
My Anime Phone In Modern Time

Life sucks, follow MC who fully realizes just how shitty life could be. but at his lowest point, his phone gives him a strange nullification that will change his life

itachi1010 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

A Prideful Gold Digger

the next day, Alex entered his classroom and went on to take a seat. he had already heard of the rumors that were spreading of Rin paying poor people to sleep with her. I didn't bother to pay attention to them, Rin was more than capable of handling them. I didn't care if they were saying I was following her because she was paying me good money.

Rin was enraged hearing these rumors, the displeasure was clear on her face as she took a seat next to me. Out of fear she might just slaughter those students who were going around spreading these rumors, she closed her eyes and waited for class to end.

meanwhile, I was busy working on the new technique. throughout the class, he was erasing and destroying papers nonstop, trying to find something that could work.

"Are you not going to pay attention?" I asked calmly, Rin glared at me slightly. she couldn't understand just how I could ignore the rumors that were going around. 

"everything he is teaching is something I already learned years ago. you don't find it weird how I could speak perfect English?" She asked, causing me to freeze slightly. I looked at her for a moment, but I never noticed... it seems like I should start paying more attention to small details.

"what are you working on?" Rin asked as she looked at the paper, she tried to understand it but shockingly found it extremely hard to understand. but after some time, she understood Alex was trying to find a way to use energy to mimic or control time.

"you're trying to control time?" She asked with a shocked look, making me smile slightly at her words. I just nodded, while destroying the paper which was filled with endless mistakes, sighing softly,

"You need a haircut," Rin said seeing me messing around with my messy hair, which I normally was too broke to cut. stunned by her words, I rubbed my hair slightly before nodding slightly. I pulled out my phone and went on to find a place where I could go get my hair cut.

"what type of haircut should I get?" I asked, I never pay for haircuts or try to bother to try and get a good haircut to bring out my charm. but now I wanted to look for a good haircut, one that could bring out my charm.

Rin touched my hair, moving it around to find something that would suit me, Lisa who saw this felt heartache, she was overfilled with jealousy. She looked away while resting her head in her arms,

Soon, class ended and a few people couldn't wait to come over to mock me seeing Rin had gotten up and left. but just as I was about to get up to leave as well, a call sounded from the door.

"Alex." a girl called out as she came up to hug my arms, leaving me stunned for some time. I looked at Emma, the girl who had asked for my number only to be rejected by me.

"Oh my god, it has been too long since we talk. come let's go and eat, I will treat you to dinner." She said with a bright smile.

"How did you find me?" I asked while she pulled me out of the seat and dragged me towards the door, not letting me go.

"Abdi called me and told me where to find you. come, today is Friday, let's go buy you a new phone. it's on me." She said with a bright smile, leaving the students in class stunned. where are sugar mommas lining up to pick up Alex?

Lisa stood there frozen, unable to understand just what was happening. She left her poor boyfriend, for a rich guy. Days later, the rich guy's wealth and fame were destroyed. while the poor guy had girls hanging around him, willing to spoil him... her heart was in pain.

"I was going to buy it online, I was going to go get my hair cut," I said with a complex sigh seeing Emma not willing to let me go. Emma pouted slightly at my words, before taking a deep breath and nodding slightly.

"Fine, what are you planning on doing after? we should hang out." She said to which I shook my head slightly, 

"Well, I was going to go shopping for a car," I said softly, I should buy a car since Rin is going to be busy training from now on. while she is training, I should buy a car and start getting to work. I should also put millions of dollars into my investments.

"Can I come with you? I can help you get the best car." Emma said her eyes bright, I thought for a moment before nodding. she would be perfect for the job. She should be rich with the air about her

"Alright, after school let's go," I said to which she nodded slightly, before letting me go, allowing me to head to get an Uber and go to get a haircut. I went on to get a simple fade and let me tell you something. a haircut could turn an ugly person into an alright-looking person. for me, it made me turn into a perfect 10/10.

I returned to my dorm and took a quick shower before putting on a new pair of clothing. after I returned to class, I found Rin had left and went home, it seemed like she couldn't control herself much longer with the rumors spreading around, so she went home. knowing how ruthless she was, she would most likely try and search for where these rumors came from.

Sitting down, I ignored the eyes which were on me. I didn't mean to brag, but I have grown to be more handsome ever since I got KI, Chakra, and Curse energy. these 3 energies had slowly changed my physique, already a pair of 6 packs were forming, and my once skinny body was growing some muscles even though I didn't work out. but this did increase my hunger. already, I was feeling hungry since I skipped launch to go get a haircut.

My looks were a perfect score. but Rin's looks would be above perfect score, this was because she was a cultivator. for females or males, their charm and beauty would increase with the effect of cultivation, depending on the cultivation art they cultivate, the effect will show far more so than other arts.

"Hey Alex, are you free?" a charming woman walked up to me once class was over, I was stunned by this. but I was quickly stunned to see more females coming over to try and talk to me. This was a first for me, and I was sure none of them knew I had money. they were all just charmed by me.

"I'm going shopping soon..." Before I could continue, a cold and enraged voice sounded while a girl pulled the females around me away.

"getaway. Why are you all bugging around my boyfriend? Alex, come let's go. we have a date to go to." Emma said while hugging my arm, and pulling me out of the classroom. everyone was stunned by this, she didn't even give me a chance to explain she wasn't my girlfriend.

"... sorry, I didn't mean to say you were my boyfriend. I did it to make them not bug around you like that." She said while looking up, only to be stunned upon looking at my appearance, she froze, not understanding how a simple haircut could make someone so handsome.

"Oh..." I of course knew she was telling the half-truth, but she was stunned at the fact she could think so quickly on her feet. 

"Okay... what type of car are you looking for?" She asked while hugging my arm tightly, leading it to press against her breast. I couldn't help but blush slightly, 

"I need a few cars. 3 with a huge amount of space, 1 SUV, 1 good powerful truck, and 1 Luxury car. I just need your help for that last one, a cool car." I said with a smile, there were many jobs Abel had wanted to do. among them was a car wash and house cleaning company, I wanted to start them.

"Oh... let's start with the cool car then. what are looking for, limbo, BMW, Bugatti, Bentley, Porsche..." Emma listed a few car brands, leaving me in deep thought for a moment.

"Which one do you think?" I asked making Emma think for a moment, before asking me the big question

"to find the best one, I should know how much you're willing to pay. some can go for 100k." Emma said to which I shrugged, not caring much. Emma questioned me for some time before she nodded slightly while searching for a car that best suited me.

"Okay, how about the new 2018 BMW M5?" She asked while showing me a picture of the car. I looked at it for some time, before nodding slightly. It wasn't too flashy, it was fast and had power, and it was a luxury car. it was perfect. although I would have to customize it.

So, we got a taxi and went towards the BMW dealership. I paid with my card, before stepping out and going inside.

"Greating, do you have a car you're looking for?" a young woman asked with a gentle smile while walking up to me. She closely sized us up and knew we were not simple. for one, the clothing I was wearing came to a total of $700 or so, she could tell by the brand on them, meanwhile, Emma was a beauty who had the air of a rich girl about her.

"We're here to get the M5, he also wants to see the type of customization he could install onto the car," Emma said seeing me looking towards her, the woman was stunned for a moment before having us wait for one moment as she went to go talk to her manager, after a moment the manager came to greet us and brought us to his office where he kindly offered us something to drink, which we kindly took while he went on to help us build our car.

It took hours to get the right build, which came to a total of 170k which I bought for. the dealership told me the car might take some time to be customized with the stuff I asked for, so he gave me a temporary car to drive in the meantime.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you," I said with a smile, to which the dealership owner shook his head quickly while giving me his card.

"no, it was my pleasure. if anything happens, or if you need anything. please, call me." he said to which I nodded slightly before entering the BMW he had given me, before starting it up, while Emma was lost in the world of the rich she had just seen, I drove off, heading towards the next place, a ram dealership.

"w-why do you want to go buy so many cars?" Emma asked softly, to which I answered truthfully.

"This is simply an investment for my plans. the car I bought is for appearance, this next one is going to be for work." I said calmly, to which Emma nodded slightly while looking deeply at me. seeing this I spoke.

"Emma... I don't want to be rude, but I can't date you. you're only after my money, and thats just not something i'm into." I said seriously, causing Emma to freeze before she tried to explain, but I shook my head

"You don't need to explain, I can know the wealth sizing up look people give to others. the girl at the dealership, the manager, you, and others. I got used to seeing them. the moment you were sizing up my suit last time, I saw it." I said calmly, making Emma go quiet.

"... I have my reasons for wanting your money," Emma said softly, causing me to look at her in interest.

"I don't have skills needed to make money... but I have looks. I wasn't always a gold digger, but one day a rich guy began showing off his money before me. that day I got a necklace worth hundreds without doing anything and simply listening to a guy showing off. he took me out many more times, and I made thousands by just listening and showing interest to him." Emma said softly, while looking outside the window.

"I have no skills for anything, I realized the best way I could ever make money is by simply hanging out with rich boys. I have the looks. I played the role of a rich girl, and I managed to get my money that way from countless guys. does that make me a bad guy?" She asked while looking at me.

"playing into other egos for money... that is a skill to make money. but why do you need all that money for that you don't just put a ring on someone?" I asked calmly, making Emma lower her head slightly.

"I'm the neglected last born in my family. my elder brother is working for a big company, my elder sister is working to be a doctor, and my other elder sister is the most beautiful, she is spoiled... this leaves me. the least talented, unskilled youngest child they have. I'm pushed to the back of their minds, i'm easily forgotten, and ignored. this is how I also feed my ego while making some money." She said softly, to which I shook my head slightly. it seems like people had their struggles. I could tell she wasn't lying,

"... If you knew, why did you hang out around me?" She asked, in her eyes she couldn't understand why Alex would keep her around knowing she was only after her money.

"I was too nice to just push you away like this... just now I realized if I didn't tell you the cold hard truth, you would... you know." I said softly, Emma looked at me deeply for a moment, before speaking.

"you're different..." She said softly, she had seen many young masters, many spoiled brats who believed their father was all-powerful. Yet, I was so lowkey compared to others. the fact I was even going to spend money on future investments left her stunned.

"Don't get me wrong, i'm still a virgin," Emma said quickly changing the subject. I looked at her weirdly, clearly not believing in her.

"I'm not lying. I have my pride," Emma said displeased I didn't trust her. but she indeed wasn't lying, she had grown an ego easily ignoring those young masters. what was better than using a guy for all of their money, before leaving them raging after she took their gifts?

"I played them all... plus, my pride wouldn't allow me to just roll around in bed with some foolish monkey." She said softly. I looked at her slightly, and seeing as she was telling the truth, I shook my head.

"enraging these rich young masters isn't a smart idea. You do not know that the rich can ignore the law. kidnapping you, taking you away, and selling you off the sea to be a slave is all a possibility." I said calmly, leaving Emma stunned for a second. if someone else said this, she wouldn't care much, but I was rich.

"Power is held by the rich, normally those who do what you're doing now use their body to keep the rich ego high. meanwhile, you took their stuff and left. thats dangerous." I said, causing Emma's face to turn pale slightly.

"how many people did you cheat of their money?" I asked calmly, Emma thought for a moment before shakingly speaking.

"a good 30... it all started in 12th grade, thats the main reason I came to this college." She said with a bitter smile, I shook my head slightly, before taking out my phone, leaving Emma speechless, before she realized I was lying to her all of this time.

"My number is ***-***-****. call me when trouble comes knocking, but if you started it, I will not do much." I said calmly, Emma nodded slightly while asking me to repeat the number once more.

"Thank you," Emma said softly, I looked at her for a moment before smiling slightly.

"You want a job? I will give you the chance to manage the car wash on my behalf. what do you think?" I asked, stunning Emma

"the car wash is simple, you will be in charge of taking calls. get their locations, and go to them and wash their cars, inside and out. You simply had to schedule which car would be taken next, along with many other things. due to the difficulty of this and the risk, your pay would be highly dependent on how many cars you do a day." I said calmly, leaving Emma stunned.

"Thats your plan?" She asked in shock, in her eyes, she couldn't see how this line of business would do well.

"the world is getting lazy. why go to the car wash when you can just pay extra for them to come to your house and do the work?" I asked leaving Emma stunned slightly,

"depending on how well you can do, you could make up to 10k... no, more than 10k a month. you would be the manager, in charge of hiring, and firing. you would also have to manage the money as well as everything else." I said calmly, Emma closed her eyes for some time before speaking slightly.

"I'm willing," Emma said softly, I looked at her for a moment before nodding with a smile, Emma sat back in her seat, in deep thought. this was an opportunity, she could be a manager of a business, making so much money...

So, we arrived at the dealership, where I went to buy a pickup truck with the most space, I gave Emma the keys. the car was in my name, so she couldn't steal it or anything like that...