
My Business Empire

This story has been dropped ==================================== Zhang Wei couldn't believe this happened!!!! He was transmigrated to another universe. He became son of wealthy media tycoon!!! But wait, he is son born from wedlock with a maid. He doesn't have anyone's support. No one cares for him. He is obese as hell. He cannot walk without short of breath. But then system appeared. (Congratulations Host for transmigrating successfully, I am your Money Empire System!) "It really appeared!," The system gave him mission against rewards. Zhang Wei completes mission and gains unparalleled wealth. Join the journey of Zhang Wei becoming global tycoon. ==================================== This is work of fiction. Cover is AI generated. Write reviews and comments. Throw some Dwyane Rock Johnson!!! ====================================

ShoTen · Urban
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38 Chs

Ch.010=> Xiao Bei is angry! But I can earn money?? Extraction on son of education minister!!

( I am sorry host I don't have any way to make money, I can only assist you)

"Thought so,"

He got from his bed and went in his balcony..At that moment he saw his elder sister Zhang Bei getting out of Audi Senator.

But her face showed a unpleasant expression. From inside Zhang Wei saw a man with blonde years and creepy smile looking at his elder sister.

'That must be the son of education minister which she was sent to met. Must be nice to get marry according to your choice,'

Zhang Bei got into courtyard and saw Zhang Wei in one of small balcony of mansion. She stared at angrily.

'Hmm Should I stir some reaction,'

"Good afternoon sister, How was your date??," he shouted loud from balcony his sound reached to ears of minister son who was still waiting for Zhang Bei to go inside.

'Zhang Wei what are you doing!!!,' His elder sister thought.

"It was nice Xiao Wei," she said forcing a smile but she lied she didn't like the son of minister he was creepy, he stared at her chest in perverted way through out the meeting.

When the minister son heard it, he shouted laughing in his mind, 'Zhang Bei you fell in love with me don't worry I will take care of you,' He smirked.

"Driver let's go," he said and the car left the courtyard. After they left Zhang Bei couldn't help but get angry at her brother.

"Zhang Wei!!! You stupid what were you trying to achieve!!! He heard everything now I cannot reject for couple of more dates," she shouted and went inside her room with stomping her feets.

At moment as if Zhang Wei received some enlightenment, he cracked a way to earn some money.

"Wait!! I could get some money, Zhang Wei you are genius. You could become millionaire soon," Zhang Wei shouted narcissistic.. He looked back of his sister and understood a way of making money. For that he need to plan it.


In evening Munki was prepared with list of properties that were on sale or rent service. It was according to Zhang Wei requested.

"Sir this is the list of properties I have found, all of them are in our city and some are near your school. I thought you will also like to see some nearby your school," Munki said passing a file which has pictures and details of documents.

"Since I will be going to my school in one month shouldn't it be better to open shop there or should I open it here and control from there," Zhang Wei thought with a finger on his chin.

He looked at prices of properties.

"Oh!! The difference between prices is quite high. The property in my city cost 10k for rent and if bought the minimal price is 70k. And near my school the property rent rate is 80k and if bought it is going upto 300k, man that's some harsh difference..Okay for now I will open a shop here in Jiang City only,"

Zhang Wei said. Munki nodded and took all the property names near his school from file.

"Munki short list the properties which have rent from 10k to 20k near the main market JK. and see if there properly which could be bought under 70k,"

"Understood young master," Munki said and was about to go outside when Zhang Wei stopped him.

"Munki you have been in our security teams since a decade? right," Zhang asked.

"Yes young master, I have been here since I was 20 years old," Munki said with sincerity.

"Then have you done any work of extracting information about person, someone famous or son of some political leaders,".Zhang Wei asked with straight face.

"Umm.. I have done such work on words of your father but it was with help of other teams in mansion,"

"Then do you think you could do it now without any team," Zhang Wei asked without winding the situation.

'Extract information on someone, does young master want to get information on his ex-fiancee,' Munki thought.

"Your face is clear Munki, I doesn't want information on my ex-fiancee, I want on my elder sister to be fiancee, My to be brother in law..Son of education minister, Can you do it,"

"Son of education minister??!!! why??!!,"

Munki asked.

Hello!! Thank you for reading deligently. Drop some mashy juicy reviews. Do some comments make fun drop some gif. I will drop 5 more chapter! Kyu (-_^)

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