyguard, was waiting for him, dressed in an all-white ensemble, complemented by a sleek black blazer, black pants, and polished black shoes. His bald head shone in the light, and the bow tie around his neck added a touch of elegance to his outfit.

In a rare moment of indulgence, Zhang Wei had ordered a suit for Munki as well, albeit reluctantly. He had initially resisted the idea but eventually relented after Zhang Wei played the emotional card.

"Thank you, young master. The car is ready," Munki replied, bowing respectfully.

Zhang Wei nodded in acknowledgement, and together they set off for the banquet, eagerly anticipating what the evening would bring.

As Zhang Wei emerged from the opulent mansion, he strode towards the waiting vehicle nestled in the serene courtyard.

The car meandered around the breathtaking mermaid fountains before finally merging onto the street.

Soon enough, the imposing cityscape of towering skyscrapers and concrete buildings slowly gave way to a burgeoning forest of verdant greenery.

The grand banquet was to be held at the penthouse located in the lush woods of Shenwoods far outside the bustling metropolis of Jiang City.

As Zhang Wei's car sped along the side of a tranquil river, he beheld the picturesque surroundings slowly unfurling before his eyes.

Nestled amidst the pristine natural beauty, he caught sight of the exquisitely crafted penthouse, constructed entirely of painstakingly carved wooden logs and other natural materials. The imposing structure stood proudly on the banks of the river that flowed through the entire Tian Country, ensconced by a towering wall of rare stones that served to keep wild animals at bay.

As his Audi RS70 glided into the penthouse courtyard, Zhang Wei spied a plethora of exotic, luxurious vehicles parked amidst the natural splendor. A chauffeur stood poised outside the entrance of the penthouse, ready to assist with the parking of guests' cars in the lot.

"Munki, I shall proceed inside. Bring in the gift from the trunk when I give the signal," Zhang Wei instructed his driver, as he alighted from the car at the entrance.

Stepping onto the resplendent red carpet laid out for guests, he refrained from presenting the gift immediately, wanting to surprise his grandfather. Instead, he had asked Munki to enter only after receiving his cue.

At the entrance, he noticed two burly men standing guard, demanding invitations from all guests. In such high society events, invitations were a must-have, or risk being promptly escorted out of the premises.

Pulling out the black invitation card from his blazer pocket, Zhang Wei flashed it to the burly guard, who scrutinized it before quickly acknowledging its authenticity.

"Welcome, Young Master Wei. Family members may enter from this side," the burly man said, his demeanor softening from stern to respectful.

Gesturing towards a side gate reserved exclusively for family, he permitted Zhang Wei to enter. Buttoning up his suit, he strode into the grand hall, bathed in a spectacular array of illumination from the dazzling chandeliers and various lights.

A towering champagne glass fountain greeted him at the entrance, announcing the audacity of the extravagant banquet.

The hall was teeming with high society families and guests, mingling around with glasses of wine and alcohol, awaiting the official start of the grand event.

The circular stage at the center was adorned with a troupe of dancers, performing their respective cultural dances. A full orchestra band sat poised in one corner, tuning their instruments for the evening's festivities.

The guest tables were arranged around the stage, each labeled with the names of the esteemed invitees. Zhang Wei searched for the table allocated to him, noticing that it was a mere five-seater, unlike the ten-seater tables that surrounded it.

"Could this be due to my stepmother's influence? How much power does she hold to alter the seating arrangements in a family banquet?"

He mused, sighing as he loosened his suit button and took his seat at the table with his name tag. Gesturing for a waiter, he requested a refreshing orange juice, as he was still underage to consume alcohol.

The waiter promptly returned with his order, and Zhang Wei sipped the juice, patiently awaiting the arrival of his grandfather.

"It all looks so fresh and healthy," Zhang Wei murmured, glancing at the sumptuous appetizers being served to other guests.

How's my writing style! Mention your thoughts in comments! Thank you [^_^]

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