
My Anime Phone In Modern Time

Life sucks, follow MC who fully realizes just how shitty life could be. but at his lowest point, his phone gives him a strange nullification that will change his life

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs


"what do you think?" standing before 6 cars, 3 vans, 1 SUV,! PickUp truck, and lastly the BMW, Alex stood looking at the speechless Abdi, Abel, and Collin. they were of course stunned, but after hearing my plans for each car, they were moved.



the cars could be split into 2 parts. The pickup truck would be responsible for house cleaning. all of the tools responsible for cleaning would be stored there. with the SUV there just in case.



The second would be for car washing. the 3 vans would be responsible for holding all of the car washing tools, as well as a vacuum. We would be taking the car wash to the people,



As for the BMW, it was for me. I had to enjoy life.



"Amazing... but where do you plan to store them?" Abel asked with bright eyes, this was the idea he had given them. even if it failed, he was 100% on board with this plan. but his words made Alex freeze for a moment. where would he store these cars?



"Well... let's go and buy a house or something to store this stuff at," I said after some thought, making Collin speechless, not understanding just how much money I had. I had more than $12 billion, thanks to my working with Rin. every day I train her, I get paid.



"how much do you have?" Collin asked, to which I thought for a moment. this was a tricky subject, but after some thought I spoke.



"Rin rewarded me... let's just say i'ma Multi-millionaire. but let's ignore it, let all become millionaires first." I said while pulling out my phone and calling Rin, I had gotten her phone number long ago.



"Hey Rin... I wanted your help, can you help me get the mansion Tyron had?" I asked softly once RIn picked up the phone. on the other side, Rin was caught off guard for a moment. She was currently standing before a computer that showed the text screen of a bunch of students, 



"Yeah, that can be done in 10 minutes. you can start driving over... by the way, do you still care for Lisa?" She asked with slight hesitation, 



"... what did she do?" Alex asked with slight hesitation. he couldn't fully hate Lisa, it was because of her he stayed strong and stayed off the streets. if not for her, Alex would most likely be hanging around with some street gang, with how he avoided going home so much. his parents were pieces of shit, if they were alive today, Alex would have crippled them.



"sigh... since you asked that, it shows you care for her. Never Mind, I will have my people get you that mansion." RIn said before hanging up, she looked at the phone screens that belonged to Lisa's dormmates' phone screens.



"Have their parents lose all of their wealth, dig all crimes they could have done. use it against them. I don't want anyone to ever think of hiring them. and have Alex Senpai's mansion, the one Tyron had ready for him within 10 minutes.... as for Lisa, let her be." Rin said coldly, making those who were standing before the computers get to work.



Meanwhile, Alex was stretching his head, wondering just how he would drive these 6 cars to the mansion. Emma was there, Collin, and the others could all take 5 cars, but this would leave behind 1 car. at this, I went on to park the BMW in the school parking spots before going on to head towards Tyron's mansion within the SUV.



As for how these cars got here when I brought them, they were driven over by those at the dealerships.



"Nami, go ahead and put 10 million into Bitcoin, Tesla, and many others that are following the trade. those that make life easier and so on. Such as Amazon, Netflix, and anything else you might see improving." I said calmly while driving,



"Alright, how much are you willing to spend?" Nami asked, making me fall into deep thought for some time before speaking.



"for each stock, you're going to put in 10 million... so, hets go for 100 stocks, a total of 1 billion. When the stock is falling by a dangerous amount, please take it out. if it falls by more than 10% since its peak, thats a good sign to pull out." I said softly, 



"Alright, let me search online first to find the perfect stocks..." Nami went on to do all of the research she could do before she went on to take 1 billion from my bank account. 



Anyways, we soon arrived at the mansion where we went on to park the cars. after which all 5 of us went over the plan. for the following few months, we had to work hard. Abel, Emma, and Collin would be taking car washing jobs. meanwhile, me and Abdi would be doing house cleaning jobs, washing the house from head to toe. but before that, we had to buy the resources which Collin would do.



after planning, we all jumped into the SUV. Although Collin and the others were uneasy about Emma, we needed hands, and I liked to say I was good at judging characters. after dropping everyone at the Dorm, I gave Abel the key to the SUV before I went on to pay a visit to my old job.



"What's taking you so long? Hurry up" an annoyed voice sounded as a fat man yelled at Hope who was mopping the ground. the fat man had an annoyed look seeing how Hope just ignored him, and finished up the mess and went on to move on with her other task



"why are you so slow?" He said in annoyance seeing Hope grabbing a box of stuff which she went on to stack on the shop shelf. He was truly annoyed, he had been trying to expand his shop by allowing Delivery but to think that damn Alex just stopped coming.



adding that they were already low on hands, this was just a bad thing. but at that moment, he noticed a BMW pull up outside. he closely watched as a handsome young man stepped out and entered the shop, he froze seeing it was Alex.



"Hope, let's go. I have stuff to tell you." I said with a smile, Hope was a rough diamond, a person who put 120% work into her work. But above all that, she had outstanding management skills. 



"Alex? I'm working." Hope said to which I waved it off.



"I got a better job," I said with a smile, making Hope hesitate for a moment. She looked at the fat man for a moment before shaking.



"I can't just leave. after work." Hope said, making me press my lips slightly. She took her job seriously, but I nodded while looking towards the fat man who was looking at me in shock. I looked around the shop for a moment, a plan slowly forming in my head. I could buy this place, and use it as the base for my cleaning company. people would be able to just walk in and make their orders. this store wasn't in a cheap area, but a place which had many people passing by.



'... I would draw away all of the workers here to work for me. I can drive this place into the ground.' I thought while grabbing something to eat. I was hungry, I had yet to eat. I was planning on taking Emma to eat at a restaurant, but I had gotten distracted. I wish to have a manager as I couldn't plan, I live in the moment. I understood this was bad, time was money. every second could be worth millions.



the fat man took a moment to snap out of his shock before asking me the question he felt like he didn't want the answer to.



"What happened?" He asked, to which I smiled slightly.



"i'm richer than you, thats what happened," I said with a cold smile, this fat man... I wanted to give him a good fist. being treated like a dog for many years... well, years of stored-up hatred would be released soon. with a smile, I paid for the snicker bar and went on with the day, leaving Hope to do her job.



after I left, the fat man was softer on Hope, realizing that Hope might be taken away. sadly, Hope already made up her mind. She only had an hour of work to do, and once that was done she stepped outside, and I pulled up. I had left to go kill some time. Hope was uneasy about entering the BMW, it looked too expensive,



"alright. I have everything set for the business. I want you to be my manager." I said while driving towards a restaurant, at my words, Hope froze.



"I know your skills and your potential. I want you to manage all of the business and other stuff on my behalf. of course, the pay would be good. for now, I will pay you 5k a month since you would have nothing much to do. but in the future that would increase." I said with a smile, leaving Hope stunned. 5k a month, that was a lot. $20 an hour, which was huge compared to her current job of only $8 an hour.



"unlike here, you would work 24/7. that means at any moment you might have to get to work. but you would get your car, I will even get you dressed up for the role." I said leaving Hope moved, and after a moment she nodded.



"I accept, when do I start," Hope asked, before nodding my head in approval.



"right now. Congratulations Hope, as of this moment, you're my manager, in charge of handling everything under me." I said to which Hope nodded greatly, she looked up and realized we were not going to her home. Instead, we were pulled up to a buffet, where we went to eat our full.



Hope got full quickly, she was used to eating a small amount of fool, so she got full quickly. meanwhile, I fished over 5 plates before we were kicked out.



"How can you eat so much and stay fit??" Hope asked with a weird look, she just couldn't understand where all that food I ate went.



"You will understand in the future. for now, I will give you some homework. Listen to some audiobooks related to the subject of cultivation, as well as the anime, Dragon Ball, One Piece, Naruto, and JJK." I said calmly, leaving Hope confused. She watched as I pulled out my phone, sending her a few light novels, and web novels, with a list of Anime



"Also, you can stop going to work. i'm going to pay you in advance. Your only job for the following month is to understand those," I said to which Hope nodded slightly. I went on to drop her home, and by home, I met her apartment.



She lived in a dangerous neighborhood, it was common for murder to take place with gang shootings, although it had improved over the past few years, it still wasn't a safe place to live.



"Hope, I can give you a place to stay. Have your family come with me," I said calmly, leaving Hope stunned. She gave me a complex look for a moment.



"You're being too nice..." She said softly, with how kindly Alex was treating her, how could she ever repay him? She was not used to the outside world being so friendly to her, she was poor, and therefore she was an easy target.



"I see your worth," I said with a soft smile, leaving Hope stunned for a second, but after some time of looking around the neighborhood, she nodded slightly. She had always wanted to take her family out of her. her pride meant nothing in the face of her family.



following her to her home, we were greeted by 2 kids... well, one of them was a teen. Daniel was Hope's eldest younger sibling. he was 14 years old, compared to Hope Daniel wasn't all that skinny and had better clothing. the youngest sibling was Charlotte, she was 10 years old.



"Go and pack your things, we will be leaving to go stay somewhere else," Hope said softly, stunning her siblings. although Hope left them home most of the time, they were good kids. After coming from College, Hope made sure to pick them up from school and bring them home to help them with their homework. She made sure they were doing well. She played the role of father, mother, and elder sister.



Simply helping them with their homework, and walking them to and from school wasn't enough. She did a lot of stuff to support her family and make sure their future could be as bright as possible.



Hope went to her father's room, where she saw a sickly old man lying in bed. She went on to wake him up and told him everything. her father wasn't that old, he was only in his 50s, and he didn't have an incurable illness, but without money what could she do?



It took some time, but soon, the whole family hopped into my BMW. the whole family knew me and were of course stunned by the car I had, they were even more shocked seeing me pulling up to a mansion. they of course would not be staying there forever. just a month at most before I had them move into a house they would pay me to stay at.



I gave Hope a Key to the truck before I went on with my day. I suddenly got a call from an unknown number, 



"Hello?" I asked calmly,



"Hello, is this AlexanderSmith?" a female voice came from the other side of the phone, causing me to go quiet for a second before I spoke



"Yes, may I know who is speaking?" I asked with a slight frown.



"I am calling to inform you to let you know you're the new owner of Smooth Sea Restaurant," the woman said respectfully, leaving me stunned and confused



"Smooth Sea restaurant is a company which I bought 100% of the stock with just 3 million. they are a seafood restaurant that has been trying to work with Doordash, Uber Eats, and others.." Nami said making me fall into deep thought for a moment



"Alright, can I arrange a meeting?" I asked calmly, to which the female quickly spoke

"Oh yes, is tomorrow alright?" She asked quickly. By the way she wanted to quickly meet me, I could tell there might be something fishy in this seafood restaurant I owned. but I nodded, tomorrow morning we scheduled a meeting at a restaurant.



Smooth Sea restaurant was a restaurant which has been doing well for the past few years it had been opening. leading to it becoming a business worth millions, but lately, its value has been dropping. time was changing and they were trying to adapt to the changes, they were not doing anything wrong, they were just unlucky. 

Seeing this, I sighed before I fell into deep thought, allowing my head to wander.



"... Nami, do you think I still like Lisa?" I suddenly asked while rolling the the window, to stick my hand outside, and play around with the strong wind.



"Let me play therapist for a moment. you can stop me if I say anything off." She said before little out a small cough to clear her throat, before she went on to speak.



"Lisa was your world for years, it's understandable you felt slightly suicidal that night. that wasn't your day, you ran in on her cheating, she dumped you, and a few minutes later, you were hit with the fact your car broke down. but you were distracted from all of your pains the next moment as you got your hands on me. ever since you have been ignoring the pain. avoiding it, fearing the pain." Nami said making me frown



"you're rushing into business, you brought Tyron's old house, you went on to buy clothing with big brand names, you bought a cool car, and most of all you avoid looking at her. I will not say you still like her, but your heart is shattered and you can't bring yourself to remember that night. so, you're putting your mind elsewhere to distract yourself from the pain. In the past, i'm 100% sure you would have been charmed by RIn be it if you were going out with Lisa or not. but now, you fear to even think of her as nothing more than a friend." Nami said softly,



"Speak with Lisa, you need to heal. simple wounds are easy to heal, but wounds of the heart can't be ignored by simply ignoring them and giving them time. So don't ignore it," She said making me take a deep breath for a moment, I closed my eyes lost in deep thought... what was I to do?



I listened to my heart which was feeling slight pain at the moment. Nami's words hurt, one should know Lisa was the sun in my world for a good amount of my life. When my parents beat me, she was the one to bandage my injuries. when I was about to hang out with the wrong crowd, she pulled me back and pushed me to put 100% of my attention into my school work. before college, her parents allowed me to sleep in their basement until I took up a dorm room in college.



She was a huge reason I was the person I am today, she was a huge reason I wasn't on the street selling drugs, or carrying a gun on the streets. She was the person I cared most for in my life, so when she betrayed me... I was going to end it. to me that was no simple girlfriend, she was my motivation to be something great.



How am I to face her? Rage? disappointment? hopeful? I didn't know. All I wanted to do was to go our way. I never want to see her again, but I guess I needed closure...



entering her phone number, I went on to hesitate seeing the name that popped up. Babe, surrounded by many emoji. Steeling my heart, I went on to call her.