
My Business Empire

This story has been dropped ==================================== Zhang Wei couldn't believe this happened!!!! He was transmigrated to another universe. He became son of wealthy media tycoon!!! But wait, he is son born from wedlock with a maid. He doesn't have anyone's support. No one cares for him. He is obese as hell. He cannot walk without short of breath. But then system appeared. (Congratulations Host for transmigrating successfully, I am your Money Empire System!) "It really appeared!," The system gave him mission against rewards. Zhang Wei completes mission and gains unparalleled wealth. Join the journey of Zhang Wei becoming global tycoon. ==================================== This is work of fiction. Cover is AI generated. Write reviews and comments. Throw some Dwyane Rock Johnson!!! ====================================

ShoTen · Urban
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38 Chs

Ch.036 => Jin Siblings! I am also man of strength! The banquet [2]

"Why everyone taking glance at me?"

As the burly man at the entrance announced his name, Zhang Wei began to receive a myriad of stares from those present inside the hall. He could sense the emotions behind the gazes, ranging from contempt, jealousy, and even hate, but the most common one was awe.

"Is this the youngest son of Zhang Hun? I heard he was as obese as hell, but look at him, he resembles his father the most out of his siblings," someone whispered to another guest. Both men were middle-aged.

"Indeed. He was supposed to be timid and introverted according to rumors, but he looks confident," the other man said, mentioning all sorts of rumors surrounding Zhang Wei. However, how did these rumors spread into social circles when he never attended the party? It was done by his stepmother and siblings, who always talked behind his back.

But what would they gain by making an already weak person weaker? Zhang Wei made a mental note to unravel these questions in the future.

"Hey, look. Isn't that boy handsome?" As new guests started appearing inside the hall, girls who didn't know Zhang Wei's identity whispered in admiration of his good looks.

"Why don't we go say hello to him?" the group of beautiful females nodded and decided to strike up a conversation with Zhang Wei. However, as they started walking towards him, they halted their steps when they were one table away.

"Are you sharing this table with us?" Zhang Wei was lost in thought about his situation when a soothing voice brought him out of his trance. He looked up to see a beautiful figure towering over him.

The lady was stunningly beautiful, with curly bangs and open hairstyles framing her blonde hair. Her blue eyes sparkled as she looked towards Zhang Wei. She was wearing a white dress with round corners that dropped towards her shoulders, leaving her sleeveless. The dress dropped towards her waist, where a blue-colored ribbon was wrapped around her whole waist like a belt. The dress spread downwards her waist as a long skirt that reached slightly below her knees. The dress had a beautiful borderline embroidered with blue colors.

She was also wearing matching blue-colored star earrings and blue heels that laced up around her ankles. She had little to no makeup, but emitted a beautiful aura and feminine energy. Zhang Wei was struck by her beauty and managed to free himself from her spell.

"Oh, yes. I am sharing this table," Zhang Wei said, getting up to match the lady's eye level. He noticed she was short, with her head reaching his neck. Who was she? Why did she look so familiar? Did he know her?

Zhang Wei pondered upon seeing the lady. He felt she resembled someone he knew.


At that moment, another figure emerged from behind the beautiful lady. The man was standing in a stoic pose behind her.

He had the same blonde hair combed in a smooth hairstyle, the same blue eyes with a sharp gaze, and was wearing an exotic black shirt tucked into his loose black pants, matching with sharp-toed black shoes.

His shirt had embroidery, a sign indicating that it was made by the best tailor in the city. He also wore a premium silver watch matching with his golden chain.

"Are you Zhang Wei? The youngest grandson of Founder Zhang?" the man, who looked a little older than Zhang Wei, asked while towering over him. Zhang Wei went into deep thought after hearing the man uttering his name. Founder Zhang means his grandfather. He is the youngest grandson of Founder Zhang.

"Yes, I am. Who might you be?" Zhang Wei asked the man. The man stared at Zhang Wei, and his looks said that he didn't expect such a stupid question. However, technically, Zhang Wei didn't know him, nor did he see him in his former memories.

"Hey, isn't this Jin Chi?" a few muffled shouts dropped into Zhang Wei's ears. They were coming from the same girls who wanted to talk to him a few moments ago.

"It's Jin Chi. Wasn't he supposed to be in London?" a few girls responded.

"Jin Chi, the elder brother of Jin Nuwa. Your future wife!" the man named himself Jin Chi, the elder brother of Jin Nuwa, the girl picked by his grandfather to be his new fiancée. Jin Nuwa? Zhang Wei suddenly recognized the identity of the beautiful lady.

"Jin Nuwa. She is my engagement partner. Even though I remembered her picture, the real appearance is altogether different. The picture didn't do justice to her beauty," Zhang Wei thought to himself.

Zhang Wei remembered the girl's details. She was his classmate and studied in the same school. Although he had never met her, he remembered his father mentioning the supposed meet-up with his fiancée. He just didn't expect it to happen the moment he entered. He cleared his throat and introduced himself to the Jin siblings.

"Hello! I'm sorry for the late introduction. I'm Zhang Wei, the youngest son of Zhang Hun."

Zhang Wei quickly forwarded his hand to offer a handshake to Jin Chi, to which he reciprocated and shook his hand. When Zhang Wei thought of leaving his hand, Jin Chi didn't let go.

"Isn't it supposed to be brief? What's this dude doing?"

Zhang Wei noticed Jin Chi using his strength to squeeze his hand tightly. Zhang Wei was also trained, so he responded with the same courtesy. The fight between the men started, and the invisible sparks could be seen between them.


Suddenly, Jin Nuwa pinched her brother's waist, making him come out of his manly behavior. He cried out in pain as the pinch stung his waist.

"Hmph," Zhang Wei smirked back at Jin Chi, showing his victory pose.

"Zhang Wei, I'm truly apologetic for my brother's behavior. He tends to get overprotective of me,"

Jin Nuwa spoke, her voice alluding to a melodious tone. She wanted to come alone, but her father forced her brother to attend with her. She knew that her brother would act a certain way, so she warned him before coming here, but he ignored her words.

"Don't be. It's alright. Please, sit," Zhang Wei brushed off the overprotective brother incident, not wanting the girl to think of him as stinky.

Hlo, updated next chapter. I wrote them forget to save, have to rewrite this chapter again! Write some comments and upvote this book!. [°×°]

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