
My Business Empire

This story has been dropped ==================================== Zhang Wei couldn't believe this happened!!!! He was transmigrated to another universe. He became son of wealthy media tycoon!!! But wait, he is son born from wedlock with a maid. He doesn't have anyone's support. No one cares for him. He is obese as hell. He cannot walk without short of breath. But then system appeared. (Congratulations Host for transmigrating successfully, I am your Money Empire System!) "It really appeared!," The system gave him mission against rewards. Zhang Wei completes mission and gains unparalleled wealth. Join the journey of Zhang Wei becoming global tycoon. ==================================== This is work of fiction. Cover is AI generated. Write reviews and comments. Throw some Dwyane Rock Johnson!!! ====================================

ShoTen · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Ch.009=> How can I earn money to start my shop, system can you answer that!!

Zhang Wei sitting in room bed. Munki was out of his room guarding it. He said Munki could come in but he rejected and stayed outside.

"Munki is staying loyal, I have to be wary as the often trusted will betray. Okay now lets see what are the main mission assigned by system,"

(Mission 1 => First Business.)

(Description => Own a small business/shop. The business/shop must be related to food industries background. Time limit => one week)

(Rewards => Business Management^(Rank A), Mind Reading^(Rank D), Angel Investment 200k dollars)

"Oh!! Own an business, how can I do it. It had also has one week time limit . I have to check but how can I arrange money for it,"

Zhang Wei said trying to figure way to get money he could start business. But even then he had to do various things so he could get this done.

"Okay Zhang Wei lets do this, I will figure out way to get some money and build my business,"

Zhang Wei said and called Munki inside the room. "Did you call me Young master," Munki said upon coming in room.

"Munki, You remember right when my stepmother said she wants my brother to become the chairman of the company,"

When Munki heard this, he couldn't understand what was Zhang Wei trying to convey, 'Does young master want to become chairman of company??,'

"Hah! your face showing I want to become chairman, no Munki I doesn't want to. I will become something on my own, that's the reason I called you today. Munki I want you to find me a place in somewhere market, which are ready to sell their shop/place, the requirements must be atleast two rooms or more. It could be best if it's bar or cafe, let's make it sell or rent..Can you do it!!,"

'Shop, cafe or bar. Is young master going open a bar,'

"Understood I will do so," Munki agreed not prying much into the reason. He left the room and contacted some of his connection to get information.

"Now that place will be sort out I need the capital, from what I understand I atleast need more 20k to start the business on rental property. If I bought the property it will go upto 80-100k dollars. I need to prepare some money but how can I??,"

Zhang Wei said and fell onto his bed. He tried to thought every possible way to generate money.

'Should I take a loan, but who give a 18 years old loan.. Then ask for my father.. That's not a option. Then where should I seek the capital from. Do I own anything that can be sold at higher cost I don't think so,'

Zhang Wei got up and searched his cabinet and found a passbook of his bank account.

'International Bank. Let's how much balance I have, hmmm 8k dollars. That must be the money former Zhang Wei had saved from his pocket money. But even though it's still less,'

"Man, How can I earn money to start my shop, system can you answer that!!!," Zhang Wei shouted in frustration.

Another chapter is dropped. Today is fired start!! Drop some reviews and smash the comments section!! Tehe (^_^)

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