
My Airport Mistake

At her work place, May refused to give her information out to a handsome young man. Who knew he would persistently chase after her. When they meet again, a misunderstanding occurs which led to May being kidnapped and transported to another world. In this mysterious world of magic and mystical beings, is it truly a misunderstanding? Does she really want to return home or stay there and explore this new found place?

Kurogom · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Run V


"You have ten minutes to get to Blue Triangle." That's the first text message May received from 'The Boss' one morning a month later.

"Who is this? 'The Boss'? I don't remember saving anyone's number and naming them 'The Boss'. So demanding too." May mumbled and tossed the phone aside after responding back "Who is this?".

"Not only are you good at running away, you're good at pretending too. Do you need me to send my men to your door?" The Boss responded back.

'What is this person talking about? When did I run away? What men…? THE BOSS! THAT GANG BOY!' May suddenly jumped once she realized who she was texting.

"Is this Drone's boss? The gangster leader of the business group who chased me for 6 months earlier this year?" May quickly responded back.

"Dare to say that to me in person? You have 5 minutes to get down here!" The raging text came.

"Where is down here? Outside my door? Your place? I need to know more details man!" May texted back as she hurried to wash up. It is a Saturday morning and she was trying to sleep in. He sent an address while she was brushing her teeth. As she put on her clothes, she entered the address into the GPS. 'Twenty minutes away. He expects me to get there in five minutes? Hell no man! Fifteen minutes the soonest!' May cursed.

"I'll get there in about 25 minutes!" May irritably texted back. She grabbed her keys and GPSed the way. The location is in downtown near the fancier side. The address is for Blue Triangle. A five star restaurant at that.

May looked at the restaurant in disbelief once she arrived outside the door. 'No way I am going to get inside. I'm not even dressed for something that fancy. In fact, I don't even have clothes fancy enough for this place! Why does he want to meet here of all places?? Do I just walk in or…?

A young doorman stood outside the entrance at the podium. "Hello. Do you have a reservation set already or would you like to make one?" He asked as politely as he could. One could tell May didn't have a lot of money and was being looked down upon.

"Neither but a businessman told me to come to this location. He is fairly young, has several body guards, stuck up, acts like a gangster. Is he inside?" May responded coolly.

"Young Master Fury? Why would he ask someone like you here?" The valor asked in surprise.

"Beats me. Let him know I'm here, if not, let me in. The sooner I get in there or he gets out here, the sooner I can leave," May responded.

The doorman opened the door and pointed in the general direction of 'Young Master Fury'. May followed his direction. The smell of breakfast made her tummy rumble. Soon she came upon an enclosed area with two bodyguards outside the entrance. She paused for a moment before walking past them and peeped inside. A stunning young man was sitting in the middle of the table full of food. Eggs, bacon, oatmeal, grits, biscuits, yogurt, anything that belonged to the "breakfast" group could be seen on this table. All very delicious looking. He didn't even look up when May knocked on the side to enter.

"Sit." He said sternly and took a bite of eggs with bacon.

May sat in the furthest seat from him but closest to the entrance obediently. She looked around as he took more bites of his breakfast. An open "window" on the left side, four trees in a pot at each corner, and a painting set of three of some European waterway in each of the open walls. After a few minutes passed and nothing was said, May spoke up.

"So… What am I doing here?"

Silence. Another minute or so passed. He continued to eat.

"If you're not going to say anything important, I'm gonna leave. I have nothing to do here but awkwardly watch you eat," she said, annoyed.

He finished his bite and looked up at her. He stared for a moment before speaking. "Eat. This is my treat."

"If this is for me, why are you eating it before I arrive? Does it make sense to eat before the person it's for to arrive?" May questioned without moving. Her tummy rumbled some more. 'Free food… Is it really free though?'

"Eat, don't eat. It is your choice. This is my thanks for returning Mary to us," he said as he got another fork full.

"This is your 'thank you'?" she said looking at the food. "You know, a heads up about this meeting would've been nice. You sure you're in the business industry and not some spoiled rich boy?" May still haven't moved but eyed a banana. Her tummy rumbled again.

His fork stopped moving and he placed it down beside his plate. He looked up at her and coldly said, "If you're not going to eat, then leave."

"Thank you. Have a good day. Please don't contact me again since you have already thanked me for saving Mary." May got up and turned to leave. The two guards outside immediately took a step to their side blocking her way out. She looked up at them curiously and then tried to find another way out. There is an opening big enough to fit someone if one squeeze through behind the guard on the right. She made her way to it but the guard took a step back.

'Hmph! What a guy!' She puffed.

She turned around for any other openings but only the hole on the left side was a possibility. She made her way there and got onto a chair to climb out. Once she was out of the window, one of the guards directed her back to the entrance. The Boss was still eating and didn't care at all what was going on. Annoyed, she tried to leave again but the guards kept blocking her. She shook her head and finally sighed.

"Why aren't you guys letting me pass? He said I can leave."

Not a word from anyone, not even a grunt. She looked at the two guards who only looked in front of them. She was almost two heads shorter so she wasn't even in their view. She looked back at the man who was still eating and then turned again to the entrance.

'Should I just force my way out or should I sprint my way out or should I call for help or what should I do?' She pondered this thought before agreeing with herself to do a sprint once she gets past the two guards.

She pushed the two guards to the side which made no difference since they didn't even budge. She pushed the guard on the left and still no movement. She kicked the one on the right in the shin. His face twitched but made no movements. She did a quick sprint over to the window opening from before but one of the guards arrived there right away. She then sprinted back to the entrance and squeezed in between the legs of both guards and dashed out to a small hallway for the waiters and waitresses to come by with food and drinks. She had cut right in front of a lady walking out with food who had to step back to avoid getting hit. The two guards reacted fast and quickly followed her only to pause because of the lady. She stepped onto a pot of plants and pushed herself over the wall where other customers were at. Luckily the spot she chose had no one. She rolled over onto the table and fled for the exit. One of the guards jumped over and followed her while the other weaved between tables and customers for the exit. He shouted to not let her escape. Murmurs from customers and employees could be heard for the confusion. Everything happened too suddenly for anyone not involved to comprehend what was going on, but one of the guys at the front did try to stop her. He stepped out from behind the counter to block the door. The doorman didn't hear the commotion inside the building so he opened the door to let some customers in. May made a dash between the employee who was stopping her and pushed the door open wider, surprising the doorman and the customers. "Sorry!" she shouted as she ran out.

She ran towards her car only to slow down since there were three men waiting for her there. 'Great, these guys just won't leave me alone. I'll just head over to some other place and wait them out.' She angrily thought. She looked at them as they stared at her, ready to grab her if she went their way. She glanced back and the two guards from the restaurant were close behind her. She got back on her toes and made a sharp turn to the right and headed to the other side of the parking lot where there is a crowd of people. Two of the men from her car sprinted her way.

She glanced back to see how far any of them were. 'So close! These guys can run! I would definitely want them as my bodyguards! Too bad I've been training myself for these kinds of things since the first time. Maybe I'll be able to escape.'

She ran into a group of people, slightly bumping into a few and harshly crashing into one or two. She apologized as she hit every person while keeping her eyes straight ahead to look for the next piece of escape tool. Dead in the center was the town park with trees and less humans. She ran there and could hear people shouting after her. Another glance back and a big hand swung by, just about to grab her by the shoulder. Her sudden turn made him grab nothing and missed. She turned to her right and dashed out of the way of the second guy, back into a crowd of humans.

She could feel her insides starting to burn from the lack of oxygen and muscles aching from jumping and dodging. She pushed herself to keep going. She kept wondering as she fled and narrowly escaped every grasping hand, 'Why do I continue to run? It'll be easier if they just catch me… But I kind of enjoy this! It's not everyday that I can actually exercise nor make myself exercise so this is like a very fun and extreme game of tag! Just don't get caught… Who knows what that boss has in mind in that crazy head of his.'

At one point, May dodged one of the men and bumped into a man who suddenly turned and angrily scolded them. He looked like a coach for either a sports team or a boxing team. He was buff and built and tan.

"Are you blind?! People are trying to enjoy this wonderful day out here and you are horse playing like some kid?!" He was talking to the man who almost got her.

"Sir, they are chasing me for no reason! Please help me!" May quickly begged and got behind the man. One of the men was next to a couple nearby. The other two were behind her somewhere. They didn't seem out of breath at all!

"You're a grown ass adult. Why are you chasing this kid? Did she steal from you?" He asked the man in the suit. The man stretched out his arm in front of May to protect her from the chasers. These men were short of words so naturally the guy didn't answer him back. Instead, he quickly made a dash for May. The man she bumped into had quick reflexes and blocked him right away. They ended up tussling and causing a scene.

While both men were busy with each other, the other man near the couple by May made his move. He started his way towards her but she made a dash over the tussling men and broke open the tight group of people crowding the area. She heard someone shout "Someone else is chasing her!" and then "Two others! Look!"

She didn't dare look back knowing how close they were and how serious their grabbing hands are. She kept moving forward and making turns until she got lost. The chase lasted for a while before she finally gave up when she ended up at a dead end. Heavy footsteps could be heard behind her but as she still wanted one last chance to avoid getting caught. Nearby were two dumpsters. She quickly went to the farthest one, squeezing into its nasty back side, hoping they wouldn't see her. The smell of the dumpster was horrible. Rotting mold and food along with diapers from who knows where and when, she held her breath.

Soon footsteps could be heard. The footsteps stopped right beside the dumpster. She didn't see them but dared not to move a single inch. After a brief moment, they turned to leave. May continued to hold her breath until she couldn't hear them anymore. She waited for another five minutes to pass before moving out of her hiding space. She took several deep breaths of cleaner air and got onto her feet. She cautiously walked to the edge of the road and peeked around. No men in black anywhere, only people walking from store to store or taking their smoke breaks.

She walked out onto the street and quickly made her way to find a familiar area, also avoiding any human's range of smell as she stunk terribly. After some turns she finally arrived on a street she recognized. Still no signs of the chasers but more and more people have come out to enjoy this beautiful Saturday afternoon. After pondering whether to go straight to her car and drive home or visit a nearby friend and shower at her place first, she decided to just walk to the friend's place. Her friend lives in one of the big and expensive apartments that her rich boyfriend gave her. She made her way there and not even five minutes later, as she passed a red light, a big hand appeared out of nowhere behind her, covered her mouth, and grabbed her waist. She was quickly dragged into a vehicle.